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Palo Alto Networks

Log Type: Palo Alto Networks

Template Description: Parsing the common fields in your Palo Alto Networks log.

Sample Log:

Jul 13 20:39:44 1,2017/07/13 20:39:44,0009C101317,TRAFFIC,end,1,2017/07/13 20:39:44,,,,,WinDomain_AUTH_TO_DC,,sumo\mkwan,msrpc,vsys1,ENG_USER,ENG_INFRA,ivlan_712,ivlan_751,Syslog,2017/07/13 20:39:44,1070831,1,65123,135,0,0,0x0,tcp,allow,1194,644,550,12,1,40,any,0,3297977305,0x0,,,0,7,5

Parsing Rule:

parse "*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*" as f1,recvTime,serialNum,type,subtype,f2,genTime,src_ip,dest_ip,natsrc_ip,natdest_ip,ruleName,src_user,dest_user,app,vsys,src_zone,dest_zone,ingress_if,egress_if,logProfile,f3,sessionID,repeatCnt,src_port,dest_port,natsrc_port,natdest_port,flags,protocol,action,misc,threatID,cat,severity,direction,seqNum,action_flags,src_loc,dest_loc,f4,content_type

Resulting Fields:

f1The timestamp of the log.Jul 13 20:39:44 1
recvTimeTime the log was received. 2017/07/13 20:39:44
serialNumSerial number of the firewall that generated the log. 0009C101317
typeThe type of log. TRAFFIC
subtypeSubtype of the system log. end
 f2Catchall field. 1
 genTimeTime the log was generated on the dataplane.  2017/07/13 20:39:44
 src_ipThe source IP address.
 dest_ipThe destination IP address.
 natsrc_ipThe source IP address after Network Address Translation (NAT).
 natdest_ipThe destination IP address after NAT. 
 ruleNameThe name of the rule that the session matched.  WinDomain_AUTH_TO_DC
src_userUsername of the user who initiated the session. sumologic\tvadmin
dest_userUsername of the user to which the session was destined. sumo\mkwan
appApplication associated with the session. msrpc
 vsysVirtual system associated with the session.  vsys1
 src_zoneThe zone from which the session was sourced.  ENG_USER
 dest_zoneThe zone from which the session was destined.  ENG_INFRA
 ingress_ifThe interface from which the session was sourced. ivlan_712 
 egress_ifThe interface from which the session was destined.  ivlan_751
 logProfileThe log profile associated with the rule.  Syslog
 f3Catchall field.  2017/07/13 20:39:44
 sessionIDAn internal numerical identifier applied for each session.  1070831
 repeatCntNumber of sessions with the same Source IP, Destination IP, Application, and Subtype seen within 5 seconds.  1
 src_portSource port utilized by the session.  65123
 dest_portDestination port utilized by the session.  135
 natsrc_portPost-NAT source port.  0
 natdest_portPost-NAT destination port.  0
 flagsA 32-bit field that provides details about the session.  0x0
protocol IP protocol associated with the session.  tcp
action The action taken for the session. allow
misc Field with variable length(URL/Filename).  1194
threatID Palo Alto Networks identifier for known and custom threats.  644
 catFor URL Subtype, it is the URL Category; For WildFire subtype, it is the verdict on the file that is either ‘malware’, ‘phishing’, ‘grayware’, or ‘benign’; For other subtypes, the value is ‘any’.  550
severity Severity associated with the threat. 12
direction Indicates the direction of the attack. It can be client to server or from server to client.
0 - Indicates the direction of threat is from client to server.
1 - Indicates the direction of threat is from server to client.
seqNum Sequentially incremented identifier.  40
 action_flagsA bit field indicating if the log was forwarded to Panorama.  any
 src_locSource country or Internal region for private addresses.  0
 dest_locDestination country or Internal region for private addresses.  3297977305
 f4Catchall field.  0x0
 content_typeContent type of the HTTP response data.,,0,7,5
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