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Collecting Logs for Google Workspace (Legacy)

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For the newer method of collecting logs from Google Workspace Alert Center, configure a Google Alert Workspace Alert Center Source.

This section explains how to collect logs from Google Workspace Alert Center and ingest them into Sumo Logic for use with the Google Workspace App predefined dashboards and searches.

Google Workspace Alert Center: Provides full visibility into alerts from Google Workspace apps, allowing you to investigate and correlate alerts and monitor potential threats. You can configure the list alerts to be collected. The alerts are forwarded to Sumo Logicโ€™s HTTP endpoint in JSON format.

Alert typesโ€‹

All the alerts are in JSON format. Most of the alerts have few common fields like alertId, customerId, createTime, source, type and data. The differences are in the data section of the JSON where the alert type specific details are recorded. For more information about different alert types refer this Google Workspace Alert document.

Sample log messagesโ€‹

This section provides a sample Google Workspace Alert Center log message.

"alertId": "2b49ec18-2f92-4d58-acca-45994b740848",
"createTime": "TIMESTAMP",
"customerId": "03gm7p8e",
"data": {
"@type": "",
"takeoutRequestId": "unique9gfd87ss",
"email": ""
"deleteTime": "TIMESTAMP",
"endTime": "TIMESTAMP",
"metadata": {
"alertId": "2b49ec18-2f92-4d58-acca-45994b740848",
"customerId": "03gm7p8e",
"status": "NOT_STARTED",
"updateTime": "TIMESTAMP"
"source": "Domain wide takeout",
"startTime": "TIMESTAMP",
"type": "Customer takeout initiated"

Sample queriesโ€‹

The query sample provided in this section is from the Google Workspace Activity by Users with Compromised Credentials panel of the Google Workspace - Alert Center - Investigations Dashboard.

| json "actor", "events", "id" nodrop
| json field=actor "email"
| json field=id "applicationName"
| where [subquery:_sourceCategory=googleworkspace_alerts "Leaked password"
| json "alertId","customerId","source","type","data", "" as alert_id, customer_id, source, type, data, email
| where type="Leaked password"
| count by email
| compose email
| parse regex field=events "\"name\":\"(?<event_name>[^\"]+)\",\"type\":\"(?<event_type>[^\"]+)\"" multi
| formatDate(_messageTime,"MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss:SSS") as event_time
| count by event_time, event_name, event_type, email, applicationName
| fields -_count
| sort by event_time

Collection overviewโ€‹

Sumo Logic provides a serverless solution which pulls logs from Google Workspace with API calls. You can configure the list alerts to be collected, but by default all alerts are collected. The alerts are then forwarded to Sumo Logicโ€™s HTTP endpoint in JSON format. By default the collection starts from the current date and time, but this setting is also configurable as detailed in the Advanced configuration section.


Add a Hosted Collector and HTTP Sourceโ€‹

This section demonstrates how to add a hosted Sumo Logic collector and HTTP Logs and Metrics source, to collect alerts for Google Workspace Alert Center.

  1. Identify the Sumo Logic Hosted Collector you want to use, or create a new Hosted Collector as described in the following task.When you configure the HTTP Source, make sure to save the HTTP Source Address URL. You will need this to configure in configuration file.
  2. Create a new Sumo Logic Hosted Collector by performing the steps in Configure a Hosted Collector.
  3. Add an HTTP Logs and Metrics Source.
  4. In the Advanced Options for Logs, under Timestamp Format, click Specify a format and enter the following information in the respective fields:
    • Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'
    • Timestamp locator: \"createTime\":(.*),
  5. Click Test and paste in a test log line when prompted to do so.
  6. If the test is successful, click Save.
  7. Make a note of the URL of the new source.

Configure collection for Google Workspace Alert Centerโ€‹

In this section, we explore various mechanisms to collect findings from Google Workspace Alert Center and send them to Sumo Logic, where they are shown in dashboards as part of the Google Workspace App. You can configure your Google Workspace Alert Center collector in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or by deploying script-based collection on a Linux machine.

