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Akamai SIEM API Source

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The Akamai SIEM API Source provides a secure endpoint to receive security events generated on the Akamai platform by leveraging the V1 SIEM API. It securely stores the required authentication, scheduling, and state tracking information.


This source has a maximum ingest rate of 1 TB/day as measured by the Data Volume Index. If your Source exceeds this rate, contact Sumo Logic support for alternative collection techniques.

Data collected

Polling IntervalData
30 secondsSecurity events


Vendor configuration

The Akamai SIEM API Source requires you to provide a Client TokenClient SecretAccess Token, Akamai API Host, and at least one Config ID. To get these, follow the instructions from Akamai's documentation to set up SIEM integration.

Source configuration

When you create an Akamai SIEM API Source, you add it to a Hosted Collector. Before creating the Source, identify the Hosted Collector you want to use or create a new Hosted Collector. For instructions, see Configure a Hosted Collector.

To configure an Akamai SIEM API Source:

  1. Classic UI. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Manage Data > Collection > Collection.
    New UI. In the Sumo Logic top menu select Configuration, and then under Data Collection select Collection. You can also click the Go To... menu at the top of the screen and select Collection.
  2. On the Collection page, click Add Source next to a HostedCollector.
  3. Search for and select Akamai SIEM API.
  4. Enter a Name to display for the Source in the Sumo web application. The description is optional.
  5. (Optional) For Source Category, enter any string to tag the output collected from the Source. Category metadata is stored in a searchable field called _sourceCategory.
  6. Forward to SIEM. Check the checkbox to forward your data to Cloud SIEM.

    Select Forward to SIEM only if you have Cloud SIEM installed.

