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format Search Operator

The format operator allows you to format and combine data from parsed fields. Numbers, strings, and dates can be formatted into a user-defined string. This allows data in logs, such as dates or currency amounts, to be formatted as human readable, when otherwise it would be hard to decipher.

The concat operator is a simpler version of the Format operator, and may be used instead for simpler use cases.


format(<formatSpecifier>, <field1>[, <field2>, <field3>, ...]) as <field>

The Sumo Logic Format operator supports all Java String.format syntax, as defined in Oracle's Formatter.


  • The first argument to the Format operator must be a format specifier, which is a string.
  • You must define a name for the new field to use Format. There is no default alias.
  • The operator allows up to 16 input fields to format. To use more than 16 inputs, you can combine operators.
  • AND and OR are not supported
  • If a field is null or incompatible, an error will be thrown.
  • Use the Format operator after the aggregate.
  • You must convert your data type to numeric before converting to hexadecimal, or your data will be dropped.


Format two strings into one string​

In this query, we search for errors, then parse the field “fiveMinuteRate” as “rate”, then combine the text “Five Minute Rate is :” and the rate together as “formattedVal”.

| parse "fiveMinuteRate=*," as rate
| format("%s : %s","Five Minute Rate is :" , rate) as formattedVal

which results in:


Format numbers​

You can format big decimals, this one sets up to 20.

| format( "%.20f",number) as bigDecimal

This query allows you to format number fields from a message log into a properly formatted, human-readable currency amount.

| format( "$%.2f",number) as currency

This query does the same but also places thousands separators.

| format("$%,.2f",number)  as currency

Formatting dates​

Use the following query to format fields in a message log into a readable date.

| parse “*-*-*” “as year, month, day | format (“%d/%d/%d”, month, day, year) as date

Convert strings to uppercase​

Use this format specifier to convert strings to uppercase:

| format("%S: %d", name, age) as personAge

Convert numeric data to hexadecimal​

For example, to convert a field, collectorId, to 16 character uppercase hexadecimal:

| parse “*-*-*” “as year, month, day
| format (“%d/%d/%d”, month, day, year) as date

Format a single value with a symbol, like percent, at the end​

In this query, we have a single value, like the average cache miss percentage, and we add a "%" to the end.

| format("%.3f %s", avg_cache_miss_pct,"%") as avg_cache_miss_pct

For more options, see toLowerCase and toUpperCase.

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