Monitor Settings
The monitors page allows you to view, create, manage, and organize your monitors. To access it from the Classic UI, select Manage Data > Monitoring > Monitors; from the New UI, select Alerts > Monitors.

Monitor attributes​
Each monitor is assigned the following attributes:
- Name. Name of the monitor.
- Status. Shows the status of the monitor - Normal, Critical, Warning, or Missing Data. A monitor can be in multiple states at the same time. Normal indicates none of the trigger conditions are met and your data is actively being monitored.
- For Critical and Missing Data monitors, hover your cursor over its Status and click the open icon to view all alerts triggered by that monitor.
- For Critical and Missing Data monitors, hover your cursor over its Status and click the open icon to view all alerts triggered by that monitor.
- Subscribed. Indicates whether or not you're subscribed to receive alerts from a monitor.
- Type. Indicates whether the monitor type is either logs or metrics.
- Tags. Lists the tag(s) applied to a monitor.
- Created By. The user who created the monitor.
- Last Modified. The time the monitor was last updated, shown in the time zone designated in your user preferences.
- Capacity Used. The number of logs and metrics monitors in your account.
Search and filter monitors​
At the top of the page, you can:
- Search Monitors. If you know a monitor's name or partial name, enter that in the input field to run a search.
- Add a filter. Click in this field to view a list of available filters, such as Status and Tag, to search monitor attributes. To view all monitors that are currently triggered, click Status: All Triggered.
- Add a filter. Click in this field to view a list of available filters, such as Status and Tag, to search monitor attributes. To view all monitors that are currently triggered, click Status: All Triggered.
- Add > New Folder. Creates a folder to organize your monitors.
- Add > New Monitor. Creates a new monitor.
- Add > Import. Imports monitors from the exported JSON you copied from the More Actions menu in the Details pane of the original monitor.
The Import function is provided for you to transfer data immediately. The Sumo Logic JSON format may change without notice. There is no guarantee that you will be able to import the JSON in the future.
Quick menu​
The quick menu allows you to make changes to the monitor without opening the Details pane. Find and hover your mouse over a monitor in the monitors table. A three-dot kebab icon appears on the right of the row. Click the three-dot kebab icon to view a menu with all of the options available in the Details pane.
Monitor details pane​
The monitor details pane provides additional information about a selected monitor, like its query, trigger conditions, and notification preferences. Select any monitor from your Monitors list, and a details pane will appear to the right of the table.
In addition to the details listed under Monitor attributes, you'll also see the following:
- Description. Shows the description, if any.
- Path. Shows the Library location where the monitor is located.
- Query. It is used to track your data.Â
- Notifications. These are configured on the monitor.
- Muting Schedules.
- Detection Method.
- Evaluation Delay.
- Alert Grouping.
- Trigger Conditions. Thresholds value that must met for monitor to trigger an alert. Applicable values include Critical, Warning, and Missing Data. These values are set when you create a monitor and can be based on a variety of metrics such as CPU usage, network latency, application response time.
Convert to anomaly​
Metrics monitors not supported at this time.
Outlier monitors are functionally similar to anomaly monitors, but they tend to generate more noise. From a data usage perspective, anomaly monitors are more cost-effective.
To reduce data usage and alert frequency, you can convert an existing outlier monitor to an anomaly-based monitor by clicking Convert to Anomaly. This action will open a monitor configuration window with the detection method preset to Anomaly, and you can adjust other settings as needed. You’ll then have the option to either disable the original outlier monitor or keep it active.
Alternatively, you can do this from the Scan Estimates pop-up.
For more guidance on optimizing scan costs on Flex Pricing plans, see:
View in Log Search​
The View in Log Search button opens a new Log Search page with the monitor’s query preloaded in the search field. You can run the query to compare the search results against the threshold values set in your monitor.
View in Metrics Explorer​
The View in Metrics Explorer button allows you to view a monitor’s threshold values in the Metrics Explorer. It directs you to the Metrics Explorer page with the threshold values applied, enabling you to compare the set thresholds against the displayed data in the Metrics Explorer graph.
To view how the threshold values are applied in Metrics Explorer, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Trigger Conditions section and note the thresholds values defined for Critical and Warning data conditions. All other parameters, such as the 15-minute window and the "at all times" option, will be set to default.
- Click the View in Metrics Explorer button
. The Metrics Explorer page will display with the same threshold values applied to the panel and graph.
- On the Panel settings page, click threshold icon
to view the defined threshold values for the monitor.
- To adjust the chart view, you may need to change the time range in the graph, as the default window is set to 15 minutes.
Note that the same threshold translating functionality supports to Creating Monitor from the Metrics Explorer and Opening Alerts Response Page in the Metrics Explorer
Edit a monitor​
Click the Edit button to make changes to the selected monitor.

