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Workday Source

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Workday is a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that enables organizations to manage their financial, human resources, payroll, and procurement processes in one central platform. It offers a range of features such as analytics, reporting, and workflow automation to help businesses make informed decisions and streamline their operations. Workday is a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to improve their efficiency, productivity, and financial management.

The Sumo Logic source integration for Workday facilitates retrieving sign-on logs and activity logs from the Workday API.

Data collected

Polling IntervalData
10 minsActivity Logs
10 minsSign On Logs


Vendor configuration

The steps below assume that you have already configured in Step 1 of this page. You will copy and paste configurations from those steps in this source.

Source configuration

When you create a Citrix Cloud Source, you add it to a Hosted Collector. Before creating the Source, identify the Hosted Collector you want to use or create a new Hosted Collector. For instructions, see Configure a Hosted Collector.

To configure a Workday Source, follow the steps below:

  1. Classic UI. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Manage Data > Collection > Collection.
    New UI. In the Sumo Logic top menu select Configuration, and then under Data Collection select Collection. You can also click the Go To... menu at the top of the screen and select Collection.
  2. On the Collectors page, click Add Source next to a Hosted Collector.
  3. Select for and select Workday.
  4. Enter a Name to display for the Source in the Sumo Logic web application. The description is optional.
  5. For Source Category (Optional), enter any string to tag the output collected from the Source. Category metadata is stored in a searchable field called _sourceCategory.
  6. Forward to SIEM. Check the checkbox to forward your data to Cloud SIEM.

    Select Forward to SIEM only if you have Cloud SIEM installed.

  7. Fields (Optional). Click the +Add field link to define the fields you want to associate. Each field needs a name (key) and value.
    • green check circle.png A green circle with a checkmark is shown when the field exists in the Fields table schema.
    • orange exclamation point.png An orange triangle with an exclamation point is shown when the field doesn't exist in the Fields table schema. In this case, an option to automatically add the nonexistent fields to the Fields table schema is provided. If a field is sent to Sumo that does not exist in the Fields schema it is ignored, known as dropped.
  8. SignOn Report URL. Paste the SignOn Report URL from Step 1.5.
  9. Integration System User Name. Name of the account (SumoLogic_ISU) created in Step 1.1.
  10. Integration System User Password. The password of the account created in Step 1.1.
  11. Refresh Token URL. Paste the Token endpoint copied from Step 1.3.
  12. Client ID. Paste the Client ID copied from Step 1.3.
  13. Client Secret. Paste the Client Secret copied from Step 1.3.
  14. Refresh Token. Paste the generated Refresh Token copied from Step 1.3.
  15. REST API URL. Take the Workday Rest API endpoint copied in Step 1.3 and modify it to match the format https://<host>/ccx/api/privacy/v1/<tenant>/activityLogging. Provide the modified URL here.
  16. Collection Should begin (Optional). Select the time range for how far back you want this source to start collecting data from Workday. This is set to 24 Hours ago by default.

If you set Collection should begin to a collection time that overlaps with data that was previously ingested on a source, it may result in duplicated data to be ingested into Sumo Logic.

  1. Polling Interval (Optional). Select how often you want the Source to collect data from Workday. This is set to 10 minutes by default.
  2. When you are finished configuring the Source, click Save.

Metadata fields

_siemVendorWorkdaySet when Forward To SIEM is checked.
_siemProductWorkdaySet when Forward To SIEM is checked.
_siemFormatJSONSet when Forward To SIEM is checked.

JSON schema

Sources can be configured using UTF-8 encoded JSON files with the Collector Management API. See how to use JSON to configure Sources for details. 

schemaRefJSON Object{"type":"Workday"}YesDefine the specific schema type.
sourceTypeString"Universal"YesType of source.
configJSON ObjectConfiguration objectYesSource type specific values.

Configuration Object

nameStringYesnullType a desired name of the source. The name must be unique per Collector. This value is assigned to the metadata field _source."mySource"
descriptionStringNonullType a description of the source."Testing source"
categoryStringNonullType a category of the source. This value is assigned to the metadata field _sourceCategory. See best practices for details."mySource/test"
fieldsJSON ObjectNonullJSON map of key-value fields (metadata) to apply to the Collector or Source. Use the boolean field _siemForward to enable forwarding to SIEM.{"_siemForward": false, "fieldA": "valueA"}
signOnReportURLStringYesnullThe URL which will be used to fetch. sign-on activity logs
isuUsernameStringYesnullUsername of the integration system user.
isuPasswordStringYesnullPassword of the integration system user.
refreshTokenURLStringYesnullThe URL which will be used to fetch access token.
clientIDStringYesnullA client ID from the Workday API client.
clientSecretStringYesnullA client secret from the Workday API client.
refreshTokenStringYesnullA non-expiring refresh token from the Workday API client.
restApiURLStringYesnullThe URL which will be used to fetch activity logs.
backfillDaysIntegerNo24 Hours ago(1)How far back the integration should collect the data from the Workday.
Options: Now(0) or 24 hours ago(1).
pollingIntervalMinutesIntegerNo10How frequently the integration should poll to Workday.
Options: 10m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 24h.

