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Close or Cancel a Sumo Logic Account

This topic covers how to delete your organization from a Sumo Logic Free or Trial account and permanently close the account. It also provides instructions for cancelling a Sumo Logic licensed account. 


Any financial obligations specified in the contract remain in effect even if an account is cancelled or closed.

Close a Sumo Logic Free or Trial account

The owner of a Sumo Logic Free or Trial account can delete their organization from Sumo Logic, which will close the account permanently. When you delete your organization, you delete all users and data from Sumo Logic, close the account, and log yourself out as a user.


This task deletes your Sumo Logic Organization, all users and data. This action cannot be undone. 

To delete a Sumo Logic organization and close the account:

  1. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Administration > Account > Account Overview.
  2. At the top of the page, select the details icon.
  3. Select Delete this Organization from Sumo Logic?, click Delete Org.
  4. In the dialog Delete This Organization from Sumo Logic?, enter DELETE to confirm.
  5. Click Delete Org.

The Sumo Logic Organization, all users and data are deleted. This cannot be undone.


If you have a self service trial account, at the end of the trial, typically 30 days, if you do not upgrade to a paid subscription, your account converts to a free plan.

Cancel a Sumo Logic licensed account

To cancel your organization's paid Sumo Logic account, open a ticket with Sumo Logic Support, and we will process your request in a timely manner.

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