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Troubleshooting Collection

Troubleshooting installation​

Installation fails with error function "dig" not defined​

You'll need to use a more recent version of Helm. See Minimum Requirements.

If you are using ArgoCD or another tool that uses Helm under the hood, make sure that tool uses the required version of Helm.

Sumo Logic fields​

Sumo Logic apps for Kubernetes and Explore require the below listed fields to be added in the Sumo Logic UI to your Fields table schema.

  • cluster
  • container
  • daemonset
  • deployment
  • host
  • namespace
  • node
  • pod
  • service
  • statefulset

This is normally done in the setup job when sumologic.setupEnabled is set to true (default behavior).

In the unlikely scenario that this fails, you can create them manually by visiting Fields in Sumo Logic UI.

This is to ensure your logs are tagged with relevant metadata.

This is a one-time setup per Sumo Logic account.

Error: timed out waiting for the condition​

If helm upgrade --install hangs, it usually means the pre-install setup job is failing and is in a retry loop. Due to a Helm limitation, errors from the setup job cannot be fed back to the helm upgrade --install command. Kubernetes schedules the job in a pod, so you can look at logs from the pod to see why the job is failing. First find the pod name in the namespace where the Helm chart was deployed. The pod name will contain -setup in the name.

kubectl get pods

If the pod does not exist, it is possible it has been evicted. Re-run the helm upgrade --install to recreate it and while that command is running, use another shell to get the name of the pod.

Get the logs from that pod:

kubectl logs POD_NAME -f

Error: collector with name 'sumologic' does not exist​

If you get:

Error: collector with name 'sumologic' does not exist
sumologic_http_source.default_metrics_source: Importing from ID can safely ignore it, and the installation should complete successfully. The installation process creates new HTTP endpoints in your Sumo Logic account, that are used to send data to Sumo. This error occurs if the endpoints had already been created by an earlier run of the installation process.

Secret 'sumologic::sumologic' exists, abort​

If you see Secret 'sumologic::sumologic' exists, abort. from the logs, delete the existing secret:

kubectl delete secret sumologic -n ${NAMESPACE}

helm install should proceed after the existing secret is deleted before exhausting retries. If it did time out after exhausting retries, rerun the helm install command.

OpenTelemetry Collector Pods Stuck in CreateContainerConfigError​

If the OpenTelemetry Collector Pods are in CreateContainerConfigError it can mean the setup job has not been completed yet. Make sure that the sumologic.setupEnable parameter is set to true. Then wait for the setup pod to complete and the issue should resolve itself. The setup job creates a secret and the error simply means the secret is not there yet. This usually resolves itself automatically.

If the issue does not solve resolve automatically, you will need to look at the logs for the setup pod. Kubernetes schedules the job in a pod, so you can look at logs from the pod to see why the job is failing. First find the pod name in the namespace where you installed the rendered YAML. The pod name will contain -setup in the name.

kubectl get pods

Get the logs from that pod:

kubectl logs POD_NAME -f

Error: values don't meet the specifications of the schema(s)​

If you see Error: values don't meet the specifications of the schema(s) in the following chart(s): opentelemetry-operator... from the logs, it means that your configuration for opentelemetry-operator keys in values.yaml file is not correct.

To fix this issue, please see the changes listed below:


  • From opentelemetry-operator.instrumentationJobImage to instrumentation.instrumentationJobImage
  • From opentelemetry-operator.createDefaultInstrumentation to instrumentation.createDefaultInstrumentation
  • From opentelemetry-operator.instrumentationNamespaces to instrumentation.instrumentationNamespaces
  • From opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.dotnet.traces to instrumentation.dotnet.traces
  • From opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.dotnet.metrics to instrumentation.dotnet.metrics
  • From opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.dotnet.extraEnvVars to instrumentation.dotnet.extraEnvVars
  • From to
  • From to
  • From to
  • From opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.nodejs to instrumentation.nodejs
  • From opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.python.traces to instrumentation.python.traces
  • From opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.python.metrics to instrumentation.python.metrics
  • From opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.python.extraEnvVars to instrumentation.python.extraEnvVars


  • From opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.dotnet.repository to opentelemetry-operator.autoInstrumentationImage.dotnet.repository
  • From opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.dotnet.tag to opentelemetry-operator.autoInstrumentationImage.dotnet.tag
  • From to
  • From to
  • From opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.nodejs.repository to opentelemetry-operator.autoInstrumentationImage.nodejs.repository
  • From opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.nodejs.tag to opentelemetry-operator.autoInstrumentationImage.nodejs.tag
  • From opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.python.repository to opentelemetry-operator.autoInstrumentationImage.python.repository
  • From opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.python.tag to opentelemetry-operator.autoInstrumentationImage.python.tag


  • opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.dotnet.image
  • opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.nodejs.image
  • opentelemetry-operator.instrumentation.python.image

Namespace configuration​

The following kubectl commands assume you are in the correct namespace sumologic. By default, these commands will use the namespace default.

