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SDO Setup with Terraform Script

These instructions help you prepare and set up the Software Development Optimization (SDO) Solution using a Terraform script. 

The Terraform script performs the following actions:

  • Creates Sumo Logic collection resources including Collector, Sources, and Folder.
  • Configures collection mechanisms in the supported tools, for example Webhooks in Pagerduty and GitHub.
  • Sets up Sumo Logic Field Extraction Rules (FERs) to enrich the data.
  • Configures connections in Sumo Logic to send alerts from Sumo Logic to issue management and incident management platforms including Jira, PagerDuty, and Opsgenie. 
  • Installs Sumo Logic Apps in the configured folder.

The Terraform script requires a set of parameters to be configured.


Before setting up the SDO solution, you need to complete the following tasks:

  • Create or collect API Keys and credentials for Jira, GitHub, GitLab, Jenkins, Bitbucket, CircleCI, and Opsgenie with Webhook creation capabilities.
  • Get access to Jenkins with Manage Plugins permissions.
  • Make sure you have access to the Sumo logic console. The user account associated with a Sumo Logic role needs the following permissions:
    • Manage field extraction rules
    • View Fields
    • View field extraction rules
    • Manage Collectors
    • View Collectors
    • Manage Fields
    • Manage connections
    • Manage Content
  • Create a Sumo Logic API key and ID for the above user.

Terraform Script Setup Considerations

The Terraform Script automates the setup of all the necessary resources for collecting Atlassian, GitHub, GitLab, and Pagerduty product logs and displaying the data in Sumo Logic pre-configured intuitive-analytic dashboards. 

Review the following considerations before proceeding with the Terraform template method:

  • With the Terraform script, you can easily manage the integration of Sumo Logic with Atlassian products (including Bitbucket, Jira, Jira Service Desk, and Opsgenie), GitHub, GitLab, CircleCI, and Pagerduty. If you would like to bring your own toolset, follow this page to integrate your tool with the SDO solution.
  • The Terraform script allows you to quickly get started by installing a copy of the configured applications. After the initial setup, if you need additional copies of the Sumo Logic applications, you can install them from the Sumo Logic App catalog.
  • If you plan to integrate Jenkins with this solution, you need to complete additional configuration. The Terraform script does not configure Jenkins. See the following guides to install and configure the Jenkins Sumo Logic plugin:
  • This script configures Jira Server webhooks and creates resources in Sumo Logic. Jira Server Logs collection needs to be configured as explained in Step 1 here. Configure the log collection and update the variable jira_server_access_logs_sourceCategory in with the selected source category.
  • If you plan to integrate CircleCI with the SDO solution, you need to complete additional configuration. The Terraform script does not configure CircleCI. Use the following steps configure the CircleCI Sumo Logic plugin. Once configured, this plugin will send CircleCI Workflow and Job related data to Sumo Logic: * Since the SDO dashboards require ‘environment’, ‘team’, and ‘service’ fields for lighting up panels, you need to send them as custom-data in the configuration file of the pipeline.
    • Add the sumo orb in the configuration file of the project to send custom-data elements to Sumo:
      circleci-custom-data.png See this sample CircleCI Configuration file which sends CircleCI data, including custom-data, to Sumo Logic.
    • The Terraform script also allows you to only install the CircleCI app from the app catalog. It creates a source with placeholder value for _sourceCategory from the file.
  • Sumo Logic to Jira and Sumo Logic to Opsgenie Webhooks are in Beta. To participate, contact your Sumo account executive.