Using GCP Collectionโ€‹

This section provides instructions for configuring Google Workspace Alert Center collection in your GCP environment. The Google Workspace Alert Center collector function fetches the findings from Google Workspace and sends them to Sumo Logic.

To configure Google Workspace Alert Center collection in your GCP environment, do the following:

  1. Go to the Cloud Shell Editor.
  2. Run the following command:
  1. Edit the bash script to configure following variables:
    • region: The Region where the Google function will be deployed. For example: "us-central1"
    • project_id: The project id of the project where the collector and all its resources will be deployed
    • delegated_email: The valid email address of one of your org's G Suite super admin users.
    • Sumo_endpoint: The Sumo Logic HTTP endpoint created in Step 1
  2. Run the following script:
  1. In the command prompt, enter N for the following question: Allow unauthenticated invocations of new function.
  2. Copy the Client ID displayed at the end of the script output. You will use the Client Name field when you configure Google Workspace Alert Center to allow client API access in the following task.
  3. Go to the Cloud Datastore page of the project, with the Project ID you configured in the previous steps of this procedure, and create a database instance with the Cloud Firestore in Datastore Mode option. For more information, refer to the Google Cloud Datastore documentation.
    google workspace

The script you used in this procedure configured the environment variables in the config file. You can update the variables by following the instructions Google's Updating environment variables documentation.

Configure Google Workspace Alert Center to allow client API accessโ€‹

This section explains how to configure Google Workspace Alert Center to allow API access.

Follow the step 2 and step 3 under โ€œSet up the Alert Center APIโ€ docs to enable alert center API and grant domain-wide access to the application.

To configure GCP Collection for Google Workspace Alert Center, use the Client ID for the service account copied in Step 6 here.

If you're using the Configure Script-Based Collection for Google Workspace Alert Center use the Client ID present in the JSON generated after adding the key in the service account.

To configure Google Workspace Alert Center:

  1. Go to your G Suite domain's Admin console (see instructions on signing in to your Admin console), go to Security > Access and data control > API Controls.
    google workspace
  2. In the newly opened window, click Manage Domain-wide Delegation at the bottom.
    google workspace
  3. Click Add new button on the top.
    google workspace
  4. Enter the Client ID for the service account copied in Step 2, then in the OAuth Scopes field enter the following:
    google workspace
  5. Click Authorise.

Adding new Alert typesโ€‹

In the future, if Google adds a new alert type do the following to add new alert types:

  1. Go to the gsuitealertcenterfunc google cloud function console.
  2. Click Edit at the top and then click Next.
    google workspace
  3. In the editor, edit the gsuitealertcenter.yaml file and add the new alert types in ALERT_TYPES parameter from the โ€œAlert typeโ€ column present in Google Workspace Alert types documentation.
    google workspace
  4. Click Deploy.

Advanced Configurationโ€‹

This section provides a list of environment variables for Google Workspace Alert Center and their usage. For information on how to set these environment variables, refer to this Google Cloud document.

Environment Variable Usage

"Customer takeout initiated"

"Misconfigured whitelist"

"User reported phishing"

"User reported spam spike"

"Suspicious message reported"

"Phishing reclassification"

"Malware reclassification"

"Leaked password"

"Suspicious login"

"Suspicious login (less secure app)"

"Suspicious programmatic login"

"User suspended"

"User suspended (spam)"

"User suspended (spam through relay)"

"User suspended (suspicious activity)"

"Google Operations"

"Government attack warning"

"Device compromised"

"Suspicious activity"

BACKFILL_DAYSNumber of days before the event collection will start. If the value is 1, then events are fetched from yesterday to today.
PAGINATION_LIMITNumber of events to fetch in a single API call.
LOG_FORMATLog format used by the python logging module to write logs in a file.
ENABLE_LOGFILESet to TRUE to write all logs and errors to a log file.
ENABLE_CONSOLE_LOGEnables printing logs in a console.
LOG_FILEPATHPath of the log file used when ENABLE_LOGFILE is set to TRUE.
NUM_WORKERS Number of threads to spawn for API calls.
MAX_RETRY Number of retries to attempt in case of request failure.
BACKOFF_FACTOR A backoff factor to apply between attempts after the second try. If the backoff_factor is 0.1, then sleep() will sleep for [0.0s, 0.2s, 0.4s, ...] between retries.
TIMEOUTRequest time out used by the requests library.
SUMO_ENDPOINT HTTP source endpoint url created in Sumo Logic.