To run a single command in the sumologic namespace, pass in the flag -n sumologic.

To set your namespace context more permanently, you can run

kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=sumologic

Collecting logs​

If you cannot see logs in Sumo that you expect to be there, here are the things to check.

Check log throttling​

Check if log throttling is happening.

If it is, there will be messages like HTTP ERROR 429 You have temporarily exceeded your Sumo Logic quota in OpenTelemetry Collector logs.

Check ingest budget limits​

Check if an ingest budget limit is hit.

If it is, there will be budget.exceeded messages from Sumo in OpenTelemetry Collector logs, similar to the following:

2022-04-12 13:47:17 +0000 [warn]: #0 There was an issue sending data: id: KMZJI-FCDPN-4KHKD, code: budget.exceeded, status: 200, message: Message(s) in the request dropped due to exceeded budget.

Check if collection pods are in a healthy state​


kubectl get pods

to get a list of running pods. If any of them are not in the Status: running state, something is wrong. To get the logs for that pod, you can either:

Stream the logs to stdout:

kubectl logs POD_NAME -f

Or write the current logs to a file:

kubectl logs POD_NAME > pod_name.log

To get a snapshot of the current state of the pod, you can run

kubectl describe pods POD_NAME

Prometheus Logs​

To view Prometheus logs:

kubectl -n "${NAMESPACE}" logs -l --container prometheus -f

Where collection is the helm release name.

OpenTelemetry Logs Collector is being CPU throttled​

If OpenTelemetry Logs Collector is being throttled, you should increase CPU request to higher value, for example:

cpu: 2
cpu: 5

If this situation affects only specific group of nodes, you can change resource configuration only for them:

## intense will be suffix for daemonset for easier recognition
## we are using nodeSelector to select only nodes with `workingGroup` label set to `IntenseLogGeneration`
workingGroup: IntenseLogGeneration
cpu: 1
cpu: 10
# For main daemonset, we need to set nodeAffinity to not schedule on nodes with `workingGroup` label set to `IntenseLogGeneration`
- matchExpressions:
- key: workingGroup
operator: NotIn
- IntenseLogGeneration

For more information, see Setting different resources on different nodes for logs collector.

Check logs body​

You can print logs on stdout of logs collector and logs metadata, and validate if they are correct. It may happen that logs are ingested, but with different metadata than you expect them.

In order to print them on stdout, two steps are required:

  1. Disable ingesting logs from log-related pods. This is required to prevent logs ingest spike.
    • Add the following configuration to user-values.yaml:
      stopLogsIngestion: true
      stopLogsIngestion: true
    • Then, update your collection and wait for all log collector pods to be redeployed.
  2. Enable printing logs on stdout for logs related pods by adding the following to user-values.yaml:
    print: true
    stopLogsIngestion: true
    print: true
    stopLogsIngestion: true
  3. To revert your changes, perform first step as-is, then after configuration has been propagated to all pods, you can remove all configuration added in this section from the user-values.yaml.

It's important to perform first step exactly as-is, especially waiting for all collector pods to apply new configuration. We want to avoid situation in which collector pods are picking up debugging logs and sending them to Sumo Logic, as it may increase your costs.

View logs being sent to Sumo Logic​

You can use Sumo Logic Mock to see what data has been sent to Sumo Logic. In order to do that, add the following to your user-values.yaml:

enabled: true
- --print-logs # print received logs on stdout
- --print-headers # print headers on stdout
# enable logs forwarding
forwardToSumologicMock: true

Then, look at the Sumo Logic Mock logs:

> kubectl logs -l -f
2024-02-13T08:54:24.664Z INFO [sumologic_mock] Sumo Logic Mock is listening on!
2024-02-13T08:54:24.664Z INFO [actix_server::builder] Starting 8 workers
2024-02-13T08:54:24.664Z INFO [actix_server::server] Actix runtime found; starting in Actix runtime
2024-02-13T08:54:26.489Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] --> POST /receiver/v1/logs HTTP/1.1--> content-encoding: gzip--> host: collection-sumologic-mock.sumologic:3000--> user-agent: Go-http-client/1.1--> content-type: application/x-protobuf--> accept-encoding: gzip--> x-sumo-client: k8s_4.4.0-24-g7a27f1c253--> content-length: 1821

2024-02-13T08:54:26.489Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Container image "" already present on machine
2024-02-13T08:54:26.489Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Created container setup
2024-02-13T08:54:26.489Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Successfully pulled image "" in 907.292569ms (907.296521ms including waiting)
2024-02-13T08:54:26.489Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Created container sumologic-mock
2024-02-13T08:54:26.489Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Started container setup
2024-02-13T08:54:26.489Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Started container sumologic-mock
2024-02-13T08:54:26.776Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] --> POST /receiver/v1/logs HTTP/1.1--> host: collection-sumologic-mock.sumologic:3000--> content-type: application/x-protobuf--> content-length: 1111--> content-encoding: gzip--> x-sumo-client: k8s_4.4.0-24-g7a27f1c253--> user-agent: Go-http-client/1.1--> accept-encoding: gzip