SDO Script File Groups

The SDO solution script is organized into following groups of files (GitHub repository):

Sumo Logic Resource Creation
Other Systems Resource Creation
Test Filesintegration_test.go

Set Up the Terraform environment

Before you run the Terraform script, please perform the following actions on a server machine of your choice:

  1. Install Terraform version equal or greater than 0.12.20 and lower than 0.13.0. 

  2. Install the latest version of curl.

  3. Install Python version 2.7 or later.

  4. Install the following third-party Terraform providers: Rest API Terraform Provider version 1.12 and above:

    1. Download terraform-provider-restapi binary from GitHub

    2. Move the terraform-provider-restapi binary to $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins directory:

      mkdir -p $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins
      mv terraform-provider-restapi $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform-provider-restapi
      chmod +x terraform-provider-restapi

    If you plan to use Jira, install Jira Terraform Provider version  0.1.11 and above:

    1. Download terraform-provider-jira binary from GitHub.
    2. Unzip the zip file.
    3. Move the terraform-provider-jira binary to $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins directory:
      mkdir -p $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins
      mv terraform-provider-jira $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform-provider-jira
      chmod +x terraform-provider-jira

The following Terraform providers with mentioned versions are automatically installed during the terraform init phase as described below:

Configure the Terraform script

  1. Clone the GitHub repository:
$ git clone
  1. Initialize the Terraform working directory by navigating to the directory sumologic-solution-templates/software-development-optimization-terraform. and running terraform init. This will install the required Terraform providers: Sumo Logic Terraform Provider, Template, Null, BitBucket Terraform Provider, GitHub Terraform Provider, GitLab Terraform Provider, and Pagerduty Terraform Provider.
  2. Choose which Sumo Logic Applications to configure by updating the values of the following variables in the file:
    • install_jira_cloud
    • nstall_jira_server
    • install_bitbucket_cloud
    • install_opsgenie
    • install_github
    • install_gitlab
      • This is only used for installing GitLab app from the app catalog and uses webhook.
      • Valid options for this are:
        • all - It’s a default option, for installing all the components of the setup.
        • app - This is for only installing the app
        • collection - for configuring collection in Sumo Logic (fers, the sources) and/or in other systems (webhooks).
        • fer - This will only create the fer.
        • none - for skipping the entire integration/installation.
      • install_pagerduty
      • install_pagerduty_version
        • The options for variable values are ‘v2’ and ‘v3’. Default is ‘v3’
      • install_jenkins
      • install_sdo
        • The options for variable values are all, app, fer, collection, and none. For SDO, app and none are the valid options.
        • For Jenkins, collection is not configured in Jenkins. Choosing collection will create the source in Sumo and set up the field extraction rules.
        • If you do not want to install the GitHub collection or application, rename the file to github.tf_backup.
        • If you do not want to install the GitLab collection or application, rename the file to gitlab.tf_backup.
      • install_circleci
        • This is only used for installing the CircleCI app from the app catalog and uses a webhook.
        • Valid options for this values are : all, app, collection, and none. If you choose:
          • all - It’s a default option, for installing every component of the setup
          • app - for only installing the app
          • collection - for configuring collection in Sumo Logic (fers, the sources) and/or in other systems (webhooks)
          • none - for skipping the entire integration/installation
      • install_circleci_SDO_plugin
        • This is used to integrate CircleCI into the SDO solution.
        • valid options for this variable are:  all ,none ,fer and collection. If you choose:
          • all  - It’s a default option, for installing every component of the setup
          • fer - for only installing the FERs
          • collection - for configuring collection in Sumo Logic (fers, the sources) and/or in other systems (webhooks)
          • none - for skipping the entire integration/installation
          • Choosing collection will create two sources in Sumo and set up the field extraction rules.
  3. You can choose which Webhooks to configure by updating the variables in * install_sumo_to_opsgenie_webhook
    • install_sumo_to_jiraserver_webhook
    • install_sumo_to_jiraservicedesk_webhook 
    • install_sumo_to_jiracloud_webhook
    • install_sumo_to_pagerduty_webhook 
  4. Update the following placeholder values in the file:,,,,,, and so they correspond with your Sumo Logic, Atlassian, GitHub, GitLab, CircleCI, and Pagerduty environments. See Configurable Parameters for the full list of input parameters.

