Kela Darkbeast

Version: 1.1
Updated: Jul 05, 2023
Kela Darkbeast provides incident responders, threat hunters, investigators, and intelligence analysts with a robust technology to dive into the cybercrime underground and investigate.
- Get Data Count (Enrichment) - Returns a list of data types each associated with the number of hits found.
- Search Data (Enrichment) - Allows direct querying of a specific data type, returning either references to data IDs (to be searched via the Get Data Details action) or the full data itself. If there’s a need to paginate through more results, extract the scroll_id item from within the response and use it in Search Pagination action.
- Search Pagination*(Enrichment)* - This action is used for persistent pagination of search results. Since every search requests only returns a limited number of results, paginating through them is the way to acquire big data sets.
- Get Data Details (Enrichment) - This action is used to retrieve the full details of a Hacking Discussion or Instant Messaging data point.
- User License (Enrichment) - Returns the number of remaining search tokens your API license has.
Kela Darkbeast configuration​
- Sign in to the Kela Darkbeast platform.
- The API Access can be generated in your profile.
- Make sure you copy and save the API token.
Kela Darkbeast in Automation Service and Cloud SOAR​
- Access integrations in the Automation Service or Cloud SOAR.
- After the list of the integrations appears, search/look for the integration and click on the row.
- The integration details will appear. Click on the "+" button to add new Resource.
- Populate all the required fields (*).
- URL. ''.
- API Token. Insert the previously copied token.
- Click Save.
- To make sure the resource is working, hover over the resource and then click the pencil icon that appears on the right.
- You should receive a successful notification in the bottom right corner.
Change Log​
- May 19, 2022 - First upload
- July 5, 2023 (v1.1) - Updated the integration with Environmental Variables