2024-02-13T08:54:26.776Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => time="2024-02-13T08:54:24Z" level=info msg="finished unary call with code OK" grpc.code=OK grpc.method=Check grpc.start_time="2024-02-13T08:54:24Z" grpc.time_ms=0.013 span.kind=server system=grpc
2024-02-13T08:54:26.776Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => 2024-02-13T08:54:24.471Z info exporterhelper/retry_sender.go:129 Exporting failed. Will retry the request after interval. {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "logs", "name": "sumologic", "error": "Post \"http://collection-sumologic-mock.sumologic:3000/receiver/v1/logs\": dial tcp connect: connection refused", "interval": "3.254316449s"}
2024-02-13T08:54:27.239Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] --> POST /receiver/v1/metrics HTTP/1.1--> accept-encoding: gzip--> content-type: application/x-protobuf--> x-sumo-client: k8s_4.4.0-24-g7a27f1c253--> content-length: 1121--> user-agent: Go-http-client/1.1--> host: collection-sumologic-mock.sumologic:3000--> content-encoding: gzip

2024-02-13T08:54:27.726Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] --> POST /receiver/v1/logs HTTP/1.1--> user-agent: Go-http-client/1.1--> accept-encoding: gzip--> host: collection-sumologic-mock.sumologic:3000--> x-sumo-client: k8s_4.4.0-24-g7a27f1c253--> content-encoding: gzip--> content-type: application/x-protobuf--> content-length: 1886

2024-02-13T08:54:27.726Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Stopping container sumologic-mock
2024-02-13T08:54:27.726Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Scaled up replica set collection-sumologic-mock-6bb85f46c8 to 1
2024-02-13T08:54:27.726Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Created pod: collection-sumologic-mock-6bb85f46c8-99tq4
2024-02-13T08:54:27.726Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Successfully assigned sumologic/collection-sumologic-mock-6bb85f46c8-99tq4 to sumologic-kubernetes-collection
2024-02-13T08:54:27.742Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] --> POST /receiver/v1/logs HTTP/1.1--> accept-encoding: gzip--> content-type: application/x-protobuf--> content-length: 759--> host: collection-sumologic-mock.sumologic:3000--> content-encoding: gzip--> x-sumo-client: k8s_4.4.0-24-g7a27f1c253--> user-agent: Go-http-client/1.1

2024-02-13T08:54:27.742Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => - - [13/Feb/2024:08:54:25 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 6 "" "kube-probe/1.23+"
2024-02-13T08:54:27.742Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log =>
2024-02-13T08:54:27.742Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Initializing the backend...
2024-02-13T08:54:27.768Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] --> POST /receiver/v1/logs HTTP/1.1--> host: collection-sumologic-mock.sumologic:3000--> content-length: 1393--> user-agent: Go-http-client/1.1--> content-type: application/x-protobuf--> accept-encoding: gzip--> x-sumo-client: k8s_4.4.0-24-g7a27f1c253--> content-encoding: gzip

Logs do not contain metadata fields. Due to that, you can only check data body sent to Sumo Logic.

Collecting metrics​

Check the /metrics endpoint​

You can port-forward to a pod exposing the /metrics endpoint and verify it is exposing Prometheus metrics:

kubectl port-forward collection-sumologic-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx 8080:24231

Then, in your browser, go to http://localhost:8080/metrics. You should see Prometheus metrics exposed.

Check the /metrics endpoint for Kubernetes services​

For kubernetes services, you can use the following way:

  1. Create sumologic-debug pod.
    cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
    name: sumologic-debug
    namespace: <namespace you want to create pod in (e.g. sumologic)>
    - args:
    - receiver-mock
    image: sumologic/kubernetes-tools:2.9.0
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    name: debug
    serviceAccountName: <service account name used by prometheus (e.g. collection-kube-prometheus-prometheus)>
  2. Go into the container:
    kubectl exec -it sumologic-debug -n <namespace> bash
  3. Talk with API directly like prometheus does, for example:
    curl --insecure --cacert /var/run/secrets -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/"

Check the Prometheus UI​

First run the following command to expose the Prometheus UI:

$ kubectl -n "${NAMESPACE}" get pod -l
prometheus-collection-kube-prometheus-prometheus-0 2/2 Running 0 13m
$ kubectl -n "${NAMESPACE}" port-forward prometheus-collection-kube-prometheus-prometheus-0 8080:9090
Forwarding from -> 9090
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 9090

Then, in your browser, go to localhost:8080. You should be in the Prometheus UI now.

From here you can start typing the expected name of a metric to see if Prometheus auto-completes the entry.

If you cannot find the expected metrics, ensure that prometheus configuration is correct and up to date. In the top menu, navigate to section Status > Configuration or go to the http://localhost:8080/config. Review the configuration.

Next, you can check if Prometheus is successfully scraping the /metrics endpoints. In the top menu, navigate to section Status > Targets or go to the http://localhost:8080/targets. Check if any targets are down or have errors.