Install the Software Development Optimization (SDO) Solution

You have the following available methods to install the Software Development Optimization solution using the Terraform script:

Option 1: Install the complete SDO solution

This procedure will configure collection in other systems (for example, Jira Cloud) and create sources and FERs/Fields and connections in Sumo Logic along with App installation:

  1. Set install_(app) variables as all for the required applications in, as defined in this section. This configuration will result in installing Sumo Logic apps, configuring collectors, and creating field extraction rules and fields in Sumo Logic.
  2. Set install_(app) variable as none for the tools that are not applicable to your environment.
  3. To install the outbound connections in Sumo Logic, configure the install_sumo_to_(app)_webhook variables as 'true' as defined in this section.
  4. Configure required variables in,,,,,,and
  5. Navigate to the directory sumologic-solution-templates/software-development-optimization-terraform and execute the commands below:
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

Option 2: Install one or more parts of the solution

You have the following options when installing parts of the solution: installing only the Sumo Logic Apps, only the FERs, and only connections.

  • Install only the Sumo Logic Apps:  Choose this method if you are already collecting data and have set up Webhooks. This will not configure collectors, sources, FERs, and connections in Sumo Logic and will not configure webhooks in other systems.
  • Install only the FERs: Choose this method if you have already configured and set up the collection and have installed the relevant apps. This will not configure collectors, sources, App installation, and connections in Sumo Logic and will not configure Webhooks in other systems.
  • Install outgoing connections: Choose this method if you want to only configure Sumo Logic connections. This will not configure collectors, sources, App installation, and FERs in Sumo Logic and will not configure Webhooks in other systems.

Install only the Apps 

To use existing sources, FERs/Fields, or configure these manually and install only the applications: 

  1. Other than the SDO app, configure collection in Sumo Logic if not already done Based on the app documentation
  2. Populate source categories that you set up during the collection phase in, as defined in this section.
  3. Set install_(app) variables as app for the required applications in, as defined in this section.
  4. Setting this flag as app will result in app installation in Sumo Logic, it will not configure collection in other systems (for example, Jira Cloud) and it will not create sources and FERs/Fields in Sumo Logic.
  5. Set install_(app) variables as ‘none’ for the applications which should not be configured.
  6. Set install_sumo_to_(app)_webhook variables as ‘false’ for the Sumo Logic connections if you do not wish to configure the outgoing connections in Sumo Logic.
  7. For pagerduty, set install_pagerduty_version = “v2” or “v3” to install either version of the app.
  8. Navigate to the directory sumologic-solution-templates/software-development-optimization-terraform and execute the commands:
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

Install FERs

To use existing sources and apps, or configure these manually:

  1. Configure sources and source categories in Sumo Logic.
  2. Configure collection in respective systems for example, Jira Cloud.
  3. Populate source categories in, as defined in this section.
  4. Set install_(app) variable as fer for the required applications in, as defined in this section.
  5. Setting install_(app) variable as fer will result in FER configuration in Sumo Logic, it will not configure collection in other systems (for example, Jira Cloud) and it will not create sources and Fields in Sumo Logic and will not install Apps.
  6. Navigate to the directory sumologic-solution-templates/software-development-optimization-terraform and execute the commands:
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

Install the Sumo Logic outgoing connections

To configure the Sumo Logic connections only:

  1. Set install_(app)_webhook variables as ‘none’ for all the applications except Opsgenie. Opsgenie connection cannot be installed without configuring Opsgenie collection as there is a cyclic dependency.
  2. Set install_sumo_to_(app)_webhook variables as ‘true’ for the Sumo Logic connections which should be configured in Sumo Logic.
  3. Configure required variables in
  4. Navigate to the directory sumologic-solution-templates/software-development-optimization-terraform and execute the commands:
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

Complete Post-Setup Configurations

After completing configuration, instrument your DevOps pipeline to specially identify and send build and deploy events in your pipeline to Sumo Logic. These events are correlated with other events in the DevOps lifecycle. Complete the configuration for the build and deploy tool you use.

