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Palo Alto Networks Panorama V2


Version: 2.5
Updated: May 29, 2024

Utilize Palo Alto Panorama to list current applications and issue containment actions during incident investigation.


  • List Tags (Enrichment) - List all available tags.
  • List Dynamic User Groups (Enrichment) - List all dynamic user groups.
  • List Connected Devices (Enrichment) - List all connected devices.
  • List Firewall User Attributes (Enrichment) - List firewall user attributes.
  • List Application (Enrichment) - Pull a list of current applications and associated ports.
  • List Address (Enrichment) - List an address.
  • List Service (Enrichment) - List a service.
  • Get Policy Rules (Enrichment) - Get policy rules.
  • Get Firewall User Group Members (Enrichment) - Get a list of all members of a firewall user group.
  • Get Address Groups (Enrichment) - Get address groups.
  • Get Service Groups (Enrichment) - Get service groups.
  • Get URL Category (Enrichment) - Get URL categories.
  • Get URL Filter (Enrichment) - Get URL filter.
  • Get Devices (Enrichment) - Get all devices.
  • Create Tag (Containment) - Create a new tag.
  • Create Dynamic User Group (Containment) - Create a new dynamic user group.
  • Create Policy Rule (Containment) - Create a new policy rule.
  • Create Address Group ( Containment) - Create a new address group.
  • Create Address ( Containment ) - Create a new address.
  • Create Service Group ( Containment ) - Create a service group.
  • Create Service (Containment ) - Create a service.
  • Create Tag (Containment ) - Create a tag.
  • Create URL Category (Containment ) - Create a URL category.
  • Create URL Filter (Containment ) - Create URL filter.
  • Commit (Containment) - Commit a change.
  • Delete Address Group (Containment ) - Delete an address group.
  • Delete Address (Containment ) - Delete an address.
  • Delete Policy Rule (Containment ) - Delete a policy rule.
  • Delete Service Group (Containment ) - Delete a service group.
  • Delete Service (Containment ) - Delete a service.
  • Delete URL Category (Containment ) - Delete a URL category.
  • Delete URL Filter (Containment ) - Delete a URL filter.
  • Register Tag For Users (Containment) - Register a tag for users.
  • Unregister Tag For User (Containment) - Unregister a tag for a user.
  • Unregister All Tags For User (Containment) - Unregister all tags for a user.
  • Move Policy Rule (Containment) - Move an existing policy rule.
  • Update Policy Rule ( Containment ) - Update a policy rule.
  • Update URL Category ( Containment ) - Update a URL category.


Dynamic User Groups

  • The following actions must be committed to the firewall:
    • Create Tag
    • List Tags
    • List Devices Group (Device Group - Location)
    • Create Dynamic User Group (Match/Filter is only based on Tags)
    • List Dynamic User Groups
    • Create Policy Rule (Possibility to Add Dynamic User Group as Source User)
    • Commit
    • Get Policy Rules
  • The following actions will be redirected to Firewall through Panorama, with no need to commit:
    • List Connected Devices (to get the serial number)
    • List Firewall User Attributes (List local Firewall users of Active Directory)
    • Register Tag For Users (include/add any user Dynamically to Dynamic User Groups using a tag)
    • Get Firewall User Group Members (Get Dynamic User Groups Members of Firewall or any local user group of the Firewall)
    • Unregister Tag For User (Remove a user from a tag, it means, will remove users from Dynamic User Groups if the tag is already associated with it)
    • Unregister All Tags For User (remove a user from all the tags and it will be removed from all the Dynamic User Groups)

External Libraries

Change Log

  • January 14, 2020 - First upload
  • May 22, 2020 - Added support for Dynamic User Groups
  • July 21, 2023 (v2.2) - Updated the integration with Environmental Variables
  • September 4, 2023 (v2.3) - Fixed a bug where if the timeout was not specified, an error would occur
  • September 19, 2023 (v2.4) - Versioning
  • May 29, 2024 (v2.5) - Docker updated
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