Check Scrape Configs for OpenTelemetry Operator​

First expose the target allocator on local port 9090:

kubectl port-forward -n sumologic services/collection-sumologic-metrics-targetallocator 9090:80

Check if expected Service Monitor is on the list:

> curl http://localhost:9090/scrape_configs -s | jq '. | keys'

Now, you can list all target associated with this Service Monitor. Built URL using the following template: http://localhost:9090/jobs/<HTML encoded service monitor name>/targets.

Let's assume that you are looking for serviceMonitor/sumologic/receiver-mock/0. In that case, you need to check the following endpoint: http://localhost:9090/jobs/serviceMonitor%2Fsumologic%2Fcollection-sumologic-otelcol-logs%2F0/targets

> curl -s 'http://localhost:9090/jobs/serviceMonitor%2Fsumologic%2Fcollection-sumologic-otelcol-logs%2F0/targets' | jq '.[].targets[].labels |.__meta_kubernetes_namespace + "/" + .__meta_kubernetes_pod_name'

If all information are correct, refer to the following sections to continue investigation:

In order to print metrics and their labels on stdout, the following configuration has to be applied:

- /var/log/pods/*sumologic-otelcol-metrics*/*/*.log
verbosity: detailed
- sumologic/default
- debug

This configuration ensures that all metrics are printed to stdout and they are not collected by logs collector to keep your ingest low.


This configuration is prepared for OTLP source, as it doesn't use routing processor and multiple exporters in the pipeline.

Check Prometheus Remote Storage​

We rely on the Prometheus Remote Storage integration to send metrics from Prometheus to the metadata enrichment service.

You check Prometheus logs to verify there are no errors during remote write.

You can also check prometheus_remote_storage_.* metrics to look for success/failure attempts.

Missing metrics for ArgoCD installation​

There is known issue with Argo CD and metrics collection. If you override spec.source.helm.releaseName in the Application or ApplicationSet, which are used to configure your application in Argo CD, then Kube State and Node metrics are not collected due to the following:

Service Monitor is looking for service labeled with <spec.source.helm.releaseName>, but the label is actually <>.

In order to fix it, you need to ensure that the labels are matching and you can do it by adding the following to user-values.yaml:

selectorOverride: <> kube-state-metrics
selectorOverride: prometheus-node-exporter

where is the value from Argo Application manifest.

Check metrics content​

You can print metrics on stdout of metrics collector and metrics metadata, and validate if they are correct. It may happen that metrics are ingested, but with different metadata than you expect.

In order to print them on stdout, two steps are required:

  1. Disable ingesting logs from metrics related pods. This is required to prevent logs ingest spike. Add the following configuration to user-values.yaml:

    stopLogsIngestion: true
    stopLogsIngestion: true

    Then update your collection and wait for all log collector pods to be redeployed.

  2. Enable printing metrics on stdout for metrics related pods, by adding the following to user-values.yaml:

    print: true
    stopLogsIngestion: true
    print: true
    stopLogsIngestion: true
  3. To revert your changes, perform first step as-is, then after configuration has been propagated to all pods, you can remove all configuration added in this section from the user-values.yaml.


It's important to perform the first step exactly as-is, especially waiting for all log collector pods to apply the new configuration. We want to avoid a situation in which logs collector pods are picking up debugging logs and sending them to Sumo Logic, as it may increase your costs.

View metrics being sent to Sumo Logic​

You can use Sumo Logic Mock to see what data has been send to Sumo Logic.

In order to do that, add the following to your user-values.yaml:

enabled: true
- --print-metrics # print received metrics on stdout
- --print-headers # print headers on stdout
# enable metrics forwarding
forwardToSumologicMock: true

Then, look at the Sumo Logic Mock logs:

> kubectl logs -l -f
2024-02-13T09:06:54.577Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] --> GET /metrics HTTP/1.1--> host:> user-agent: kube-probe/1.23+--> connection: close--> accept: */*

2024-02-13T09:06:55.816Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] --> POST /receiver/v1/metrics HTTP/1.1--> content-encoding: gzip--> host: collection-sumologic-mock.sumologic:3000--> user-agent: Go-http-client/1.1--> content-type: application/x-protobuf--> accept-encoding: gzip--> content-length: 1107--> x-sumo-client: k8s_4.4.0-23-g067275958d

