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isNull, isEmpty, isBlank Search Operators

  • The isNull operator checks a string and returns a boolean value: true if the string is null, or false if the string is not null.
  • The isEmpty operator checks if a string contains no characters and is only whitespace.
  • The isBlank operator checks if a string contains no characters, is only whitespace, and is null.

When is a field null?

Fields can hold a null value for the following reasons:

When to use isNull, isEmpty, isBlank


Checks if the <string> value is "null".

  • isNull(null) = true
  • isNull("") = false
  • isNull(" ") = false
  • isNull("bob") = false
  • isNull(" bob ") = false

Returns true if the string is null.


Checks if the <string> value is an empty string containing no characters or whitespace.

  • isEmpty(null) = true
  • isEmpty("") = true
  • isEmpty(" ") = false
  • isEmpty("bob") = false
  • isEmpty(" bob ") = false

Returns true if the string is null or empty.


Checks if the value is null, empty, or contains only whitespace characters.

  • isBlank(null) = true
  • isBlank("") = true
  • isBlank(" ") = true
  • isBlank("bob") = false
  • isBlank(" bob ") = false

Returns true if the string is null, empty, or only whitespace.


Run a geo lookup query where we can find remote IP addresses that are not in the geo database

In this situation, no country_code will be associated with the IP address and the field value will be null.

Running a query like:

| parse "remote_ip=*]" as remote_ip
| lookup country_code from geo://location on ip = remote_ip
| if (isNull(country_code), "unknown", country_code) as country_code

uses the isNull operator to check the field value of country_code and if it returns true, has the if operator replace the value with the string unknown:

Screenshot of Sumo Logic log search results with columns for time, country code, remote IP, and message

Use the where operator to check for null values

To check for null values from a lookup operation, use a query with where, like:

| parse "example_ip=*]" as ip
| lookup country_name, city from geo://location on ip = ip
| where isNull(country_name)
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