Troubleshooting the GCP Functionโ€‹

This section shows you how to troubleshoot the function and resolve errors you may have encountered.

To verify the function, do the following:

  1. Log in to your GCP account, navigate to the cloud function you created, and click Testing.
  2. Click the Test the function button.
    google workspace
  3. Click the View Logs button to view the function logs. If an environment variable was not set, you will see error messages similar to the following.
    google workspace
  4. Set the missing environment variable to resolve the issue.

To verify whether the cloud scheduler job is triggering the function:

  1. Enter Cloud Scheduler in the search bar and click.
    google workspace
  2. Click View button under Logs column corresponding to the Cloud Scheduler job starting with sumogsuite as show below.
    google workspace
  3. In the newly opened window, you should be able to see logs with no errors seen under Severity. If there is an error, you can see more details by clicking on the Error section under Severity.
    google workspace

Using Script-Based Collectionโ€‹

This section provides instructions for deploying script-based collection for Google Workspace Alert Center. This script collects logs for the Sumo Logic Google Workspace Alert Center App.

The _sumologic-gsuite_alertcenter script is compatible with python 3.7 and python 2.7. This has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Debian 4.9.130.


  • This task assumes you have successfully added a Hosted Collector and HTTP source, as described in Configure Collection for Google Workspace Alert Center.
  • The following tasks assume you are logged in to the user account with which you will install the collector. If you are not, use the following command to switch to that account:
sudo su <user_name>

Configure the script on a Linux machineโ€‹

This task shows you how to install the script on a Linux machine.

For python 3, use pip3 install sumologic-gsuitealertcenter (step 3) and /usr/bin/python3 -m sumogsuitealertscollector.main (step 6) in operating systems where default python is not python3.

To deploy the script, do the following:

  1. Set up the Alert Center API as described in the following Google documentation. Assign the Cloud Datastore Owner role while creating a service account. Copy the Client ID present in the JSON generated after adding the key in the service account (it will be used further in step 3 while granting domain wide access).
    google workspace While creating the key in the service account, make a note of the location of the Service Account JSON file that has been downloaded to your computer. You will need this path later.
  2. If pip is not already installed, follow the instructions in the pip documentation to download and install pip.
  3. Log in to a Linux machine (compatible with either Python 3.7 or Python 2.7) and install the script using the following command. For python 3, use pip3 install in the following command.
pip install sumologic-gsuitealertcenter
  1. Create a configuration file named gsuitealertcenter.yaml in home directory by copying the following snippet.

DELEGATED_EMAIL: "<email address of your org's Google Workspace super admin>"
CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH: "<path to json Service Account JSON file>"

  1. Add the SUMO_ENDPOINT and CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH (from step 1 above), and DELEGATED_EMAIL parameters, then save the file. For the DELEGATED_EMAIL parameter: if you do not have an email address of one of your super admins, you can use a service account email address instead if you delegate domain-wide authority to that account.
  2. Create a cron job for running the collector every 5 minutes by using crontab -e and adding the following line. If you're using python3, for operating systems where the default python is not python3, use /usr/bin/python3 -m sumogsuitealertscollector.main in the following command.
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/python -m sumogsuitealertscollector.main > /dev/null 2>&1

Advanced Configurationโ€‹

This section provides a list of environment variables for Google Workspace Alert Center that you can define in the configuration file, as shown in this example. See the following table for explanations for each of the environment variables.

For information on how to set these environment variables, refer to this Google Cloud document.

