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Collect Amazon CloudWatch Logs using a CloudFormation Template with Secured Endpoint


We strongly recommend the alternative collection process described on AWS Kinesis Firehose for Logs Source, which is more robust and reliable, where you do not need to manage resources. Lambda based collection methods are limited by time out, concurrency, and memory limits.

This method is similar to Collect CloudWatch Logs using a CloudFormation Template the only difference is that this method stores the Sumo Logic endpoint securely in system manager.

To collect Amazon CloudWatch Logs using a CloudFormation template with secured Sumo Logic endpoint, follow the below instructions.

Step 1: Add a Hosted Collector and HTTP Source

  1. Configure a Hosted Collector.
  2. Configure an HTTP Source.

When you configure the HTTP Source, make sure to save the HTTP Source Address URL. You will need this to configure the Lambda Function.  

Step 2: Create a SecureString Parameter

You can create the parameter via AWS CLI or via Console.

If you're using the AWS CLI, run the below command:

aws ssm put-parameter --region us-east-1 --cli-input-json '{
"Value": \<Paste the endpoint of the HTTP source created in step >",
"Type": "SecureString"

The above command uses the default AWS Managed Key. If you want to use Customer Managed CMK, refer to Create a SecureString parameter using a customer managed CMK.

If you're using the AWS Console, do the following:

  1. Go to
    • Tier. Standard.
    • Type. Select SecureString.
    • KMS Key Source. Select the KMS Key ID or use the default KMS key.
    • Value. Paste the value of the SUMO_ENDPOINT_URL copied while creating the HTTP source.
  2. Click Create Parameter.

You can verify whether the parameter is created successfully by going to and looking for parameter SUMO_ENDPOINT.

Get the KMS Key ID

Follow the steps in this document to get the Key ID used to encrypt/decrypt the parameter created earlier. If you're using the default AWS Managed Key, the Key ID should correspond to the alias value aws/ssm

Step 3: Download the CloudFormation template

Sumo Logic provides a CloudFormation template to make setup easier. Download the DLQLambdaCloudFormationWithSecuredEndpoint.json CloudFormation template and make modifications. Otherwise, proceed to Step 5.

Step 4: Tailor the CloudFormation template

For instructions, follow Step 3 in the Collect CloudWatch Logs using a CloudFormation Template page.

Step 5: Create a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console​

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console.

  2. Under Management Tools, select CloudFormation.

  3. Create a new stack by clicking Create Stack, then select With new resources (standard).

  4. On the Specify Template window, do one of the following:

    • If you have downloaded and optionally modified the CloudFormation template, choose to Upload a template file, upload the DLQLambdaCloudFormationWithSecuredEndpoint.json file, and then click Next.


    • Otherwise, if you did not modify the CloudFormation template, select Specify an Amazon S3 template URL and enter:


  5. Select Next and the Specify Stack Details window appears. Enter the following:

    • Stack Name.
    • EmailID (Optional). Used for alerts.
    • IncludeLogGroupInfo.  Set to true to include loggroup/logstream values in logs. The default value is False. For AWS Lambda Logs IncludeLogGroupInfo must be set to True; for VPC Flow Logs it's optional. 
    • LogFormat. For VPC logs, choose either VPC-JSON (JSON format) or VPC-RAW (raw messages). The default value is Others. 
    • LogStreamPrefix (Optional). Enter a comma-separated list of logStream name prefixes to filter by logStream. Please note this is separate from a logGroup. This is used to only send certain logStreams within a CloudWatch logGroup(s). LogGroup(s) still need to be subscribed to the created Lambda function (SumoCWLogsLambda-<Auto-Genereted-Suffix>), regardless of what is input for this value.

    LogStreamPrefix field does not accept special characters ([|\{}()[\]^$+*?.-]). For example, you can use the comma-separated list like test-name, test-logs as the LogStream name prefixes.

    • NumOfWorkers. (Optional) Increase this value to speed up the dead letter queue (DLQ) processing.
    • SumoURLDecryptKeyID. (Required) Enter the Key ID copied from “Get the KMS Key ID” step.


  6. Click Next. The Configure Stack Options screen will appear. You can optionally add AWS tags to tag the resources created by this Cloudformation stack. Click Next to get to the final Review window.

  7. In the Review window, click the checkbox acknowledging that you understand the template creates IAM resources, and click Create.

After a few minutes, you will see CREATE_COMPLETE in the Status column.


If you're using an existing log group or if you don’t want to send logs to the default group SumoCWLogGroup, you must do one of the following: Manually subscribe the SumoCWLogsLambda to an existing CloudWatch Log Group, create a subscription filter manually, or Auto-Subscribe AWS Log Groups to a Lambda Function.

Step 6: Validate email address for alarms

For instructions, follow Step 5 in the Collect CloudWatch Logs using a CloudFormation Template page.

Step 7: Subscribe SumoCWLogsLambda to CloudWatch Log Groups

For instructions, follow Step 6 in the Collect CloudWatch Logs using a CloudFormation Template page.

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