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Keyboard Shortcuts

Sumo Logic keyboard shortcuts are enabled by default.

Classic UI. To access keyboard shortcuts, in the main Sumo Logic menu select Help > Shortcuts.

New UI. To access keyboard shortcuts, in the Sumo Logic top menu select Help > Keyboard Shortcuts.


You can also press the ? key to display the list of keyboard shortcuts.

For security, shortcuts for some pages are visible only for users with an Admin account.

To disable keyboard shortcuts, for example, if they conflict with an international keyboard, click your name in the left nav, select Preferences, then deselect Enable keyboard shortcuts.


Keyboard shortcuts are disabled when typing in the search text box

Keyboard shortcuts on Windows

Classic UI

Alt + SOpen a new Search tab
Alt + Shift + NDuplicate current query in a new tab (search only)
Alt + Shift + DDuplicate both the original query and time range in new tab
Alt + Shift + QDuplicate both the current query and time range in new tab
Alt + Shift + TDuplicate current time range in a new tab (search only)
Alt + Shift + PPause a running search (current tab only)
Alt + MOpen a new Metrics tab
Alt + AOpen a new Traces tab
Alt + LOpen a new Live Tail tab
Alt + DPop out to new browser tab (dashboard only)
Alt + HSwitch to Home
Alt + BSwitch to Library
Alt + [1-9]Switch to tab 1, 2, ... 9
Alt + 0Switch to the last tab
Alt + [Switch to the tab to the left of current tab
Alt + ]Switch to the tab to the right of current tab
Alt + WClose the current tab
Alt + TOpen the Collection page
Alt + COpen the Settings page
Alt + EOpen the Alerts page
Alt + UOpen the Users tab
Alt + XOpen the Security page
Alt + OOpen the Account page
Alt + POpen the Preferences tab
Alt + ZOpen the Setup Wizard
?Show this screen

New UI

?Show keyboard shortcuts
Alt + SOpen Search page
Alt + MOpen Metrics page
Alt + DOpen Dashboard page
Alt + Shift + SOpen Search page in a new tab
Alt + Shift + MOpen Metrics page in a new tab
Alt + Shift + DOpen Dashboard page in a new tab
Alt + Shift + QDuplicate a query in a new tab (Search/Metrics only)
Ctrl + KToggle Go To...

Keyboard shortcuts on macOS

Classic UI

Option + SOpen a new Search tab
Option + Shift + NDuplicate current query in a new tab (search only)
Option + Shift + DDuplicate both the original query and time range in new tab
Option + Shift + QDuplicate both the current query and time range in new tab
Option + Shift + TDuplicate current time range in a new tab (search only)
Option + Shift + PPause a running search (current tab only)
Option + MOpen a new Metrics tab
Option + AOpen a new Traces tab
Option + LOpen a new Live Tail tab
Option + DPop out to new browser tab (dashboard only)
Option + HSwitch to Home
Option + BSwitch to Library
Option + [1-9]Switch to tab 1, 2, ... 9
Option + 0Switch to the last tab
Option + [Switch to the tab to the left of current tab
Option + ]Switch to the tab to the right of current tab
Option + WClose the current tab
Option + TOpen the Collection page
Option + COpen the Settings page
Option + EOpen the Alerts page
Option + UOpen the Users tab
Option + XOpen the Security page
Option + OOpen the Account page
Option + POpen the Preferences tab
Option + ZOpen the Setup Wizard
Command + SSave search
Command + Shift + SSave search as
Command + EEdit saved search
Option + Shift + LDrill down to Live Tail
Command + JShare search
?Show this screen

New UI

?Show keyboard shortcuts
Option + SOpen Search page
Option + MOpen Metrics page
Option + DOpen Dashboard page
Option + Shift + SOpen Search page in a new tab
Option + Shift + MOpen Metrics page in a new tab
Option + Shift + DOpen Dashboard page in a new tab
Option + Shift + QDuplicate a query in a new tab (Search/Metrics only)
Command + KToggle Go To...
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