Role Management APIs V2 (Beta)

Roles determine the functions that users are able to perform in Sumo Logic. The Role Management API (V2) allows you to configure access on partitions and manage roles from HTTP endpoints.
To manage roles, you must have an administrator role or your role must have been assigned the Manage Users and Roles capability.
To get started with Sumo Logic APIs, see API Authentication, Endpoints, and Security.
Our APIs are built with OpenAPI. You can generate client libraries in several languages and explore automated testing.
To access our API documentation, navigate to the appropriate link based on your Sumo deployment. Deployment types differ based on geographic location and account creation date. If unsure, see Which endpoint should I use?
Migrate audit logs queries from Role Management API V1 to V2​
If you use role-based audit data filtering, we recommend you migrate the search from V1 to V2 audit logging.
With advanced search filters added, you can obtain more granular information about the selected role. The filterPredicate
field in V1 audit logging is replaced with logAnalyticsFilter
, auditDataFilter
, and securityDataFilter
fields in V2. In addition, we have also added selectionType
and selectedViews
fields to apply for audit data filtering.
Currently, Role Management APIs V2 records both the V1 and V2 log line changes.
V2 changes are only applicable for RoleUpdate
and RoleCreated

For example, consider you are interested in querying upon audit logs with change in RoleUpdated
or RoleCreated
events. Now, if you perform this search you will initially see the V1 type of event in the search results. However, to view the results with the V2 event type, you are required to adjust the parameters in the query.
| json fields=_raw "roleIdentity.roleName" as role_name
| json fields=_raw "eventTime" as eventTime
| json fields=_raw "role.filterPredicate" as create_role
| json fields=_raw "to.filterPredicate" as update_role
| json fields=_raw "" as actor
| json fields=_raw "eventName" | where eventName matches "RoleCreated" OR eventName="RoleUpdate"
| count by eventTime, eventName, actor, role_name, create_role, update_role
| json fields=_raw "roleIdentity.roleName" as role_name
| json fields=_raw "eventTime" as eventTime
| json fields=_raw "role.logAnalyticsFilter" as created_log_analytics_filter
| json fields=_raw "role.auditDataFilter" as created_audit_data_filter
| json fields=_raw "to.logAnalyticsFilter" as updated_log_analytics_filter
| json fields=_raw "to.auditDataFilter" as updated_audit_data_filter
| json fields=_raw "" as actor
| json fields=_raw "eventName" | where eventName matches "RoleCreatedV2" OR eventName="RoleUpdateV2"
| count by eventTime, eventName, actor, role_name, created_log_analytics_filter, created_audit_data_filter, updated_log_analytics_filter, updated_log_analytics_filter
Required role capabilities​
To use the APIs in this resource, the user or account executing APIs must have the following role capabilities:
- User Management (all role capabilities)