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Google Alert Center


Version: 1.0
Updated: Dec 12, 2023

Google Alert Center relies on the Google Workspace Alert Center API which empowers administrators to efficiently manage alerts on issues affecting the domain.


  • Create Alert Feedback (Notification) - Creates new feedback for an alert.
  • Delete Alerts (Notification) - Marks the specified alerts for deletion. An alert that has been marked for deletion is removed from Alert Center after 30 days.
  • Get Alert (Enrichment) - Gets the specified alert.
  • List Alert Feedback (Enrichment) - Lists all the feedback for an alert.
  • List Alerts (Enrichment) - Lists the alerts.
  • Undelete Alerts (Notification) - Restores, or "undeletes", an alert that was marked for deletion within the past 30 days.

Google Alert Center Configuration​

To create a Service Account in Google Workspace and generate the JSON file needed to configure the Google Alert Center integration, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Google Cloud portal.
  2. Select a Google Cloud project (or create a new one).
  3. Go to the API&Services > Credentials page.
  4. Click CREATE CREDENTIALS and select Service Account.
  5. Enter a Service account name to display in the Google Cloud console. The Google Cloud console generates a service account ID based on this name.
  6. Optional: Enter a description of the service account.
  7. Skip two optional grant permissions steps and click Done to complete the service account creation.
  8. Click on the generated service account to open the details.
  9. Under the KEYS tab, Click ADD KEY and choose Create new key.
  10. Click on CREATE (make sure JSON is selected).
  11. The JSON file is downloaded. Make sure you save it in a safe place.
  12. Enable the Google Workspace Alert Center API for the project at
  13. Go to to open the Domain-Wide delegation settings in the Google Admin portal.
  14. Click on Add new.
  15. In the Client ID field, provide the client ID from the JSON file.
  16. In the OAuth scopes (comma-delimited) field, provide the following scopes: ''
  17. Click Authorize.

Google Alert Center in Automation Service and Cloud SOAR​

  • Label. The desired name for the resource.
  • User Service Account JSON. Provide the content of the JSON file generated in the previous steps. Open the file and copy-paste the whole content in the field.
  • Admin User Email. The e-mail address of an admin user.

Change Log​

  • December 12, 2023 (v1.0) - First upload
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