2024-02-13T09:06:55.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_exporter_queue_capacity", value: 1000.0, labels: {"cluster": "kubernetes", "pod": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8-thwll", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "job": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "service_instance_id": "e09dbbcb-47e0-4f86-899e-e298dc4bcb99", "deployment": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "_collector": "kubernetes", "container": "otelcol", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "replicaset": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "endpoint": "metrics", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "pod_labels_pod-template-hash": "5788c687c8", "exporter": "otlphttp", "namespace": "sumologic", "_origin": "kubernetes"}, timestamp: 1707815214712 }
2024-02-13T09:06:55.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_exporter_queue_size", value: 0.0, labels: {"pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "_origin": "kubernetes", "pod_labels_pod-template-hash": "5788c687c8", "pod": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8-thwll", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "replicaset": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8", "container": "otelcol", "job": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "_collector": "kubernetes", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "cluster": "kubernetes", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "service_instance_id": "e09dbbcb-47e0-4f86-899e-e298dc4bcb99", "deployment": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "endpoint": "metrics", "namespace": "sumologic", "exporter": "otlphttp", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection"}, timestamp: 1707815214712 }
2024-02-13T09:06:55.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_process_runtime_heap_alloc_bytes", value: 756309472.0, labels: {"prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "job": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "_origin": "kubernetes", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "namespace": "sumologic", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "deployment": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "_collector": "kubernetes", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "pod": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8-thwll", "replicaset": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8", "container": "otelcol", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "pod_labels_pod-template-hash": "5788c687c8", "endpoint": "metrics", "service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "cluster": "kubernetes", "service_instance_id": "e09dbbcb-47e0-4f86-899e-e298dc4bcb99"}, timestamp: 1707815214712 }
2024-02-13T09:06:55.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_process_runtime_total_alloc_bytes", value: 771413904.0, labels: {"service_instance_id": "e09dbbcb-47e0-4f86-899e-e298dc4bcb99", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "namespace": "sumologic", "job": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "container": "otelcol", "_origin": "kubernetes", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "_collector": "kubernetes", "service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "pod": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8-thwll", "cluster": "kubernetes", "endpoint": "metrics", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "replicaset": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8", "deployment": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "pod_labels_pod-template-hash": "5788c687c8", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection"}, timestamp: 1707815214712 }
2024-02-13T09:06:55.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_process_runtime_total_sys_memory_bytes", value: 787995064.0, labels: {"pod": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8-thwll", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "job": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "namespace": "sumologic", "_collector": "kubernetes", "replicaset": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "endpoint": "metrics", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "pod_labels_pod-template-hash": "5788c687c8", "cluster": "kubernetes", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "service_instance_id": "e09dbbcb-47e0-4f86-899e-e298dc4bcb99", "service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "container": "otelcol", "_origin": "kubernetes", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "deployment": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler"}, timestamp: 1707815214712 }
2024-02-13T09:06:55.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "up", value: 1.0, labels: {"pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "service_instance_id": "e09dbbcb-47e0-4f86-899e-e298dc4bcb99", "namespace": "sumologic", "_origin": "kubernetes", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "pod_labels_pod-template-hash": "5788c687c8", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "pod": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8-thwll", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "replicaset": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8", "job": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "endpoint": "metrics", "container": "otelcol", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "cluster": "kubernetes", "deployment": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "_collector": "kubernetes"}, timestamp: 1707815214712 }
2024-02-13T09:06:55.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_process_uptime", value: 676.894321119, labels: {"service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "replicaset": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8", "cluster": "kubernetes", "container": "otelcol", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "service_instance_id": "e09dbbcb-47e0-4f86-899e-e298dc4bcb99", "job": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "pod": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8-thwll", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "endpoint": "metrics", "deployment": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "pod_labels_pod-template-hash": "5788c687c8", "_collector": "kubernetes", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "_origin": "kubernetes", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "namespace": "sumologic", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection"}, timestamp: 1707815214712 }
2024-02-13T09:06:55.818Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_processor_batch_metadata_cardinality", value: 1.0, labels: {"pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "replicaset": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8", "namespace": "sumologic", "cluster": "kubernetes", "pod": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8-thwll", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "_origin": "kubernetes", "_collector": "kubernetes", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "service_instance_id": "e09dbbcb-47e0-4f86-899e-e298dc4bcb99", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "container": "otelcol", "job": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "deployment": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "endpoint": "metrics", "service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "pod_labels_pod-template-hash": "5788c687c8", "pod_labels_release": "collection"}, timestamp: 1707815214712 }
2024-02-13T09:06:55.818Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_process_cpu_seconds", value: 0.9, labels: {"node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "deployment": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "_collector": "kubernetes", "_origin": "kubernetes", "service_instance_id": "e09dbbcb-47e0-4f86-899e-e298dc4bcb99", "cluster": "kubernetes", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "pod_labels_pod-template-hash": "5788c687c8", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "endpoint": "metrics", "job": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "pod": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8-thwll", "service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "replicaset": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "namespace": "sumologic", "container": "otelcol", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d"}, timestamp: 1707815214712 }
2024-02-13T09:06:55.818Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_process_memory_rss", value: 147492864.0, labels: {"pod": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8-thwll", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "pod_labels_pod-template-hash": "5788c687c8", "replicaset": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-5788c687c8", "cluster": "kubernetes", "_origin": "kubernetes", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "deployment": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler", "_collector": "kubernetes", "service_instance_id": "e09dbbcb-47e0-4f86-899e-e298dc4bcb99", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "job": "collection-sumologic-traces-sampler-headless", "endpoint": "metrics", "namespace": "sumologic", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "container": "otelcol"}, timestamp: 1707815214712 }
2024-02-13T09:06:56.816Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] --> POST /receiver/v1/metrics HTTP/1.1--> accept-encoding: gzip--> content-length: 3209--> host: collection-sumologic-mock.sumologic:3000--> user-agent: Go-http-client/1.1--> x-sumo-client: k8s_4.4.0-23-g067275958d--> content-encoding: gzip--> content-type: application/x-protobuf

