Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM

Version: 1.15
Updated: Jan 6, 2025
Utilize Cloud SIEM entities to correlate Signals and Insights through Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM integration.
- Add Comment To Insight (Notification) - Add a comment to an existing Insight.
- Add Enrichment Entity (Notification) - Add enrichments to Entity.
- Add Enrichment Insight (Notification) - Add enrichments to Insights.
- Add Enrichment Signal (Notification) - Add enrichments to Signal.
- Add Match List Item (Notification) - Add item to Match List.
- Add Network Block (Containment) - Add an address into the Network Blocks.
- Add Tag To Insight (Notification) - Add tags to the Insight.
- Assign User To Insight (Notification) - Add specific user to an Insight.
- Check Insight Status Schedule (Scheduled) - Schedule action that periodically checks if the Insight is closed.
- Close Insight Trigger (Trigger) - Trigger action that is executed whenever an Incident is closed.
- Create Insight From Signals (Notification) - Create Insight From Signal IDs.
- Get Entity (Enrichment) - Get Entity details.
- Get Insight (Enrichment) - Get Insight details.
- Get Insight Comments (Enrichment) - Get comments for an Insight.
- Get Insight V2 (Enrichment) - Get Insight details v2.
- Get Signal (Enrichment) - Get Signal details.
- List Entities (Enrichment) - List Entities.
- List Indicators (Enrichment) - List all Indicators.
- List Insights (Enrichment) - List all Insights.
- List Network Block (Enrichment) - List all Blocked Networks.
- List Signals (Enrichment) - List all Signals.
- List Users (Enrichment) - Get a list of users.
- Sumo Logic Insights Daemon (Daemon) - Daemon to retrieve the latest Insights.
- Sumo Logic Insights Daemon Extended (Daemon) - Daemon to retrieve the latest Insights, extended version.
- Sumo Logic Signals Daemon (Daemon) - Daemon to retrieve the latest Signals.
- Update Insight (Notification) - Update the insight Assignee, Status, Severity, and Tags.
- Update Insight Status (Enrichment) - Update the insight status.
- Update Insight Tag Trigger (Trigger) - Trigger action that is executed whenever an Incident is edited.
- Get Match List (Enrichment) - Get a Match List.
- List Match List Items (Enrichment) - Get a list of Match List Items.
- List Match List (Enrichment) - Get the list of Match Lists.
- Sumo Logic Match List Items Daemon (Daemon) - Automatically pull a list of Match List Items.
Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM configuration​
Create an access key and copy the resulting Access ID and Access Key. Store the ID and access key (temporally) into a text editor.
The ID and key won't be available again once you close the confirmation screen.
Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM in Automation Service and Cloud SOAR​
- Access integrations in the Automation Service or Cloud SOAR.
- After the list of the integrations appears, search/look for the integration and click on the row.
- The integration details will appear. Click on the "+" button to add new Resource.
- Populate the resource fields as indicated.
- Label. The name of the resource.
- Sumo Logic API URL. URL to the API of the Cloud SIEM instance
. - Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM URL. URL to the Cloud SIEM instance
. - Access ID. The access ID that you copied earlier.
- Access Key. The access key that you copied earlier.
- To make sure the resource is working, hover over the resource and then click the pencil icon that appears on the right.
- You should receive a successful notification in the bottom right corner.
For detailed API documentation visit Sumo Logic APIs.
Change Log​
- March 26, 2021 - First Upload
- April 6, 2021 - New actions uploaded
- October 1, 2021 - New actions uploaded
- October 18, 2021 - New actions uploaded
- October 27, 2021 - New actions uploaded
- March 17, 2022 - New action: Update Insight
- February 17, 2023 (v1.3)
- Updated Daemon: Sumo Logic Insights Daemon Extended
- September 19, 2023 (v1.4) - Updated the integration with Environmental Variables
- September 26, 2023 (v1.5) - Updated Daemon: Sumo Logic Signals Daemon
- October 3, 2023 (v1.6) - Updated Daemon: Sumo Logic Insights Daemon Extended
- October 4, 2023 (v1.7) - Updated Daemon: Sumo Logic Insights Daemon
- November 24, 2023 (v1.8)
- Updated Sumo Logic Insights Daemon Extended and Sumo Logic Insights Daemon (Updated the query, now it only retrieves data from the past 1 hour instead of 24 hours)
- Expanded output mappings for the following Actions/Daemons
- Get Signal
- Get Insight V2
- Sumo Logic Signals Daemon
- Sumo Logic Insights Daemon
- Sumo Logic Insights Daemon Extended
- December 12, 2023 (v1.9)
- Added new Action - Create Insight From Signals
- Updated Add Enrichment Insight, Add Enrichment Entity, and Add Enrichment Signal actions based on the following points:
- Now text information can be included as enrichment
- Updated the enrichment field to accept either the output.raw or any other JSON format
- Added additional fields: reputation, expiresAt and externalUrl
- Updated the field Fields Name/Path To Extract to enable the extraction of field values from the JSON by using either the Path or Field Name
- February 7, 2024 (v1.10)
- Fixed issue in the "Add Comment To Insight" action where line breaks in the "Insight Comment" field were removed upon submission
- March 4, 2024 (v1.11) - Updated code for compatibility with Python 3.12
- April 5, 2024 (v1.12)
- The integration formerly known as "Sumo Logic CSE" has been renamed to "Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM"
- Added a new field API Rate Limit Sleep to the Integration resource (If API rate limit exceeded, wait for 1 second and then attempt a retry, with a maximum wait time of 10)
- New Actions added:
- Get Match List
- List Match List Items
- List Match List
- Sumo Logic Match List Items Daemon
- For Close Insight Trigger added three fields in Integration resource:
- Custom Field Internal Name (This field is only used within the Close Insight Trigger as a custom Field for Insight ID in Cloud SOAR, for Example: opt_1)
- Resolution Status (This field is only used within the Close Insight Trigger as a resolution reason for closing the Insight, for Example: Resolved)
- Closure Comments (This field is only used within the Close Insight Trigger as a closure comment for Insight)
- April 8, 2024 (v1.13)
- Update the resource field name from "Sumo Logic CSE URL" to "Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM URL"
- July 3, 2024 (v1.14)
- Update
in Close Insight Trigger
- Update
- January 6, 2025 (v1.15)
- New Action added:
- Add Match List Item
- New Action added: