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Search Query Language Support for Traces

You can use our Search Query Language in a log search to query raw spans from tracing data for the same period as the default partition.

Tracing data retention in _trace_spans index is the same as default log index retention.


  • The following operators are not supported when searching trace span data:
    • cat
    • Logreduce without a field, value, or key suffices
  • _index and _view are not supported other than when specified as _trace_spans.
  • Adding to Dashboard is supported as long as your total dashboard-originated _trace_spans read volume does not exceed 200x of your tracing ingest. Contact your Sumo Logic representative for paid subscription service options for volume requirements exceeding 200x of your tracing ingest.
  • Field extraction rules are not supported as the index has well defined schema
  • Data forwarding is not supported

Search span data

Searching span data is the same as running a log search. You just need to specify the _index metadata field with the value _trace_spans in the keyword search expression (also called the scope) of your query.

To search your tracing data do the following:

  1. Classic UI. Go to the Home screen and select Log Search.
    New UI. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Logs > Log Search. You can also click the Go To... menu at the top of the screen and select Log Search.
  2. On the Search page, enter the following in the text box: _index=_trace_spans
  3. Choose a time range up to seven days ago that you'd like to review.
  4. Click Start to run the search.


A Keyword Search Expression defines the scope of data for the query. You need to specify _index=_trace_spans in the scope to reference your trace data.

_any option

In scenarios where users are not familiar with the schema and would like to search across all the fields, _any modifier provides a means to search for a specified value from all of the Ingest Time Fields in your data. For example, to search for data with any field that has a value of success you would put _any=success in the scope of your query.

Syntax: _any<value>

The _any option is not supported outside of the scope of a query. This is supported for the Security and Tracing tiers.

Parse Your Spans

You can parse your spans in the same way you parse log data. This includes any value from the tags field by using the field option with the JSON operator, for example, | json field=tags. See how to Parse JSON Formatted Logs for details.

View Your Search Results

When viewing your search results you can add any parsed fields to display by selecting them from the Field Browser on the left, or by using the fields operator in your query. The following image shows a query using the fields operator to display operation, service, spanid, statuscode, and traceid. The Field Browser can also set the fields to display.
spans search with fields highlighted.png

Monitors and Scheduled Searches

You can also set Monitors and Scheduled Searches for Traces.

Span structure

Each span is written in JSON format. Span attributes are parsed to individual fields where the full content of tags and values are parsed into the tags field. The Message field for tracing data remains empty.

The following two lists contain the fields returned in your search results after running a query:

Displayed by default:

  • Time
  • Message (empty and reserved for future use)

Sumo Logic built-in fields:

  • Collector (reserved for future use, the value is set to InternalCollector)
  • Size (reserved for future use, the value is set to 0)
  • Source (reserved for future use, the value is set to InternalSource)
  • Source Category
  • Source Host
  • Source Name (reserved for future use, the value is set to “Http Input”)

The following is a table of automatically-parsed span attributes:

Span fieldDescription
endtimestampThe end timestamp of the span
kindEither internal, server, or client as set by client instrumentation
operationThe operation name such as url, SOA call, or db statement as set by client instrumentation
parentspanidThe identifier of the parent span as set by client instrumentation
remoteserviceThe remote service name pointer as detected from span tags
serviceThe service name as set by client instrumentation
spanidThe identifier of the span as set by client instrumentation
starttimestampThe start timestamp of the span
statuscodeThe span status as detected based on span response values from tags
statusmessageThe specific error message from span fields
tagsA JSON formatted list of any other span tags
TraceidThe identifier of the trace as set by client instrumentation


Retrieve all erroneous spans from API service

You can search for spans from the api service that resulted in a status code that is not OK. For example,

| where service = "api"
| where statuscode != "OK"
| fields operation, service, spanid, statuscode, traceid

spans basic example with where operations.png

Break them down by HTTP code status

To find out more details about the errors found in the example above you can look in the tags field and view the http.status_code field.


To extract this tag as a new field and filter it to show only codes below 500 (4xx essentially) you could run the following query:

| where service = "api"
| where statuscode != "OK"
| json field=tags "['http.status_code']" as code
| where code < 500

spans with where operation example.png

View errors by status over time

To chart the number of errors over one-minute intervals by status code you could run the following query:

| where service = "api"
| where statuscode != "OK"
| json field=tags "['http.status_code']" as code
| where code < 500
| timeslice 1m
| count by _timeslice, code
| transpose row _timeslice column code
| sort by _timeslice

The column chart displayed in the following screenshot has normal stacking selected.

new index spans over time example.png

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