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Version: 1.13
Updated: July 03, 2024

Perform threat intelligence evidence gathering with VirusTotal.


  • Add Comment (Notification) - Add a new comment.
  • Check Scanned Status (Scheduled) - Check the status of a Scan File and Scan URL.
  • Domain Reputation (Enrichment) - Gather domain reputation information on a specific domain.
  • Download Report (Enrichment) - Download a file of scanned report.
  • File Reputation (Enrichment) - Gather reputation information on a specific file.
  • Get Comment (Enrichment) - Gather all comments.
  • Get Report (Enrichment) - Gather a report on a specific file or URL.
  • IP Reputation (Enrichment) - Gather IP reputation information for a specific IP address.
  • Scan File (Enrichment) - Scan the specific file.
  • Scan URL (Enrichment) - Scan on a specific URL.
  • URL Reputation (Enrichment) - Gather reputation information for multiple URLs.


Threat Intelligence-Reputation

Change Log

  • July 17, 2019 - First upload
  • April 10, 2020 - Actions updated:
    • IP and Domain Reputation: WHOIS information has been added to action's output
  • December 21, 2020 - Updated descriptions
  • June 3, 2021 - Action Updated:
    • IP Reputation: Detected URLs information has been added as output
  • July 1, 2021 - New action added:
    • IP Reputation V3 - API v3
  • June 14, 2022 - Updated action
    • File Reputation: now it's possible to select a FileHash artifact as an input for this action
  • November 22, 2022
    • solved issue for which the integration test will throw an error if no value for timeout is provided
    • set the timeout field as not required
  • March 20, 2023 (V1.6) - Updated Actions:
    • Merge IP Reputation V2 into IP Reputation V3 Action (IP Reputation V3 use API V3)
    • Merge URL Reputation V2 into URL Reputation Action
  • June 27, 2023 (v1.7)
    • The name of VirusTotal OIF modified to VirusTotal
    • The visibility of the resource field changed
    • Two new actions added (URL Scan V2 and File Scan V2)
    • Removed leading/trailing spaces
  • July 25, 2023 (v1.8) - Updated Integration Resource Fields
  • March 4, 2024 (v1.10) - Updated code for compatibility with Python 3.12
  • April 4, 2024 (v1.11) New action added:
    • Search VirusTotal
  • June 20, 2024 (v1.12)
    • Updated action Scan File V2: added checkbox field for handling files passed through output.raw
  • July 03, 2024 (v1.13)
    • A new version is available: VirusTotal V3
    • Added new actions:
      • Check Scanned Status
      • Download Report
      • Get Report
    • Updated actions:
      • Scan File - Just Scan the specific file
      • Scan URL - Just Scan on a specific URL
    • Moved actions using V3 API to VirusTotal V3
      • IP Reputation V3 as IP Reputation
      • Search VirusTotal as Search VirusTotal
      • File Scan V2 as Scan File but it just scans the specific file
      • URL Scan V2 as Scan URL but it just scans on a specific URL
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