Bitbucket for build and deploy

  1. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Manage Data > Collection > Collection.
  2. Search for Software Development Optimization Collector.
  3. Under this Collector, click on Show URL for the source Bitbucket Cloud. Make a note of this URL and use this URL to configure the Bitbucket CI/CD Pipeline to collect deploy events:
  • Deploy: Follow the steps outlined in this document to configure the Bitbucket CI/CD Pipeline to collect deploy events.

Jenkins for build and deploy

  1. Install the latest Jenkins Plugin as described here
  2. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Manage Data > Collection > Collection.
  3. Search for Software Development Optimization Collector.
  4. Under this Collector, click on Show URL for the source Jenkins. Make a note of this URL and Source Category, you will use these to configure the Jenkins Plugin:
    • Build Pipeline Stages: Follow Configure Jenkins Plugin, and optionally Optional - Advance Configuration to configure the Jenkins Sumo Logic plugin.
    • Build: Follow this doc to modify your Jenkins plugin to explicitly identify, enrich, and send Build Events to Sumo Logic.
    • Deploy: Follow this doc to modify your Jenkins plugin to explicitly identify, enrich, and send Deploy Events to Sumo Logic.

CircleCI for build and deploy

  1. Create three environment variables in project settings of CircleCI environment:
    • CIRCLE_TOKEN = <[*API personal token*]( created in CircleCi>
    • JOB_HTTP_SOURCE = <url of job-collector source created by the Terraform script output>
    • WORKFLOW_HTTP_SOURCE = <url of workflow-collector source created by the Terraform script output>

CircleCI app installation

  1. Create a webhook connection in project settings of CircleCI environment: 
    • Receiver URL = <url of circleci source created by the Terraform script>

Other Tools for build and deploy

If you're using tools other than Jenkins and Bitbucket pipelines for Build and Deploy phases:

  1. Build: Configure your tool to construct and send events using the build event schema in the section Build Event. 
  2. Deploy: Configure your tool to construct events using the deploy event schema in the section Deploy Events.

Uninstalling the Solution

To uninstall the solution, navigate to the directory sumologic-solution-templates/software-development-optimization-terraform and execute the command:

$ terraform destroy

Configurable Parameters

Configure the following parameters in specific files according to app or service.

Sumo Logic

Configure these parameters in

sumo_access_idSumo Logic Access ID
sumo_access_keySumo Logic Access Key
deploymentSumo Logic Deploymentus1
sumo_api_endpointSumo Logic API Endpoint. Make sure the trailing "/" is present.
app_installation_folderThe Sumo Logic apps will be installed in a folder under your personal folder in Sumo Logic.Software Development Optimization
install_jira_cloudInstall Sumo Logic Application and webhooks for Jira Cloud. Options: app, collection, fer, all, and none.all
install_jira_serverInstall Sumo Logic Application and webhooks for Jira Server. Options: app, collection, fer, all, and none.all
install_bitbucket_cloudInstall Sumo Logic Application and webhooks for BitBucket Cloud. Options: app, collection, fer, all, and none.all
install_opsgenieInstall Sumo Logic Application and webhooks for Opsgenie. Options: app, collection, fer, all, and none.all
install_githubInstall Sumo Logic Application and webhooks for GitHub. Options: app, collection, fer, all, and none. If you do not wish to install the GitHub collection or application, rename the file to github.tf_backup.all
install_gitlabInstall Sumo Logic Application and webhooks for GitLab. Options: app, collection, fer, all, and none. If you do not wish to install the GitLab collection or application, rename the file to gitlab.tf_backup.all
install_pagerdutyInstall Sumo Logic Application and webhooks for Pagerduty. Options: app, collection, fer, all, and none.all
install_pagerduty_versionLets you install either v2 or v3 alertFER/app version.v3
install_jenkinsInstall Sumo Logic Application for Jenkins. Options: app, collection, fer, all, and none. The Terraform script does not configure the Jenkins Sumo Logic plugin, choosing collection will create http source in Sumo Logic for Jenkins and will configure the Jenkins FERs.all
install_sdoInstall Sumo Logic Application for Software Development Optimization. Options: app or
install_circleciInstall Sumo Logic Application for CircleCI. Options: app, collection, all, and none.all
install_circleci_SDO_pluginInstall Sumo Logic Collection and FER for CircleCI SDO integration.all
install_sumo_to_opsgenie_webhookInstall Sumo Logic to Opsgenie webhook. install_opsgenie should be true for this option to be true.true
install_sumo_to_jiracloud_webhookInstall Sumo Logic to Jira Cloud webhook.true
install_sumo_to_jiraserver_webhookInstall Sumo Logic to Jira Server webhook.true
install_sumo_to_jiraservicedesk_webhookInstall Sumo Logic to Jira Service Desk webhooktrue
install_sumo_to_pagerduty_webhookInstall Sumo Logic to Pagerduty webhooktrue
jira_cloud_scSource Category for Jira CloudSDO/Jira/Cloud
jira_server_scSource Category for Jira ServerSDO/Jira/Server/Events
bitbucket_scSource Category for BitBucket CloudSDO/Bitbucket
opsgenie_scSource Category for OpsgenieSDO/Opsgenie
pagerduty_scSource Category for PagerdutySDO/Pagerduty
github_scSource Category for GitHubSDO/GitHub
gitlab_scSource Category for GitLabSDO/GitLab
jenkins_scSource Category for JenkinsSDO/Jenkins
circlecl_app_scSource Category for CircleCISDO/CircleCI

