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Cloud SOAR Audit Logging

The Audit Event Index and System Event Index provide event logs in JSON format on your account activity allowing you to monitor and audit changes. By default, the Audit Event Index and System Event Index are enabled for Cloud SOAR and Enterprise accounts.


Audit logging for the Automation Service uses the same logging as Cloud SOAR, since the Automation Service is based on core functionality in Cloud SOAR. See Automation Service Audit Logging.

Where to find documentation

For documentation of the Cloud SOAR audit log definitions, see Automation Service and Cloud SOAR audit log definitions.

Search the Audit Event Index and System Event Index

Searching the indexes is the same as running a normal search against your ingested data. You specify the _index metadata field with one of these values:

  • sumologic_audit_events. This index contains user action events, which are events that were triggered by a user action, either from the UI or an API.
  • sumologic_system_events. This index contains system action events, which are events that were triggered by Sumo Logic. For example, this index contains Automation Actions start events, rules triggered, and so on.

Cloud SOAR audited events

The Audit Event Index and System Event Index have detailed JSON logs for the following features. To search for audit events for a specific feature, use the metadata field _sourceCategory with its corresponding value.

For Cloud SOAR events, every _sourceCategory related to a feature has the prefix oar. So to limit the events returned to Cloud SOAR only, you can use:

(_index=sumologic_audit_events OR _index=sumologic_system_events) _sourceCategory=oar*

To search user action events for Tasks, you would use the query:

_index=sumologic_audit_events _sourceCategory=oarTasks

To search for system action events for Automation Actions, you would use the query:

_index=sumologic_system_events _sourceCategory=oarAutomationActions

The table below shows the _sourceCategory that is assigned to event logs by Cloud SOAR feature.

Product Feature_sourceCategory Value
App Central PackagesoarAppCentralPackages
Automation ActionoarAutomationActions
Automation Daemon/RulesoarDaemons
Custom FieldoarCustomFields
Incident ArtifactoarIncidentArtifacts
Incident AttachmentoarIncidentAttachments
Incident InvestigatoroarIncidentInvestigators
Incident NoteoarIncidentNotes
Incident TemplateoarIncidentTemplates
Integration ResourceoarIntegrationResources
Playbook ExecutionoarPlaybookExecutions
Playbook RevisionoarPlaybookRevisions
Triage AttachmentoarTriageAttachments

_sourceName and _sourceHost assignment

The _sourceName and _sourceHost fields are assigned to audit event logs as follows.

Metadata FieldAssignment Description
_sourceNameValue of the common parameter, eventName.
_sourceHostThe remote IP address of the host that made the request. If not available, the value will be no_sourceHost.

Common parameters

Each audit event log has common keys that categorize it to a product area and provide details of the event.

ParameterDescriptionData Type
accountIdThe unique identifier of the organization.String
eventIdThe unique identifier of the event.String
eventNameThe name of the event.String
eventTimeThe event timestamp in ISO 8601 format.String
eventFormatVersionThe event log format version.String
operatorInformation of who did the operation. If it's missing, the Sumo service was the operator.JSON object of Strings
subsystemThe product area of the event.String

Search for Cloud SOAR events

To search the Audit Event Index or System Event Index for logs that describe Cloud SOAR events:

  1. Start a log search.
  2. In the search tab, enter a search using _index to specify the partition you want to search, and other metadata or fields to further scope your search. For example:
    (_index=sumologic_system_events or _index=sumologic_audit_events) _sourceCategory=oar*
    | where subsystem contains "Playbook"
  3. Choose the time range for your search.
  4. Click Start to run the search.

Example event log

Here is an example PlaybookExecutionStarted event log.

"accountId": "0000000000000131",
"eventId": "f002327d-4934-4499-9543-132ec10f3db3",
"subsystem": "oarPlaybookExecutions",
"eventName": "PlaybookExecutionStarted",
"eventTime": "2023-10-05T13:22:59.786+00:00Z",
"eventFormatVersion": "1.0 beta",
"severityLevel": "Info",
"PlaybookExecutionIdentity": {
"playbook_id": "651eb64eab7e66e25c766ad8",
"playbook_name": "Application Latency Playbook",
"running_id": "651eb8b386c1039545766d9c"
"PlaybookExecution": {
"playbook_id": "651eb64eab7e66e25c766ad8",
"playbook_name": "Application Latency Playbook",
"type": "Denial of Service",
"running_id": "651eb8b386c1039545766d9c",
"status": "Running",
"start": "2023-10-05T13:22:59.641+00:00Z",
"externalType": "INSIGHT",
"externalId": "INSIGHT-4332"
"from": {
"status": "Not executed"
"to": {
"status": "Running"

Index retention period

By default, the retention period of the Audit Event Index and the System Event Index is the same as the retention period of your Default Partition. You can change the retention period by editing the relevant partitions, sumologic_audit_events and sumologic_system_events. For more information, see Create and Edit a Partition.

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