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Cloud Security Monitoring and Analytics

This guide has documentation for all five data source apps that Sumo provides: Windows, Linux, AWS CloudTrail, AWS VPC Flows, and Palo Alto Networks Firewalls. All dashboards are using our latest features to provide practical security insights for all security practitioners.


To enable apps to perform security monitoring of your cloud infrastructure, see Cloud Infrastructure Security.

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Amazon GuardDuty

A guide to Amazon GuardDuty Cloud Security Monitoring and Analytics.

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Amazon VPC Flow

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Amazon VPC Flow.

Amazon CloudTrail - Cloud Security Monitoring and Analytics icon

Amazon CloudTrail

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Amazon CloudTrail - Cloud Security Monitoring and Analytics

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AWS Security Hub

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for AWS Security Hub.

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A guide to the Sumo Logic app for AWS WAF Security Analytics.

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A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Linux Cloud Security Monitoring and Analytics.

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Linux - OpenTelemetry

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Linux Cloud Security Monitoring and Analytics via OpenTelemetry filelog receiver.

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Palo Alto Firewall 9

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Palo Alto Firewall 9 - Cloud Security Monitoring and Analytics.

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Palo Alto Firewall 10

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Palo Alto Firewall 10 - Cloud Security Monitoring and Analytics.

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A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Windows - Cloud Security Monitoring and Analytics.

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