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Services List and Map


Classic UI. To access Services, go to the Home screen and select Services.

New UI. To access Services, in the main Sumo Logic menu, select Observability, and then under Application Monitoring, select Services. You can also click the Go To... menu at the top of the screen and select Services.

Services List view

The Services List view provides a compact, high-level overview of your application service health insights, alerts, and KPIs. You can filter and sort your KPI data using the filters and column headers.


KPIs listed in the table reflect the previous 15 minutes of data. Clicking on any service will open the Entities panel allowing for further drill-down.


Alerts in the Service List are displayed based on the configured Monitors in the Sumo Logic platform for a given service.

The Alert status column displays the most severe alert status along with the total number of alerts associated with a given service.

To view alert details, click on a row and view it in the right-hand-side panel.

In addition, you can narrow down the list of visible services by the type of active alerts for a given service. Service List can filter based on the following alert statuses:

  • Critical
  • Warning
  • Missing Data
  • Normal

A service is displayed in the list if at least one of the alerts is in the selected state.

General Settings

Configure anomaly detection in General Settings (learn more).


Your Services List and Map settings are specific to you (not your team) and will be preserved in your browser's local storage.

Display Settings

Display and hide columns using Display Settings.


Services Map view

The Services Map view visually maps out your application environment, giving you a greater understanding of your application architecture, hierarchy, and dependencies between monitored microservices. Health and load of each microservice is reflected in size and color to help you spot potential problems and bottlenecks in your application infrastructure.

Services Maps are built automatically from distributed tracing data in real time as it arrives in Sumo Logic. You can:

  • Zoom in on the map to see a more granular level of detail, or zoom out to get a higher-level overview
  • Hover over a service to see its connections to other services and the last 15 minutes of activity in terms of latency, requests, and errors
  • Click on a service to open the Entity Inspector for further drill down into traces, metrics, and the service dashboard
  • Filter by application, if your tracing data has the application tag (application=[app-name])
  • Filter by environment (up to 10 values), if your tracing data has the deployment environment tag (deployment.environment=[environment])
  • Search for a service by name

General Settings

Configure anomaly detection in General Settings (learn more).

service map gear icon for settings

Map legend

  • Color of services:
    • Red represents anomalies.
    • Blue indicates normal, expected activity.

    You can configure your own thresholds for anomaly detection in your General Settings.

  • Shape of services:
    • Circles represent connected application services
    • Cloud icons represent remote services like databases or external APIs, which are automatically detected for you in client traffic even without using direct instrumentation
    • Arrows map out connection activity between services and their presence from the last 72 hours.
    • Circle and arrows with dotted lines represent services or connections that have been inactive an hour or more.
  • Size of services: Size is based on service activity, where large circles are more active compared to smaller circles that are less active.

Anomaly Detection

An anomaly is a spike in latency and errors or a dip in requests. Here's how to configure your own threshold settings for anomaly detection.


Automatic anomaly detection is enabled by default, with the Worst Case option selected. This will render services to be displayed as a red circle if at least one of the KPIs (latency, errors, requests) has had an anomaly in the last 15 minutes AND the anomaly was not present 7 days ago at the same time. Optionally, you can explicitly choose one of the other KPIs - Latency, Error, or Request.

auto service anomaly settings

The standard metric outlier operator is used to detect this. You can adjust the sensitivity and Learning window of the outlier detection in the settings to make the logic more or less dependent on occasional spikes. 


Manual anomaly detection allows you to specify different detection settings for each KPI. Click the toggle switch to manually enable or disable each KPI highlight as desired.

services manual anomaly detection settings


If the Alerts option is enabled, the status of a service will be influenced by the presence of active alerts (or those, which have been resolved within the selected time range) associated with the service.


Services Dashboard Panels

The Services Map and Services List panels, available out of the box, enable you to explore your application environment and review all traces from your Dashboard. You can duplicate or add multiple panels with different filtering or queries to refine views and support your organization.

To add a Services panel to your Dashboard:

  1. Open an existing Dashboard or create a new Dashboard.
    Classic UI. Go to the Home screen and select Dashboard.
    New UI. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Dashboards > New Dashboard. You can also click the Go To... menu at the top of the screen and select New Dashboard.
  2. On an existing Dashboard, click Add Panel > Services, or, on a new Dashboard, click Services.
  3. When the panel configuration page opens, go to the Visual Settings > Chart Type, dropdown and select Table (Services List) or Graph (Services Map).
  4. (Optional) Select from the dropdown menus to filter by the following:
    • Application. Your application name. You can use this if your tracing data has the tag called application=[app-name] To pass the variables from dashboard filters, set application={{application}}
    • Environment. Your production, staging, or development environment name. You can use this if your tracing data has the tag called deployment.environment=[environment-name]. To pass the variables from dashboard filters, set deployment.environment={{deployment.environment}}
    • Service(s). Your application name, which should be always there. To pass the variables from dashboard filters, set service={{service}}.
  5. Go to the General tab to configure your panel details (name, Title Font Size, and Description).
    panel details
  6. For Table chart type only: Go to Display Settings and set the column data and services you'd like to see displayed.
  7. Click Add to Dashboard. The panel loads in your Dashboard to review your applications and services according to filtering.

See the Dashboard guide for additional information and options to create panels, configure filters, create and filter with template variables from dashboard headers, and more.

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