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Install a Collector on Linux

Follow the steps in this topic to install or uninstall a collector on Linux. See Installed Collectors for information on other OSs.

System Requirements 

  • Linux, major distributions 64-bit, or any generic Unix capable of running Java 1.8
  • Single core, 512MB RAM
  • 8GB disk space
  • Package installers require TLS 1.2 or higher


Download the Collector in either of the following ways.

Via installation

  1. Classic UI. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Manage Data > Collection > Collection.
    New UI. In the top menu select Configuration, and then under Data Collection select Collection. You can also click the Go To... menu at the top of the screen and select Collection.
  2. Click Add Collector.
  3. Click Installed Collector.
  4. Click the link for the Collector to begin the download.

Via browser

Open a browser and enter the static URL for your Sumo deployment. See Which endpoint should I use? if you are unsure. The download begins immediately. See Download a Collector from a Static URL for a list of URLs for your deployment pod.

Install Collector

Install the Collector on Linux using any of the four methods below.

You can build a Collector into a Linux machine image such as an Amazon AMI or VMware image. After installing Collectors, you can configure Sources from Sumo Logic or by providing the Source settings in a JSON file. If you're using a UTF-8 encoded JSON file, you must provide the file before starting the collector. The JSON file needs to be UTF-8 encoded.

Using the UI installer 


This method does not support all advanced settings.

Run the installer on your server with root or Administrator privileges. If you are not logged in as root or Administrator, you might be prompted to reauthenticate to your system when you start the UI Installer.

  1. Open the downloaded installer file.
  2. If prompted, enter the root or Administrator user name and password for the system.
  3. Open the wizard to show the Welcome page. Click Next.
  4. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
  5. Browse to select a location for the collector or accept the default and click Next to install the Collector files on your machine.
  6. The Installer displays the summary of the default settings. If you want to change any of these, click Advanced UI Installer Settings and follow the instructions. Click Next.
  7. Choose an authentication method.
    • Access Key. If you have a Sumo Logic access ID and key, click Next, enter the access ID and key, and click Next.
    • Installation Token. Enter the Token String you want to use to register the Collector in the input box.
  8. Click Finish to complete the setup.
  9. Classic UI. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Manage Data > Collection > Collection.
    New UI. In the Sumo Logic top menu select Configuration, and then under Data Collection select Collection. You can also click the Go To... menu at the top of the screen and select Collection.
  10. Verify that you can see the Collector. Look for the name that is listed as Collector Name in the confirmation step of this procedure (the name can be customized under Advanced Settings). If a Collector with that name already exists, a suffix is appended to uniquely identify it. If you don’t see the collector, check the Error Codes list to help troubleshoot.

Using the command line installer

  1. Add execution permissions to the downloaded Collector file (.sh):
    chmod +x
  2. Run the script with the parameters that you want to configure. See Parameters for the Command Line Installer for a description of the parameters.  By default the Collector will be installed in either /opt/SumoCollector or /usr/local/SumoCollector.


Using an Installation Token:

sudo ./ -q -Vsumo.token_and_url=<installationToken> -Vsources=<absolute_filepath>

Using access ID and access key:

sudo ./ -q -Vsumo.accessid=<accessId> -Vsumo.accesskey=<accessKey> -Vsources=<absolute_filepath>

Adding proxy settings:

sudo ./ -q -Vsumo.accessid=<accessId> -Vsumo.accesskey=<accessKey> -Vsources=<absolute_filepath><proxyHost> -Vproxy.port=<proxyPort>

Including syncSources and a customized Collector name:

sudo ./ -q -Vsumo.accessid=<accessId> -Vsumo.accesskey=<accessKey> -VsyncSources=<absolute_filepath><name>

Using the RPM or Debian package

You can use the RPM or Debian package to install a Collector on a Linux 64-bit system.

  1. Install the Collector using the downloaded installation package. For the RPM package, use the command:

    sudo rpm -i SumoCollector-19.XXX-XX.x86_64.rpm
    #Replace XXX-XX with the version number of the package you downloaded.

    For the Debian package, use the command:

    sudo dpkg -i SumoCollector-19.XXX-XX.x86_64.deb
    #Replace XXX-XX with the version number of the package you downloaded.

    Replace XXX-XX in the command above with the version number of the package you downloaded.

    The RPM and Debian packages install the collector in the /opt/SumoCollector directory. By default, the Collector is installed as a system service, but not yet started.

  2. Configure the Collector file in the /opt/SumoCollector/config/ directory. The Collector uses the settings defined in to register and start. See for a full list of all the supported parameters.

    To use an access key, provide the accessid and accesskey parameters. For example:

    name = <collectorName>
    accessid = <accessId>
    accesskey = <accessKey>

    To use an installation token, provide the authentication parameters token and url. To use these two parameters, you'll need to manually base64 decode the Token String. Once decoded, you'll have a string with a token and a URL.

    For example, the following decoded Token String:


    would be used as:

    name = <collectorName>

    Starting with collector 19.170+, the installation directory is secured to users belonging to the sumologic_collector group. Modifying may require sudo privileges. For more information see Enhanced File System Security for Installed Collectors.