  7. Client TokenClient SecretAccess Token, and Akamai API Host. Provide the Akamai SIEM API authentication credentials you want to use to authenticate) collection requests. The Akamai API Host is the custom hostname applied to your credentials, it looks something like this:
  8. Config IDs. Provide at least one Security Configuration ID you got when you turned on the SIEM integration in Akamai. This was done in the Vendor configuration section.
  9. Parsing Options. Select if you want to Enable post processing or Disable all parsing. The post processing options are Decode httpMessage fields and Duplicate Events once for each rule associated with the event. We recommend both parsing options when Forward to SIEM is enabled.
    • Decode httpMessage fields will decode the following fields from the httpMessage field of the event:
      • httpMessage.requestHeaders
      • httpMessage.responseHeaders
      • httpMessage.query For example, a log with the values:
      "format": "json",
      "type": "akamai_siem",
      "version": "1.0",
      "attackData": {
      "geo": {
      "httpMessage": {
      "bytes": "266",
      "host": "",
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/",
      "port": "80",
      "protocol": "HTTP/1.1",
      "query": "option=com_jce%20telnet.exe",
      "requestHeaders": "User-Agent%3a%20BOT%2f0.1%20(BOT%20for%20JCE)%0d%0aAccept%3a%20text%2fhtml,application%2fxhtml+xml,application%2fxml%3bq%3d0.9,*%2f*%3bq%3d0.8%0d%0auniqueID%3a%20CR_H8%0d%0aAccept-Language%3a%20en-US,en%3bq%3d0.5%0d%0aAccept-Encoding%3a%20gzip,",
      "requestId": "1158db1758e37bfe67b7c09",
      "responseHeaders": "Server%3a%20AkamaiGHost%0d%0aMime-Version%3a%201.0%0d%0aContent-Type%3a%20text%2fhtml%0d%0aContent-Length%3a%20266%0d%0aExpires%3a%20Tue,%2004%20Apr%202017%2010%3a57%3a02%20GMT%0d%0aDate%3a%20Tue,%2004%20Apr%202017%2010%3a57%3a02%20GMT%0d%0aConnection%3a%20close%0d%0aSet-Cookie%3a%20ak_bmsc%3dAFE4B6D8CEEDBD286FB10F37AC7B256617DB580D417F0000FE7BE3580429E23D%7epluPrgNmaBdJqOLZFwxqQLSkGGMy4zGMNXrpRIc1Md4qtsDfgjLCojg1hs2HC8JqaaB97QwQRR3YS1ulk+6e9Dbto0YASJAM909Ujbo6Qfyh1XpG0MniBzVbPMUV8oKhBLLPVSNCp0xXMnH8iXGZUHlUsHqWONt3+EGSbWUU320h4GKiGCJkig5r+hc6V1pi3tt7u3LglG3DloEilchdo8D7iu4lrvvAEzyYQI8Hao8M0%3d%3b%20expires%3dTue,",
      "start": "1491303422",
      "status": "200"
      will be decoded as:
      "format": "json",
      "type": "akamai_siem",
      "version": "1.0",
      "attackData": {
      "geo": {
      "httpMessage": {
      "bytes": "266",
      "host": "",
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/",
      "port": "80",
      "protocol": "HTTP/1.1",
      "query": "option=com_jce telnet.exe",
      "requestHeaders": {
      "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8",
      "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate",
      "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5",
      "Connection": "keep-alive",
      "Content-Length": "0",
      "Host": "",
      "User-Agent": "BOT/0.1 (BOT for JCE)",
      "uniqueID": "CR_H8"
      "requestId": "1158db1758e37bfe67b7c09",
      "responseHeaders": {
      "Connection": "close",
      "Content-Length": "266",
      "Content-Type": "text/html",
      "Date": "Tue, 04 Apr 2017 10:57:02 GMT",
      "Expires": "Tue, 04 Apr 2017 10:57:02 GMT",
      "Mime-Version": "1.0",
      "Server": "AkamaiGHost",
      "Set-Cookie": "ak_bmsc=AFE4B6D8CEEDBD286FB10F37AC7B256617DB580D417F0000FE7BE3580429E23D~pluPrgNmaBdJqOLZFwxqQLSkGGMy4zGMNXrpRIc1Md4qtsDfgjLCojg1hs2HC8JqaaB97QwQRR3YS1ulk 6e9Dbto0YASJAM909Ujbo6Qfyh1XpG0MniBzVbPMUV8oKhBLLPVSNCp0xXMnH8iXGZUHlUsHqWONt3 EGSbWUU320h4GKiGCJkig5r hc6V1pi3tt7u3LglG3DloEilchdo8D7iu4lrvvAEzyYQI8Hao8M0=; expires=Tue, 04 Apr 2017 12:57:02 GMT; max-age=7200; path=/;; HttpOnly"
      "start": "1491303422",
      "status": "200"
      • Duplicate Events once for each rule associated with the event will decode the attackData (rules) that triggered the events and duplicate the event, one for each triggered rule. In this case the base event:
      "format": "json",
      "type": "akamai_siem",
      "version": "1.0",
      "attackData": {
      "clientIP": "",
      "configId": "14227",
      "policyId": "qik1_26545",
      "rules": [
      "rule": "950002",
      "ruleAction": "alert",
      "ruleData": "telnet.exe",
      "ruleMessage": "System Command Access",
      "ruleSelector": "ARGS:option",
      "ruleVersion": "4"
      "rule": "950006",
      "ruleAction": "alert",
      "ruleData": "telnet.exe",
      "ruleMessage": "System Command Injection",
      "ruleSelector": "ARGS:option",
      "ruleVersion": "4"
      "rule": "CMD-INJECTION-ANOMALY",
      "ruleAction": "deny",
      "ruleData": "Vector Score: 10, DENY threshold: 9, Alert Rules: 950002:950006, Deny Rule: , Last Matched Message: System Command Injection",
      "ruleMessage": "Anomaly Score Exceeded for Command Injection",
      "ruleSelector": "",
      "ruleVersion": "1"
      "geo": {
      "httpMessage": {
      would be transformed into three distinct events that are exactly the same, except for the attackData which would be duplicated once for each rule. For example, the first event would be:
      "format": "json",
      "type": "akamai_siem",
      "version": "1.0",
      "attackData": {
      "clientIP": "",
      "configId": "14227",
      "policyId": "qik1_26545",
      "rule": "950002",
      "ruleAction": "alert",
      "ruleData": "telnet.exe",
      "ruleMessage": "System Command Access",
      "ruleSelector": "ARGS:option",
      "ruleVersion": "4"
      "geo": {
      "httpMessage": {
      "format": "json",
      "type": "akamai_siem",
      "version": "1.0",
      "attackData": {
      "clientIP": "",
      "configId": "14227",
      "policyId": "qik1_26545",
      "rule": "950002",
      "ruleAction": "alert",
      "ruleData": "telnet.exe",
      "ruleMessage": "System Command Access",
      "ruleSelector": "ARGS:option",
      "ruleVersion": "4"
      "geo": {
      "httpMessage": {
      and the second would be:
      "format": "json",
      "type": "akamai_siem",
      "version": "1.0",
      "attackData": {
      "clientIP": "",
      "configId": "14227",
      "policyId": "qik1_26545",
      "rule": "950006",
      "ruleAction": "alert",
      "ruleData": "telnet.exe",
      "ruleMessage": "System Command Injection",
      "ruleSelector": "ARGS:option",
      "ruleVersion": "4"
      "geo": {
      "httpMessage": {
      and so on. One event for each element of the rules array within attackData.
  10. Advanced Options. These options should be kept at their default value. They may require changes for environments with a high volume of events.
    • Option: Reset the offset token to start collection from current point in time: In some cases, the Collector might enter a state where the offset token used to track what data has already been consumed might become invalid. This can occur if the Collector stops collecting for a period of time or if the credentials have expired. The Collector attempts to detect this condition and reset the offset token. It may be the case that manual intervention is needed to reset the offset token. In this case, you should select the Reset the offset token to start collection from current point in time so the Collector will start collecting from the current period in time.
    • Option: Number of logs to pull per request: This option controls the number of logs that are pulled for each request. The default value for this is 10,000, but in some environments it may be necessary to increase the number of logs pulled with each request. If the integration is falling behind in terms of its collection rate, this limit should be increased to pull more events with each request. Supported values are between 1,000 and 200,000, and if a value out of this range is specified the default value of 10,000 is used.
    • Option: Poll Interval (in seconds): This option controls the poll interval for requesting events. This polling interval is only used when the previous requests indicate no more log data is available. The interval value must be at least 30, if anything lower is defined, 30 is automatically defined.
  11. Processing Rules for Logs (Optional). Configure any desired filters, such as allowlist, denylist, hash, or mask, as described in Create a Processing Rule.
  12. When you are finished configuring the Source, click Submit.