JSON example

"api.version": "v1",
"source": {
"config": {
"name": "Workday Test",
"description": "Testing the workday source",
"category": "General",
"signOnReportURL": "",
"isuUsername": "SumoLogic",
"isuPassword": "**********",
"refreshTokenURL": "",
"clientID": "sldfsjdflk230sdflnk2342cxcoijs0",
"clientSecret": "**********",
"refreshToken": "**********",
"restApiURL": "",
"backfillDays": 1,
"pollingIntervalMinutes": 10
"schemaRef": {
"type": "Workday"
"sourceType": "Universal"
Download example

Terraform example

resource "sumologic_cloud_to_cloud_source" "workday_source" {
collector_id =
schema_ref = {
type = "Workday"
config = jsonencode({
"name": "Workday Test",
"description": "Testing the workday source",
"category": "General",
"signOnReportURL": "",
"isuUsername": "SumoLogic",
"isuPassword": "**********",
"refreshTokenURL": "",
"clientID": "sldfsjdflk230sdflnk2342cxcoijs0",
"clientSecret": "**********",
"refreshToken": "**********",
"restApiURL": "",
"backfillDays": 1,
"pollingIntervalMinutes": 10
resource "sumologic_collector" "collector" {
name = "my-collector"
description = "Just testing this"
Download example


After you configure your Source, you should check the status of the source in the Collectors page.

If the Source is not functioning as expected, you may see an error next to the Source Category column as shown below: 


The following section details how you can resolve various errors.

Error 401 | Client Error: invalid username or password

To resolve this:

  1. Check if you have such an authentication policy enabled. If by default your users' login via SSO then you may have to exclude the ISU Security Group to allow it to use username and password by creating a separate authentication policy.
  2. Try changing the Session Timeout Minutes to 0 as shown in the article
  3. Exempt user from password expiration as shown in the article

Below is the section for common errors for Activity Logs.

Error 403 | Forbidden: permission denied

  • Token will be generated successfully in this case but Activity Logs API will return 403 forbidden error.
  • This is due to System scope is not provided to the API client.

To resolve this:

  1. Enable the System scope. Refer to the Workday App > API Client section.

Error 401 | Unauthorized: invalid_client

  • Invalid client id or client secret is provided.
  • A new client secret is generated, making the existing one invalid.
  • The OAuth 2.0 Clients Enabled checkbox under the Edit Tenant Setup - Security task is disabled.

To resolve this:

  1. Provide the correct "client id" and "client secret".
  2. Enable the The OAuth 2.0 Clients Enabled checkbox. Refer to the Workday App > OAuth 2.0 Clients Enabled section.

Error 400 | Bad Request: invalid_grant

  • An invalid or expired refresh token is provided.
  • Existing token is deleted or a new one is generated hence making the existing one invalid.

To resolve this:

  1. Generate a new refresh token and update the C2C configuration.

Error 400 | Bad Request: invalid_request

  • An invalid tenant name is provided in the token URL.

To resolve this:

  1. Provide the correct "tenant name".

Error 404 | Not Found: invalid_request

  • An invalid path parameter is provided in the token URL. For example, /oauth/ instead of /oauth2/.

To resolve this:

  1. Provide the correct "token URL".

Error 404 | Not Found: invalid_request

  • An invalid path parameter is provided in the Activity Logs URL. For example, /v2 instead of /v1.

To resolve this:

  1. Provide the correct "Activity Logs URL".

Error | 503: Service Unavailable

  • An invalid tenant name is provided in the Activity Logs URL.
  • An invalid hostname is provided in the token or Activity Logs URL. For example, instead of

To resolve this:

  1. Provide the correct "tenant name" and "hostname".

Error | received sign-on report log time outside time filter window. create a custom sign on report as per the setup instructions

  • Custom sign on report is not created as per the instructions

To resolve this, Create a Custom Sign on Report and configure the source accordingly.



Click here for more information about Cloud-to-Cloud sources.

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