  3. (Optional) Provide a JSON Source information. You can pass all Source settings in a UTF-8 encoded JSON file. If you're using a JSON file, you must provide the file before starting the Collector. See Using JSON to configure Sources. Alternatively, you can configure Sources at any time by using the Sumo web app. See Sources.

  4. (Optional) Set the run a user for the Collector if you want the Collector to run as a user other than root. See run as for a Collector.

  5. (Optional on Collector version 19.253-3+ in the Fed deployment) Enable FIPS 140-2 compliant Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) to encrypt your data to Sumo Logic's Fed deployment in US1 only. FIPS mode is not supported for any other deployment. If you are unsure whether you are on the Fed deployment, check our deployments. To enable, locate and run the script contained in Collector's installation directory under /script:

    $ sh ./script/
  6. Start the Collector using the following command.

    sudo service collector start

Using the binary package

  1. Install the version of JRE you want to use from the following location. (The collector requires Java 8 or higher). The binary installation process does not include JRE installation. See the downloads list.

  2. Check the version of Java is 8 or higher:

    java -version
  3. Untar the downloaded binary file inside your desired destination directory to create a subdirectory named sumocollector:

    tar -xvf SumoCollector_unix_XXX.tar.gz
  4. Copy the platform-specific wrapper file to the sumocollector directory:

    cp tanuki/wrapper-<platform> .
  5. Make the wrappercollector, and script directory files executable:

    chmod ug+x wrapper-<platform>
    chmod ug+x collector
    chmod ug+x script/*
  6. Configure the Collector file in the /opt/SumoCollector/config/ directory. The Collector uses the settings defined in to register and start. See for a full list of all the supported parameters.

    To use an access key, provide the accessid and accesskey parameters. For example:

    name = <collectorName>
    accessid = <accessId>
    accesskey = <accessKey> = java

    To use an installation token, provide the authentication parameters token and url. To use these two parameters, you'll need to manually base64 decode the Token String. Once decoded, you'll have a string with a token and a URL.

    For example, the following decoded Token String:


    would be used as:

    name = <collectorName>
  7. Set access control for files under the sumocollector directory:

    sudo script/
  8. (Optional) Provide JSON Source information. You can pass all Source settings in a UTF-8 encoded JSON file. If you're using a JSON file, you must provide the file before starting the Collector. See Using JSON to configure Sources. Alternatively, you can configure sources at any time by using the Sumo web app. See Sources.

  9. (Optional) Set the run as user for the Collector if you want the Collector to run as a user other than root. See run as for a Collector.

  10. (Optional on Collector version 19.253-3+) Enable FIPS 140-2 compliant Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) to encrypt your data. Once enabled, the Collector version cannot be downgraded below version 19.253-1. To enable, locate and run the script contained in Collector's installation directory under /script:

    $ sh ./script/
  11. Install the Collector as a service. Use the following command to install the Collector as a service that is started when the machine starts.

    sudo ./collector install
  12. Start the Collector service. Use the following command to start the collector service.

    sudo ./collector start
  13. Classic UI. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Manage Data > Collection > Collection.
    New UI. In the Sumo Logic top menu select Configuration, and then under Data Collection select Collection. You can also click the Go To... menu at the top of the screen and select Collection.

  14. Verify that you can see the collector.

Uninstall the collector

Uninstalling a collector requires the following two steps:

  1. Uninstall the collector from the Linux system using any of these methods:
  2. Remove the collector from Sumo Logic.

Uninstall using the UI Installer

  1. On your system, in the Applications folder, find the Sumo Logic Collector folder.
  2. Double-click the file Sumo Logic Collector Uninstaller.
  3. If prompted, select your language and click OK.
  4. Enter the user name and password for the system.
  5. When the Sumo Logic Collector Uninstall wizard is displayed, click Next to remove the collector.
  6. When the success message is displayed, click Finish.

Uninstall using the command line

  1. In a terminal prompt, change the directory to the collector installation directory. By default, the collector will be installed in either /opt/SumoCollector or /usr/local/SumoCollector.
    cd /usr/local/SumoCollector
  2. Run the uninstall binary with the -q option. The -q option executes the command without presenting additional prompts.
    sudo ./uninstall -q

Uninstall using the RPM/Debian packages

For the RPM package, use the command:

sudo rpm -e SumoCollector

For the Debian package, use the command:

sudo dpkg -r SumoCollector

Uninstall using the binary package

  1. Uninstall the collector service.
    sudo <Collector Installation Directory>/collector remove
  2. Remove the collector installation directory.
    sudo rm -rf <Collector Installation Directory>
  3. (Optional) On some distributions, for instance, Ubuntu, you may need to re-synchronize the daemon setting before installing the collector again.
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Remove the collector from the web app 

  1. Classic UI. In the main Sumo Logic menu, select Manage Data > Collection > Collection.
    New UI. In the top menu select Configuration, and then under Data Collection select Collection. You can also click the Go To... menu at the top of the screen and select Collection.
  2. Find the collector you want to remove, and click Delete.
  3. When the Confirm dialog displays, click OK.

A success message is displayed and the collector is removed from the list.

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