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Azure Event Grid

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Azure Event Grid is a highly scalable, fully managed Pub Sub message distribution service that offers flexible message consumption patterns using the MQTT and HTTP protocols. This integration helps in monitoring data plane requests, delivery failures and publish failures of Event Grid resources - custom topics, system topics and domains.

Log and metric types

For Azure Event Grid, you can collect the following logs and metrics:

For more information on supported dimensions, refer to Azure documentation.


Azure service sends monitoring data to Azure Monitor, which can then stream data to Eventhub. Sumo Logic supports:

You must explicitly enable diagnostic settings for each domain, namespaces, custom topic, and system topic you want to monitor. You can forward logs to the same event hub provided they satisfy the limitations and permissions as described here.

When you configure the event hubs source or HTTP source, plan your source category to ease the querying process. A hierarchical approach allows you to make use of wildcards. For example: Azure/EventGrid/Logs, Azure/EventGrid/Metrics.

Configure metrics collection

In this section, you will configure a pipeline for shipping metrics from Azure Monitor to an Event Hub, on to an Azure Function, and finally to an HTTP Source on a hosted collector in Sumo Logic.

  1. Configure an HTTP Source.
  2. Configure and deploy the ARM Template.
  3. Export metrics to Event Hub. Perform below steps for each Event Grid resource (domain, namespaces, custom topic, and system topic) that you want to monitor.
    • Choose Stream to an event hub as destination.
    • Select AllMetrics.
    • Use the Event hub namespace created by the ARM template in Step 2 above. You can create a new Event hub or use the one created by ARM template. You can use the default policy RootManageSharedAccessKey as the policy name.

Configure logs collection

In this section, you will configure a pipeline for shipping diagnostic logs from Azure Monitor to an Event Hub.

  1. To set up the Azure Event Hubs source in Sumo Logic, refer to Azure Event Hubs Source for Logs.
  2. To create the Diagnostic settings in Azure portal, refer to the Azure documentation. Perform below steps for each Event Grid resource (domain, namespaces, custom topic, and system topic) that you want to monitor.
    • Choose Stream to an event hub as the destination.
    • Select allLogs.
    • Use the Event hub namespace and Event hub name configured in previous step in destination details section. You can use the default policy RootManageSharedAccessKey as the policy name.


HTTP Logs and Metrics Source used by Azure Functions

To troubleshoot metrics collection, follow the instructions in Collect Metrics from Azure Monitor > Troubleshooting metrics collection.

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