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CyberArk EPM Source


The CyberArk Endpoint Privilege Manager (EPM) is a security solution that helps organizations reduce the risk of information theft or ransomware attacks by enforcing the principle of least privilege and preventing unauthorized access to critical systems and data. The solution employs a combination of privilege security, application control, and credential theft prevention to reduce the likelihood of malware infections.

The integration with CyberArk EPM's API allows for retrieving administrative, detailed raw, policy audit, and policy audit raw events from every set in the environment. The API documentation provides guidance on accessing and utilizing this information. This integration facilitates retrieving various audit events, including administrative actions, policy violations, and application usage, to generate alerts, reports, and remediation actions that enhance the organization's security posture.

Data collected​

Polling IntervalData
10 minutesSets
10 minutesAdmin Audit Events
10 minutesDetailed Raw Events
10 minutesAggregated Policy Audit Events
10 minutesPolicy Audit Raw Events


Vendor configuration​

In this configuration, you will set up a CyberArk EPM source account and configure it to be authorized and authenticated to use CyberArk API. CyberArk EPM supports EPM Authentication. It authenticates a user to EPM using the username and password and returns a token and EPM server URL. To set up a CyberArk account, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to CyberArk application.
  2. Enter the Username and Password of your choice. You can enter any combination of letters, numbers, or special characters for both the username and password. There are no limitations on the length or complexity of the username and password either.

Source configuration​

When you create a CyberArk EPM Source, you add it to a Hosted Collector. Before creating the Source, identify the Hosted Collector you want to use or create a new Hosted Collector. For instructions, see Configure a Hosted Collector.

To configure a CyberArk EPM Source, follow the steps below:

  1. Classic UI. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Manage Data > Collection > Collection.
    New UI. In the Sumo Logic top menu select Configuration, and then under Data Collection select Collection. You can also click the Go To... menu at the top of the screen and select Collection.
  2. On the Collectors page, click Add Source next to a Hosted Collector.
  3. Search for and select CyberArk EPM.
  4. Name. Enter a name to display for the Source in the Sumo Logic web application.
  5. Description. (Optional)
  6. Source Category. Enter any string to tag the output collected from the Source. Category metadata is stored in a searchable field called _sourceCategory.
  7. Forward to SIEM. Check the checkbox to forward your data to Cloud SIEM.

    Select Forward to SIEM only if you have Cloud SIEM installed.

  8. Fields. (Optional) Click +Add to ad additional fields; each field needs a name (key) and value.
    • green check circle.png A green circle with a check mark is shown when the field exists and is enabled in the Fields table schema.
    • orange exclamation point.png An orange triangle with an exclamation point is shown when the field doesn't exist, or is disabled, in the Fields table schema. In this case, an option to automatically add or enable the nonexistent fields to the Fields table schema is provided. If a field is sent to Sumo that does not exist in the Fields schema or is disabled it is ignored, known as dropped.
  9. EPM Username. Enter your EPM username from the Vendor configuration section.
  10. EPM User Password. Enter your EPM password from the Vendor configuration section.
  11. CyberArk EPM Dispatch Server. Enter your CyberArk EPM Dispatch Server URL, it is the dispatch server for your region. Following are some examples of dispatch server URLs:
    • For the US datacenter, the dispatch server URL is
    • For the EU datacenter, the dispatch server URL is
  12. Application ID. An application ID is a unique identifier that helps an API recognize which application or program is accessing it. It's like a name tag that allows the API to keep track of different applications using it. For example, sumologic.
  13. Adjust Rate Limit for Admin Audit Events. This option allows to customize the number of requests the CyberArk C2C source can make to AdminAudit endpoint. By default, it's set to 5 requests every 60 seconds, as stated in the CyberArk API documentation.
    1. Number of Calls (optional): The number of calls in the given time frame. This field is pre-filled with 5.
    2. Per Second(s) (optional): The duration of the time frame. This field is pre-filled with 60.
  14. Collect Detailed Raw Events. This option enables the CyberArk C2C Source to collect detailed raw events from the CyberArk EPM. By default, the source can make 1000 requests every 5 minutes to Detailed Raw Events endpoint, as stated in the CyberArk API documentation. Use below options to adjust this settings.
    1. Number of Calls (optional): The number of calls in the given time frame. This field is pre-filled with 1000.
    2. Per Second(s) (optional): The duration of the time frame. This field is pre-filled with 300.
  15. Collect Aggregated Policy Audit Events. This option enables the C2C Source to collect aggregated policy audit events from the CyberArk EPM. By default, the source can make 1000 requests every 5 minutes to Aggregated Policy Audit Events endpoint, as stated in the CyberArk API documentation. Use below options to adjust this settings.
    1. Number of Calls (optional): The number of calls in the given time frame. This field is pre-filled with 1000.
    2. Per Second(s) (optional): The duration of the time frame. This field is pre-filled with 300.
  16. Collect Policy Audit Raw Events. This option enables the C2C Source to collect policy audit raw events from the CyberArk EPM. By default, the source can make 1000 requests every 5 minutes to Policy Audit Raw Events endpoint, as stated in the CyberArk API documentation. Use below options to adjust this settings.
    1. Number of Calls (optional): The number of calls in the given time frame. This field is pre-filled with 1000.
    2. Per Second(s) (optional): The duration of the time frame. This field is pre-filled with 300.
  17. Polling Interval. The polling interval is the frequency at which the CyberArk C2C Source will check for updates from the CyberArk EPM (Endpoint Privilege Manager). This field is pre-filled with 600.
  18. When you are finished configuring the Source, click Save.