2024-02-13T09:06:56.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_exporter_queue_size", value: 0.0, labels: {"exporter": "sumologic", "statefulset": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "service_instance_id": "9efeb490-0d19-49b0-8128-01ac2aabe1df", "cluster": "kubernetes", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "_collector": "kubernetes", "job": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "_origin": "kubernetes", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "endpoint": "otelcol-metrics", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "namespace": "sumologic", "service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs_collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-headless", "pod": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "pod_labels_controller-revision-hash": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-6ff4df45b", "container": "otelcol", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs"}, timestamp: 1707815215023 }
2024-02-13T09:06:56.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_exporter_requests_records", value: 19.0, labels: {"pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "pipeline": "logs", "_collector": "kubernetes", "exporter": "sumologic", "statefulset": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "_origin": "kubernetes", "service_instance_id": "9efeb490-0d19-49b0-8128-01ac2aabe1df", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "endpoint": "otelcol-metrics", "status_code": "200", "container": "otelcol", "pod_labels_controller-revision-hash": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-6ff4df45b", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "cluster": "kubernetes", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "job": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "exported_endpoint": "", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "pod": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "namespace": "sumologic", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs_collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-headless"}, timestamp: 1707815215023 }
2024-02-13T09:06:56.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_otelsvc_k8s_pod_added", value: 35.0, labels: {"container": "otelcol", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "_collector": "kubernetes", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "_origin": "kubernetes", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "pod": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "statefulset": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "job": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "namespace": "sumologic", "service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs_collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-headless", "pod_labels_controller-revision-hash": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-6ff4df45b", "": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "cluster": "kubernetes", "endpoint": "otelcol-metrics", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "service_instance_id": "9efeb490-0d19-49b0-8128-01ac2aabe1df"}, timestamp: 1707815215023 }
2024-02-13T09:06:56.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_process_cpu_seconds", value: 0.51, labels: {"pod": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "cluster": "kubernetes", "endpoint": "otelcol-metrics", "container": "otelcol", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs_collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-headless", "namespace": "sumologic", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "pod_labels_controller-revision-hash": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-6ff4df45b", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "statefulset": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "service_instance_id": "9efeb490-0d19-49b0-8128-01ac2aabe1df", "_collector": "kubernetes", "_origin": "kubernetes", "job": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs"}, timestamp: 1707815215023 }
2024-02-13T09:06:56.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_processor_filter_logs_filtered", value: 0.0, labels: {"_origin": "kubernetes", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs_collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-headless", "namespace": "sumologic", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "pod": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "_collector": "kubernetes", "container": "otelcol", "filter": "filter/include_containers", "": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "statefulset": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "job": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "pod_labels_controller-revision-hash": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-6ff4df45b", "service_instance_id": "9efeb490-0d19-49b0-8128-01ac2aabe1df", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "endpoint": "otelcol-metrics", "cluster": "kubernetes", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo"}, timestamp: 1707815215023 }
2024-02-13T09:06:56.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_processor_filter_logs_filtered", value: 38.0, labels: {"job": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "_origin": "kubernetes", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "namespace": "sumologic", "pod": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "_collector": "kubernetes", "statefulset": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "service_instance_id": "9efeb490-0d19-49b0-8128-01ac2aabe1df", "pod_labels_controller-revision-hash": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-6ff4df45b", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "filter": "filter/include_fluent_tag_host", "": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs_collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-headless", "container": "otelcol", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "endpoint": "otelcol-metrics", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "cluster": "kubernetes", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection"}, timestamp: 1707815215023 }
2024-02-13T09:06:56.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "up", value: 1.0, labels: {"namespace": "sumologic", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "service_instance_id": "9efeb490-0d19-49b0-8128-01ac2aabe1df", "container": "otelcol", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "pod_labels_controller-revision-hash": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-6ff4df45b", "": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "_collector": "kubernetes", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "_origin": "kubernetes", "job": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "cluster": "kubernetes", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "endpoint": "otelcol-metrics", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs_collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-headless", "pod": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "statefulset": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs"}, timestamp: 1707815215023 }