Sumo Logic Field Extraction Rules

Configure these parameters in There is a set of FER's for the SDO Apps. Each FER needs scope and a parse expression. In most cases default values will suffice, if required you can edit the scope and parse expression as per your requirements.

(app)_pull_request_fer_scopeA keyword search expression that points to the subset of logs you'd like to parse. For more details see FER.
(app)_pull_request_fer_parseA valid parse expression with supported parse and search operators. For more details see FER.

The App can be jira_cloud, jira_server, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, PagerDuty, Opsgenie, Jenkins, or CircleCI.

Jira Cloud

Configure these parameters in

jira_cloud_urlJira Cloud URL
jira_cloud_userJira Cloud Username
jira_cloud_passwordJira Cloud Password or API Key
jira_cloud_jqlJira Cloud Query Language Example: "project = Sumo"
jira_cloud_eventsJira Cloud Events

Sumo Logic to Jira Cloud Webhook

Sumologic to Jira Webhook is in Beta. To participate, contact your Sumo account executive.

Configure these parameters in

jira_cloud_authTo generate Authorization Header follow this doc
jira_cloud_userJira Cloud Username
jira_cloud_passwordJira Cloud Password or API Key
jira_cloud_jqlJira Cloud Query Language Example: "project = Sumo"
jira_cloud_eventsJira Cloud Events

Sumo Logic to Jira Service Desk Webhook


Sumologic to Jira Webhook is in Beta. To participate, contact your Sumo account executive.

Configure these parameters in

jira_servicedesk_urlJira Service Desk URL, can be same as Jira Cloud URL
jira_server_authBasic Authorization Header
jira_server_projectkeyJira Server Project Key
jira_server_issuetypeJira Server Issue Type, for example 'Bug'
jira_server_priorityIssue Priority. For Example, 3

Jira Server

Configure these parameters in


This script configures Jira Server webhooks and creates resources in Sumo Logic. Jira Server Logs collection needs to be configured as explained in Step 1 here. Configure the log collection and update the variable jira_server_access_logs_sourceCategory in with the selected source category.

jira_server_access_logs_sourceCategoryJira Server Access Logs Source Category, default "SDO/Jira/Server*", refer to this link.
jira_server_urlJira Server URL
jira_server_userJira Server Username
jira_server_passwordNeeds to be the password. API Key is not supported on Jira Server yet.
jira_server_jqlJira Server Query Language Example: "project = Sumo"
jira_servicedesk_priorityJira Server Events

Sumo Logic to Jira Server Webhook


Sumologic to Jira Webhook is in Beta. To participate, contact your Sumo account executive.