Metadata fields​

_siemVendorCyber-ArkSet when Forward To SIEM is checked.
_siemProductEPMSet when Forward To SIEM is checked.
_siemFormatJSONSet when Forward To SIEM is checked.
_parser/Parsers/System/Cyber-Ark/CyberArk EPM JSONSet when Forward To SIEM is checked.

JSON schema​

Sources can be configured using UTF-8 encoded JSON files with the Collector Management API. See how to use JSON to configure Sources for details. 

schemaRefJSON Object{"type":"CyberArk EPM"}YesDefine the specific schema type.
sourceTypeString"Universal"YesType of source.
configJSON ObjectConfiguration objectYesSource type specific values.

Configuration Object​

nameStringYesnullType a desired name of the source. The name must be unique per Collector. This value is assigned to the metadata field _source."mySource"
descriptionStringNonullType a description of the source."Testing source"
categoryStringNonullType a category of the source. This value is assigned to the metadata field _sourceCategory. See best practices for details."mySource/test"
fieldsJSON ObjectNonullJSON map of key-value fields (metadata) to apply to the Collector or Source. Use the boolean field _siemForward to enable forwarding to SIEM.{"_siemForward": false, "fieldA": "valueA"}
usernameStringYesnullUsername for your CyberArk EPM account.
passwordStringYesnullPassword for your CyberArk EPM account.
epm_serverStringYesnullDispatch Server of the CyberArk EPM.
application_idStringYesnullUnique identifier of the application who is accessing the API.
ratelimitbooleanNoTrueRemoves the request limitations imposed on the CyberArk C2C source.
detailed_raw_eventsbooleanNoFalseCollects detailed raw events.
aggregated_policy_auditsbooleanNoFalseCollects aggregated policy audits events.
policy_audit_raw_eventsbooleanNoFalseCollects policy audit raw events.
polling_intervalintegerYes30Frequency of C2C updates from EPM.

JSON example​

"api.version": "v1",
"source": {
"config": {
"name": "CyberArk Test",
"username": "",
"password": "Sumo@123",
"application_id": "sumologic-c2c",
"epm_server": "",
"ratelimit": true,
"detailed_raw_events": false,
"aggregated_policy_audits": false,
"policy_audit_raw_events": false,
"polling_interval": 30
"schemaRef": {
"type": "CyberArk EPM"
"sourceType": "Universal"
Download example

Terraform example​

resource "sumologic_cloud_to_cloud_source" "cyberark_test_source" {
collector_id =
schema_ref = {
type = "CyberArk Test"
config = jsonencode({
"name": "CyberArk Test",
"username": "",
"password": "Sumo@123",
"application_id": "sumologic-c2c",
"epm_server": "",
"ratelimit": true,
"detailed_raw_events": false,
"aggregated_policy_audits": false,
"policy_audit_raw_events": false,
"polling_interval": 30
resource "sumologic_collector" "collector" {
name = "my-collector"
description = "Just testing this"
Download example

API Limitations​

  • Session Timeout. The session timeout for all APIs is part of the session token and is defined by the Timeout for inactive session Server Configuration parameter.

  • Adjust Request Limitations. The CyberArk C2C source has default restrictions on the number of requests to the CyberArk EPM Server, as explained in the CyberArk API Limitations documentation. However, if your server has its custom limit for requests per second(s), you can use the provided options when configuring the source.


When setting the poll frequency, it's recommended to consider these limitations and set the frequency to a reasonable value to ensure that the C2C operates efficiently without overwhelming the server.



Click here for more information about Cloud-to-Cloud sources.

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