Metadata fields

_siemVendorAkamaiSet when Forward To SIEM is checked.
_siemProductSIEMSet when Forward To SIEM is checked.
_siemFormatJSONSet when Forward To SIEM is checked.
_siemEventIDakamai_siemThis is the value from the type field of the event. Set when Forward To SIEM is checked and specific to the API collected.

JSON schema

Sources can be configured using UTF-8 encoded JSON files with the Collector Management API. See how to use JSON to configure Sources for details. 

schemaRefJSON Object{"type":"Akamai SIEM API"}YesDefine the specific schema type.
sourceTypeString"Universal"YesType of source.
configJSON ObjectConfiguration objectYesSource type specific values.

Config Parameters

The following table shows the config parameters for a Akamai SIEM API Source.

nameStringYesnullType a desired name of the source. The name must be unique per Collector. This value is assigned to the metadata field _source."mySource"
descriptionStringNonullType a description of the source."Testing source"
categoryStringNonullType a category of the source. This value is assigned to the metadata field _sourceCategory. See best practices for details."mySource/test"
fieldsJSON ObjectNonullJSON map of key-value fields (metadata) to apply to the Collector or Source. Use the boolean field _siemForward to enable forwarding to SIEM.{"_siemForward": false, "fieldA": "valueA"}
clientSecretStringNonullThe Client Secret you want to use to authenticate collection requests.modifiable
clientTokenStringYesnullThe Client Token for the Client Secret that you want to use to authenticate collection requests.modifiable
accessTokenStringYesnullThe Access Token you want to use to authenticate collection requests.modifiable
hostStringYesnullThe custom hostname applied to your credentials, it looks like: akzz-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.luna.akamaiapis.netmodifiable
configIdsArray of stringsYesnullProvide at least one Configuration ID you got when you turned on the SIEM integration in Akamai.modifiable
disablePostProcessBooleanNoFalseWhen true event logs are collected as is from Akamai. When false you need to specify the splitOnRules and decodeHttp parameters.modifiable
splitOnRulesBooleanNo unless disablePostProcess is set to trueFalseDuplicate Events once for each rule associated with the event. Sets if the event is duplicated once for each rule triggered in the attack data.modifiable
decodeHttpBooleanNo unless disablePostProcess is set to trueTrueDecode httpMessage fields. Sets if the httpMessage fields are URL decoded.modifiable
resetOffsetBooleanNoFalseReset the offset token to start collection from current point in time.modifiable
limitIntegerNo10000The number of logs to pull per request. Can be a maximum of 200000 and a minimum of 1000.modifiable
pollIntervalIntegerNo30The poll interval in seconds. Can be a maximum of 600 and a minimum of 15.modifiable

JSON example

"type":"Akamai SIEM API"
"name":"akamai test",
Download example

Terraform example

resource "sumologic_cloud_to_cloud_source" "akamai_SIEM_API" {
collector_id =
schema_ref = {
type = "Akamai SIEM API"
config = jsonencode({
"name":"akamai test",
resource "sumologic_collector" "collector" {
name = "my-collector"
description = "Just testing this"
Download example


Invalid URL escape Error

The "invalid URL escape" error occurs when the Akamai API returns a URL-encoded string with improper % padding. For example, the string %3b%3b%3b%3b%3b%3b%3b%3b%3b%3b%3b%3b%3bQm90X0FBNDY4OThENDg4MUY4OEIwNUEzMzA0RTA1QzAzREQw%3bODUgbWVzc2FnZSB1bml0cyBwZXIgc2Vjb25k%b will result in the error "invalid URL escape "%b"". This is expected due to the improper % padding. To resolve this issue, contact Akamai Support and inform them about the improper % padding in the URL-encoded strings returned by their API.

Illegal base64 data error

The "illegal base64 data" error occurs when the Akamai API returns base64-encoded strings containing invalid characters, such as spaces ( ). For example, the string anNfcDdnXzYnIigpJiU8enp6PjxTY1JpUHQ UGxtQig5NTcxKTwvU2NSaVB0Pi5qcw== will result in the error illegal base64 data at input byte 35 due to the space character at the 35th byte. To resolve this issue, contact Akamai Support and inform them about the invalid characters in the base64-encoded strings returned by their API.



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