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AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a web application firewall that helps protect your web applications from common web exploits that could affect application availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources.

The Sumo Logic app for AWS WAF analyzes traffic flowing through AWS WAF and automatically detects threats using Sumo Logic Threat Intel. The app provides pre-configured dashboards and searches that allow you to monitor threat and traffic details by client IP, allowed and blocked traffic, malicious IPs, threat actors, location, rules configured, trends and more.

Sample log messages​

"webaclId": "360cb717-5a9f-4f2f-ac64-09ab912af591",
"terminatingRuleId": "1809ecc9-81fd-4dff-99e7-a27421213155",
"terminatingRuleType": "REGULAR",
"action": "BLOCK",
"httpSourceName": "CF",
"httpSourceId": "i-123",
"ruleGroupList": [],
"rateBasedRuleList": [],
"matchingNonTerminatingRules": [],
"httpRequest": {
"clientIp": "",
"country": "US",
"headers": [
"name": "Host",
"value": ""
"name": "User-Agent",
"value": "curl/7.53.1"
"name": "Accept",
"value": "*/*"
"uri": "/Lists/b/ref=sva_videos_2?ie=UTF ",
"args": "name=10; DROP TABLE members",
"httpVersion": "HTTP/1.1",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"requestId": "distribution_id"
"formatVersion": 1,
"timestamp": 1535493873231

Sample queries​

Client IP Threat Info
_sourceCategory=AWS/WAF {{client_ip}}
| parse "\"httpMethod\":\"*\"," as httpMethod,"\"httpVersion\":\"*\"," as httpVersion,"\"uri\":\"*\"," as uri, "{\"clientIp\":\"*\",\"country\":\"*\"" as clientIp,country, "\"action\":\"*\"" as action, "\"matchingNonTerminatingRules\":[*]" as matchingNonTerminatingRules, "\"rateBasedRuleList\":[*]" as rateBasedRuleList, "\"ruleGroupList\":[*]" as ruleGroupList, "\"httpSourceId\":\"*\"" as httpSourceId, "\"httpSourceName\":\"*\"" as httpSourceName, "\"terminatingRuleType\":\"*\"" as terminatingRuleType, "\"terminatingRuleId\":\"*\"" as terminatingRuleId, "\"webaclId\":\"*\"" as webaclId nodrop
| lookup type, actor, raw, threatlevel as malicious_confidence from sumo://threat/cs on threat=clientip

Collecting logs for the AWS WAF app​

Follow the "Before you begin" section in the "Collect Logs" help page and then use the in-product instructions in Sumo Logic to set up the app.


In this step you set up AWS WAF to send log data to an S3 bucket using an Kinesis Data Firehose. In the next step, you'll configure Sumo to collect logs from the bucket.

  1. Enable WAF logging to a Kinesis Stream, as described in AWS help.
  2. Configure an Amazon S3 bucket as the destination of the Kinesis Stream, as described in Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Data Delivery in AWS help.
  3. Confirm that logs are being delivered to the S3 bucket.
  4. Grant Sumo Logic Access to the Amazon S3 Bucket.

Configure a Sumo collector and source to receive AWS WAF logs​

  1. Configure a Hosted Collector.
  2. To your Hosted Collector, add an Amazon S3 Source.
    • Name. Enter a name to display for the new Source.
    • Description. Enter an optional description.
    • S3 Region. Select the Amazon Region for your S3 bucket.
    • Bucket Name. Enter the exact name of your S3 bucket.
    • Path Expression. Enter the string that matches the S3 objects you'd like to collect. You can use a wildcard (*) in this string. (DO NOT use a leading forward slash. See Amazon Path Expressions.) The S3 bucket name is not part of the path. Don’t include the bucket name when you are setting the Path Expression.
    • Source Category. Enter a source category. For example, AWS/WAF.
    • Access Method. Select the appropriate AWS access control mechanism.
    • Scan Interval. Use the default of Automatic, or select a scan interval from the pulldown.
    • Enable Timestamp Parsing. Select the Extract timestamp information from log file entries check box.
    • Time Zone. Select Ignore time zone from the log file and instead use, and select UTC from the dropdown.
    • Timestamp Format. Select Automatically detect the format.
    • Enable Multiline Processing. Select the Detect messages spanning multiple lines check box, and select Infer Boundaries.
  3. Click Save.

Installing the AWS WAF app​

Now that you have set up collection for AWS WAF, install the Sumo Logic app for AWS AWS to use the pre-configured searches and dashboards.

To install the app:

  1. Select App Catalog.
  2. In the πŸ”Ž Search Apps field, run a search for your desired app, then select it.
  3. Click Install App.

    Sometimes this button says Add Integration.

  4. On the next configuration page, under Select Data Source for your App, complete the following fields:
    • Data Source. Select one of the following options:
      • Choose Source Category and select a source category from the list; or
      • Choose Enter a Custom Data Filter, and enter a custom source category beginning with an underscore. For example, _sourceCategory=MyCategory.
    • Folder Name. You can retain the existing name or enter a custom name of your choice for the app.
    • All Folders (optional). The default location is the Personal folder in your Library. If desired, you can choose a different location and/or click New Folder to add it to a new folder.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Look for the dialog confirming that your app was installed successfully.


Once your app is installed, it will appear in your Personal folder or the folder that you specified. From here, you can share it with other users in your organization. Dashboard panels will automatically start to fill with data matching the time range query received since you created the panel. Results won't be available immediately, but within about 20 minutes, you'll see completed graphs and maps.

Viewing AWS WAF dashboards​

AWS WAF Overview​

See an overview of threats detected and traffic passing through AWS WAF.


AWS WAF Threat Intelligence​

See details of threats allowed and blocked by AWS WAF.


AWS WAF Traffic​

See details of allowed and blocked AWS WAF traffic by location, rules and outliers.

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