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Parse XML Formatted Logs

The XML operator uses a subset of the XPath 1.0 specification to provide a way for you to parse fields from XML logs. Using it, you can specify what to parse from an XML log using an XPath reference.

Ingested XML files must be well-formed and valid in order to be parsed by the XML operator. If the XML is not valid, you will receive an error.


  • | parse XML [field=<field_name>] "<xpath_expression>"[, "<xpath_expression>"] [as <fields>] [nodrop]


  • field=<field_name> 

    The field=fieldname option allows you to specify a field to parse other than the default message. For details, see Parse field

  • nodrop 

    The nodrop option forces results to also include messages that do not match any segment of the parse term. For details, see Parse nodrop


  • If no field is specified, then the entire text of incoming messages is used.
  • If the XPaths are not valid, an error is thrown.
  • If the number of field names do not match the specified XPaths, an error is thrown.
  • If the field is not well-formed XML, null is returned, unless you have specified nodrop.
  • If the XPath does not match anything in the log, then null is returned, unless you have specified nodrop.
  • If the XPath matches an element, then its string representation is returned.
  • If the XPath matches multiple elements, then the first one is returned.

XPath subset limitations

The full XPath 1.0 specification is not supported. In order to increase performance, Sumo Logic supports a subset of the specification, including the following caveats:


The XML operator is not namespace aware. If you provide a namespace as the XPath expression a null value is returned.

Forward only

The XML operator only allows XML paths to go deeper into the tree. For example, this expression is not allowed:


Full location paths

You must specify the full path to the elements you want to parse. This means that "self-or-descendant" expressions are not supported. For example, the following paths are not allowed:



No expanded syntax axis specifiers

Expanded syntax is not supported. For example, the following expressions cannot be used:




The parse operations provided refer to the following XML log:

<user id="123" role="manager">
<user id="456" role="contributor">

Parse element values

You can parse information using an XPath reference, such as the first_name element value:

* | parse xml "/users/user/first_name/text()" as first_name

The text() function will pull the text value of the element. The results would return a field named first_name with the value of Sally.

To parse the second user element in the array you'd use the following:

* | parse xml "/users/user[2]/first_name/text()" as first_name

The results would return a field named first_name with a value of Bob.

To parse the last element in an array you'd use the following:

* | parse xml "/users/user[last()]/first_name/text()" as first_name

To parse an element based on an attribute, in this example where id="456", you'd use the following:

* | parse xml "/users/user[@id=456]/first_name/text()" as first_name"

Parse attribute values

To parse the id attribute you'd use the following:

* | parse xml "/users/user/@id" as id

The results would return a field named id with a value of 123.

To parse the id value from the second user element you'd use the following:

* | parse xml "/users/user[2]/@id" as id

To parse the id value from the last user in the list you'd use the following: 

* | parse xml "/users/user[last()]/@id" as id

Parse multiple values

To parse multiple element and attribute values from a single message into separate fields use a comma-separated list of Xpath expressions. For example, to parse the first_name element value and the id attribute from our example you'd use the following: 

* | parse xml "/users/user/@id", "/users/user/first_name/text()" as id, first_name
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