Configure these parameters in

jira_server_authBasic Authorization Header
jira_server_projectkeyJira Server Project Key
jira_server_issuetypeJira Server Issue Type, for example 'Bug'
jira_server_priorityIssue Priority, for example 3


Configure these parameters in

bitbucket_cloud_userBitbucket Username
bitbucket_cloud_passwordBitbucket password or App Password
bitbucket_cloud_ownerThe owner of the repositories. Can be you or any team having write access.
bitbucket_cloud_reposSpecify the repositories for which webhooks should be created. Format: ["repo1","repo2"]
bitbucket_cloud_descThe name / description to show in the UI
bitbucket_cloud_eventsBitbucket Events to track


Configure these parameters in

opsgenie_api_urlOpsgenie API URL. Do not add the trailing "/". If using the EU instance of Opsgenie, the URL needs to be<\> for requests to be executed.
opsgenie_keyOpsgenie API Key

Sumo Logic to Opsgenie Webhook


Sumologic to Opsgenie Webhook is in Beta. To participate, contact your Sumo account executive.

Configure these parameters in

opsgenie_priorityOpsgenie Alert Priority


Configure these parameters in or

For v2:

pagerduty_api_keyPagerduty API Key.
pagerduty_services_pagerduty_webhooksList of Pagerduty Service IDs. Example: ["P1QWK8J","PK9FKW3"]. You can get these from the URL after opening a specific service in Pagerduty. Webhooks are created for these services.

For v3:

pagerduty_api_keyPagerduty API Key.
pagerduty_services_pagerduty_webhooksList of Pagerduty Service IDs. Example: ["P1QWK8J","PK9FKW3"]. You can get these from the URL after opening a specific service in Pagerduty. Webhooks are created for these services.
create_account_webhookBool value for creating a Pagerduty account webhook
create_teams_webhooksList of Pagerduty Team IDs. Example: ["P1QWK8J","PK9FKW3"]. You can get these from the URL after opening a specific team in Pagerduty. Webhooks are created for these teams.

Sumo Logic to PagerDuty Webhook

Configure these parameters in

pagerduty_services_sumo_webhooksSumo Logic to Pagerduty Webhook. List of Pagerduty Service IDs. Example: ["P1QWK8J","PK9FKW3"]. You can get these from the URL after opening a specific service in Pagerduty. Alerts are sent from Sumo to Pagerduty for these services.


Configure these parameters in If you do not wish to install the GitHub collection or application, rename the file to github.tf_backup.

github_tokenGitHub Token
github_organizationOrganization Name.
github_repo_webhook_createCreate webhooks at repo level. Default "true".
github_repository_namesList of repository names for which webhooks need to be created. Example, ["repo1","repo2"]
github_org_webhook_createCreate webhooks at org level. Default "false".
github_repo_eventsList of repository events which should be sent to Sumo Logic. Example, ["create","delete","fork"]
github_org_eventsList of organization level events which should be sent to Sumo Logic. Example, ["create","delete","fork"]


Configure these parameters in If you do not wish to install the GitLab collection or application, rename the file to gitlab.tf_backup.

gitlab_tokenGitLab Token
gitlab_project_webhook_createCreate webhooks at project level. Default "true".
gitlab_project_namesList of project names for which webhooks need to be created. Example, ["project1","project2"]


The Terraform script does not configure the Jenkins Sumo Logic plugin, it creates an HTTP source in Sumo Logic for Jenkins and configures the Jenkins FERs.

jenkins_scJenkins Source Category.


The Terraform script does not configure the CircleCI Sumo Logic plugin, it creates HTTP sources in Sumo Logic for CircleCI and configures the CircleCI FERs.

It also allows to install the CircleCI app that can be configured using a CircleCI webhook.

circlesi_app_scCircleCI App Source Category
circleci_build_jobnameCircleCI build job name for SDO FER
circleci_deploy_jobnameCircleCI deploy job name for SDO FER
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