2024-02-13T09:06:56.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_exporter_requests_sent", value: 9.0, labels: {"_origin": "kubernetes", "endpoint": "otelcol-metrics", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "cluster": "kubernetes", "container": "otelcol", "job": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "statefulset": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "_collector": "kubernetes", "service_instance_id": "9efeb490-0d19-49b0-8128-01ac2aabe1df", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "namespace": "sumologic", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "pod_labels_controller-revision-hash": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-6ff4df45b", "": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "exported_endpoint": "", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "pipeline": "logs", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "status_code": "200", "exporter": "sumologic", "pod": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs_collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-headless"}, timestamp: 1707815215023 }
2024-02-13T09:06:56.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_http_server_response_content_length", value: 18.0, labels: {"job": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs_collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-headless", "net_host_name": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs.sumologic.svc.cluster.local.", "endpoint": "otelcol-metrics", "namespace": "sumologic", "_origin": "kubernetes", "service_instance_id": "9efeb490-0d19-49b0-8128-01ac2aabe1df", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "cluster": "kubernetes", "statefulset": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "_collector": "kubernetes", "net_host_port": "4318", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "pod_labels_controller-revision-hash": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-6ff4df45b", "http_status_code": "200", "http_flavor": "1.1", "container": "otelcol", "http_method": "POST", "pod": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "http_scheme": "http", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0"}, timestamp: 1707815215023 }
2024-02-13T09:06:56.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_processor_batch_timeout_trigger_send", value: 9.0, labels: {"processor": "batch", "service_instance_id": "9efeb490-0d19-49b0-8128-01ac2aabe1df", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "container": "otelcol", "pod": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "namespace": "sumologic", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs_collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-headless", "endpoint": "otelcol-metrics", "cluster": "kubernetes", "statefulset": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "_collector": "kubernetes", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "job": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "pod_labels_controller-revision-hash": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-6ff4df45b", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "_origin": "kubernetes"}, timestamp: 1707815215023 }
2024-02-13T09:06:56.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_receiver_accepted_log_records", value: 19.0, labels: {"": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs_collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-headless", "_origin": "kubernetes", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "container": "otelcol", "service_instance_id": "9efeb490-0d19-49b0-8128-01ac2aabe1df", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "statefulset": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "receiver": "otlp", "cluster": "kubernetes", "transport": "http", "pod": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "job": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "namespace": "sumologic", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "pod_labels_controller-revision-hash": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-6ff4df45b", "_collector": "kubernetes", "endpoint": "otelcol-metrics"}, timestamp: 1707815215023 }
2024-02-13T09:06:56.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_exporter_requests_duration", value: 2217.0, labels: {"pod_labels_controller-revision-hash": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-6ff4df45b", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "status_code": "200", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "pod": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "_origin": "kubernetes", "statefulset": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "job": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs_collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-headless", "_collector": "kubernetes", "container": "otelcol", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "exporter": "sumologic", "cluster": "kubernetes", "service_instance_id": "9efeb490-0d19-49b0-8128-01ac2aabe1df", "pipeline": "logs", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "endpoint": "otelcol-metrics", "namespace": "sumologic", "exported_endpoint": "", "": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0"}, timestamp: 1707815215023 }
2024-02-13T09:06:56.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_exporter_sent_log_records", value: 19.0, labels: {"_collector": "kubernetes", "endpoint": "otelcol-metrics", "exporter": "sumologic", "_origin": "kubernetes", "cluster": "kubernetes", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "namespace": "sumologic", "service_instance_id": "9efeb490-0d19-49b0-8128-01ac2aabe1df", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "job": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "pod_labels_controller-revision-hash": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-6ff4df45b", "statefulset": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs_collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-headless", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "container": "otelcol", "pod": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0"}, timestamp: 1707815215023 }
2024-02-13T09:06:56.817Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] metrics => Sample { metric: "otelcol_process_runtime_heap_alloc_bytes", value: 50173608.0, labels: {"service_version": "v0.92.0-sumo-0", "node": "sumologic-kubernetes-collection", "service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs_collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-headless", "prometheus_service": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "service_name": "otelcol-sumo", "pod_labels_app": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "pod_labels_release": "collection", "_collector": "kubernetes", "service_instance_id": "9efeb490-0d19-49b0-8128-01ac2aabe1df", "statefulset": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs", "_origin": "kubernetes", "namespace": "sumologic", "pod_labels_chart": "sumologic-4.4.0-23-g067275958d", "pod": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-0", "pod_labels_heritage": "Helm", "container": "otelcol", "pod_labels_controller-revision-hash": "collection-sumologic-otelcol-logs-6ff4df45b", "job": "collection-sumologic-metadata-logs", "cluster": "kubernetes", "endpoint": "otelcol-metrics"}, timestamp: 1707815215023 }