Environment VariableUsage
ALERT_TYPES"Customer takeout initiated"

"Misconfigured whitelist"

"User reported phishing"

"User reported spam spike"

"Suspicious message reported"

"Phishing reclassification"

"Malware reclassification"

"Leaked password"

"Suspicious login"

"Suspicious login (less secure app)"

"Suspicious programmatic login"

"User suspended"

"User suspended (spam)"

"User suspended (spam through relay)"

"User suspended (suspicious activity)"

"Google Operations"

"Government attack warning"

"Device compromised"

"Suspicious activity"

BACKFILL_DAYS Number of days before the event collection will start. If the value is 1, then events are fetched from yesterday to today.
PAGINATION_LIMIT Number of events to fetch in a single API call.
LOG_FORMAT Log format used by the python logging module to write logs in a file.
ENABLE_LOGFILE Set to TRUE to write all logs and errors to a log file.
ENABLE_CONSOLE_LOG Enables printing logs in a console.
LOG_FILEPATH Path of the log file used when ENABLE_LOGFILE is set to TRUE.
NUM_WORKERS Number of threads to spawn for API calls.
MAX_RETRY Number of retries to attempt in case of request failure.
BACKOFF_FACTOR A backoff factor to apply between attempts after the second try. If the backoff_factor is 0.1, then sleep() will sleep for [0.0s, 0.2s, 0.4s, ...] between retries.
TIMEOUT Request time out used by the requests library.
SUMO_ENDPOINT HTTP source endpoint url created in Sumo Logic.


This section shows you how to run the function manually and then verify that log messages are being sent from Alert Center. To run the function manually, do the following:

  1. Enter one of the following commands:
    • For python, use this command:
    python -m sumogsuitealertscollector.main
    • For python3, use this command:
    python3 -m sumogsuitealertscollector.main
  2. The script generates logs in /tmp/sumoapiclient.log by default. Check these logs to verify whether itโ€™s getting triggered or not.
  3. If you installed the collector as root user and then run it as a normal user, you will see an error message similar to the following because the config is not present in the home directory of the user running the collector. Switch to root the user and run the script again.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sumogsuitealertscollector/", line 190, in main
ns = GSuiteAlertsCollector()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sumogsuitealertscollector/", line 29, in __init__
self.config = Config().get_config(self.CONFIG_FILENAME, self.root_dir, cfgpath)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sumogsuitealertscollector/common/", line 22, in get_config
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sumogsuitealertscollector/common/", line 34, in validate_config
raise Exception("Invalid config")
Exception: Invalid config

You can also avoid this error by running the script with config file path as first argument.

  1. To verify if there are new messages generated by Alert Center, go to Google Home > Security > Alert Center and then do the following:
    google workspace
  2. Check for an error message similar to the following. If you see this, verify that the DELEGATED_EMAIL in your configuration belongs to a valid Google Workspace super admin user (or a service account that's been delegated domain-wide authority).
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sumogsuitealertscollector/", line 191, in main
    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sumogsuitealertscollector/", line 162, in run
    task_params = self.build_task_params()
    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sumogsuitealertscollector/", line 152, in build_task_params
    obj = self.set_new_end_epoch_time(alert_type, self.DEFAULT_START_TIME_EPOCH)
    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sumogsuitealertscollector/", line 81, in set_new_end_epoch_time
    response = self.alertcli.alerts().list(**params).execute()
    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/googleapiclient/", line 130, in positional_wrapper
    return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/googleapiclient/", line 851, in execute
    raise HttpError(resp, content, uri=self.uri)
    googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 400 when requesting
    returned "Request contains an invalid argument.">
  3. If you installed the collector as root user and then run it as a normal user, you will see an error message similar to the following because the config is not present in the home directory of user running the collector. Switch to root user and run the script again.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sumogsuitealertscollector/", line 190, in main
    ns = GSuiteAlertsCollector()
    File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sumogsuitealertscollector/", line 29, in __init__
    self.config = Config().get_config(self.CONFIG_FILENAME, self.root_dir, cfgpath)
    File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sumogsuitealertscollector/common/", line 22, in get_config
    File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sumogsuitealertscollector/common/", line 34, in validate_config
    raise Exception("Invalid config")
    Exception: Invalid config

You can also avoid this error by running the script with config file path as first argument.

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