Disable a monitor​
Click the Disable button put the monitor in a disabled state so it will not fire any notifications.

Mute a monitor​
Click the Mute button mute the monitor. See also: Muting Schedules.

More actions​
Click the More Actions menu to view more options, including:
- Copy Path. Copies the path of the monitor to your computer clipboard.
- Duplicate. Copies the monitor and gives you creator permissions on the duplicated monitor.
- Move. Moves the monitor to a different path.
- Export. Provides JSON of the monitor, allowing you to transfer content within Sumo Logic by copying this JSON, then pasting it into the import dialog in the Library location you choose. This JSON format may change without notice.Â
- Copy Link. Copies a link to the monitor. Provide the link to any Sumo Logic user in your organization so they can view the monitor. While this option doesn't allow you to share the monitor in the same way you can share a dashboard, you can use this option to quickly allow others in your Sumo Logic organization to view the monitor details.

Tags allow you to categorize, search, filter, and correlate your monitors and alerts more effectively. They are key/value pairs that add metadata beyond the basic name and description of your monitors and alerts. Example tag: team=alerting
, where the key is team
and the value is alerting
Creating tags​
You can create and use tags at different stages:
Adding tags while creating a monitor​
When setting up a new monitor, follow the steps in the Monitor Details section to add tags in the key=value
Adding tags to existing monitors​
You can also add tags to monitors that are already created.
- Classic UI. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Manage Data > Monitoring > Monitors. New UI. Go to Alerts > Monitors from the main menu, or use the Go To... menu at the top of the screen to navigate to Monitors.
- Select a monitor from the list and double-click on it.
- In the side panel, click Edit.
- Under the Monitor details step, create a tag using the
format, following these syntax rules:- Tag keys cannot start with the prefixes
- Tag keys can only contain letters, numbers, and/or the symbols
- Tag values can only contain letters, white spaces, numbers, and/or the symbols
- A maximum of 50 tags can be associated with each monitor.
- Tag keys cannot start with the prefixes
- Click Save.
Using tags in alerts​
After you’ve created tags for a monitor, these tags will be applied to future alerts generated by the monitor. You can view and use tags in different places:
- Alert List. Classic UI. Navigate to the Alerts section by clicking the notification bell icon at the top of your Sumo Logic dashboard. New UI. Select Alerts > Alert List or click the Go To... menu at the top of the screen and select Alert List. You'll see a Tags column, and you can filter by tags at the top.
- Alert Response. Click on any alert in your Alerts List page to see more details, including tags in the Tags section.
Monitor folder permissions​
This section describes permissions for monitor folders. This feature is not enabled by default in all accounts. To request access, contact Support.
Access to folders that contain monitors is controlled by permissions. If you have the Manage Monitors role capability, you can grant one or more roles permissions to folders that you have created. If you have the Admin Monitors capability you can manage permission to all folders on the Monitors page. The permissions you can set are:
- Read. View-only access to monitors in the folder.
- Update. Ability to edit monitors in the folder.
- Create. Ability to create new monitors in the folder.
- Delete. Ability to delete monitors from the folder.
- Manage. Ability to move folders and to grant other roles permissions to the folder. If you grant this permission, the permissions listed above will be granted as well.
To set permissions for a monitors folder:
- Classic UI. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Manage Data > Monitoring > Monitors.
New UI. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Alerts > Monitors. You can also click the Go To... menu at the top of the screen and select Monitors. - Right-click on the folder whose permissions you want to set, and click Edit Permissions. This option is present only if you have been granted Manage permission for the folder.
- On the edit popup, note that the user who created the folder, and roles with the Admin Monitors capability, automatically have all permissions to the folder.
- You can make the following edits:
- You can use the checkboxes to change the permissions currently assigned to a role that was explicitly added to the folder. (You can’t change the permissions to the Administrator and Monitors Admin role.)
- You can click Add Role to add a role to the folder. You’ll be prompted with the "Your Entire Organization" option, and a list of roles. Select "Your Entire Organization" or one or more more roles, and checkmark the permissions you want to grant. If you grant access to a specific role in addition to "Your Entire Organization" users of that role will be granted the least restrictive access defined by the two permission sets.
- You can remove a role that was explicitly added to the folder. To do so, mouse over the role in the edit popup, and click the X that appears.
The permissions you set for a folder are inherited by that folder’s subfolders. When a user views permissions for such subfolders, the inherited permissions will be grayed out. It is not possible to deselect inherited permissions, but you can add additional permissions. Inherited permissions can only be removed by removing them from the higher level folder where they were assigned.
Monitor History​
In the Monitor History tab, you can view the history of all triggered alerts of your selected monitor.