Collecting Spans and Traces​

Check instrumentation content​

You can print spans on stdout of instrumentation related pods, and validate if they are correct. It may happen that spans are ingested, but with different metadata than you expect.

In order to print them on stdout, two steps are required:

  1. Disable ingesting logs from instrumentation related pods. This is required to prevent logs ingest spike. Add the following configuration to user-values.yaml:

    stopLogsIngestion: true
    stopLogsIngestion: true
    stopLogsIngestion: true

    Then update your collection and wait for all log collector pods to be redeployed.

  2. Enable printing spans on stdout for instrumentation related pods, by adding the following to user-values.yaml:

    print: true
    stopLogsIngestion: true
    print: true
    stopLogsIngestion: true
    print: true
    stopLogsIngestion: true
  3. To revert your changes, perform first step as-is, then after configuration has been propagated to all pods, you can remove all configuration added in this section from the user-values.yaml.


It's important to perform the first step exactly as-is, especially waiting for all log collector pods to apply new configuration. We want to avoid the situation in which logs collector pods are picking up debugging logs and sending them to Sumo Logic, as it may increase your costs.

View traces being sent to Sumo Logic​

You can use Sumo Logic Mock to see what data has been send to Sumo Logic.

In order to do that, add the following to your user-values.yaml:

enabled: true
- --print-spans # print received spans on stdout
- --print-headers # print headers on stdout
# enable spans forwarding
forwardToSumologicMock: true

Then, look at the Sumo Logic Mock logs:

> kubectl logs -l -f
2024-02-13T14:19:22.397Z INFO [sumologic_mock] Sumo Logic Mock is listening on!
2024-02-13T14:19:22.398Z INFO [actix_server::builder] Starting 8 workers
2024-02-13T14:19:22.398Z INFO [actix_server::server] Actix runtime found; starting in Actix runtime
2024-02-13T14:19:56.412Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] Span => name: root-span-otlpHttp, span_id: 0cdfc556b3884a6e, parent_span_id: , trace_id: f7563cc4ef721e1d14974eea71e20b55
2024-02-13T14:19:56.412Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] Span => name: ancestor-1, span_id: b5206fc77b835624, parent_span_id: 0cdfc556b3884a6e, trace_id: f7563cc4ef721e1d14974eea71e20b55
2024-02-13T14:19:56.412Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] Span => name: ancestor-2, span_id: 3663cc216d50caa4, parent_span_id: b5206fc77b835624, trace_id: f7563cc4ef721e1d14974eea71e20b55
2024-02-13T14:19:56.412Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] Span => name: ancestor-3, span_id: 1ce499eb291e4c49, parent_span_id: 3663cc216d50caa4, trace_id: f7563cc4ef721e1d14974eea71e20b55
2024-02-13T14:19:56.412Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] Span => name: ancestor-4, span_id: 671623a120987635, parent_span_id: 1ce499eb291e4c49, trace_id: f7563cc4ef721e1d14974eea71e20b55
2024-02-13T14:19:56.412Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] Span => name: ancestor-5, span_id: a6225d27fd7fec15, parent_span_id: 671623a120987635, trace_id: f7563cc4ef721e1d14974eea71e20b55
2024-02-13T14:19:56.412Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] Span => name: ancestor-6, span_id: 2ef9759def53f709, parent_span_id: a6225d27fd7fec15, trace_id: f7563cc4ef721e1d14974eea71e20b55
2024-02-13T14:19:56.412Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] Span => name: ancestor-7, span_id: 34b7b7f27d6a9d86, parent_span_id: 2ef9759def53f709, trace_id: f7563cc4ef721e1d14974eea71e20b55

Auto-instrumentation (tracing)​

The environment variables injected into a pod by Java auto-instrumentation are shown below.

OTEL_NODE_IP: (v1:status.hostIP)
OTEL_POD_IP: (v1:status.podIP)
OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT: http://sumo-sumologic-otelagent.observability:4318
JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/otel-auto-instrumentation-java/javaagent.jar
OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES_POD_NAME: java-app-58cdff4f7b-2zv5q (
OTEL_PROPAGATORS: tracecontext,baggage

Ensure that the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT environment variable is set to http://sumo-sumologic-otelagent.observability:4318 to allow proper communication with the OpenTelemetry Collector.

Where sumo is the release name and observability is the release namespace.

Collecting events​

Check events body​

You can print events on stdout of events collector pod, and validate if they are correct.

In order to print them on stdout, two steps are required:

  1. Disable ingesting logs from events collector. This is required to prevent logs ingest spike.
    • Add the following configuration to user-values.yaml:
    stopLogsIngestion: true
    • Then, update your collection and wait for all log collector pods to be redeployed.
  2. Enable printing events on stdout for events collector, by adding the following to user-values.yaml:
    print: true
    stopLogsIngestion: true
  3. To revert your changes, perform the first step as-is, then after configuration has been propagated to all pods, you can remove all configuration added in this section from the user-values.yaml.

It's important to perform the first step exactly as-is, especially waiting for all collector pods to apply new configuration. We want to avoid the situation in which collector pods are picking up debugging logs and sending them to Sumo Logic, as it may increase your costs.

View events being sent to Sumo Logic​

You can use Sumo Logic Mock to see what data has been send to Sumo Logic. In order to do that, add the following to your user-values.yaml:

enabled: true
- --print-logs # print received events/logs on stdout
- --print-headers # print headers on stdout
# enable logs forwarding
forwardToSumologicMock: true

Then look at the Sumo Logic Mock logs:

> kubectl logs -l -f
2024-02-13T21:44:36.922Z INFO [sumologic_mock] Sumo Logic Mock is listening on!
2024-02-13T21:44:36.923Z INFO [actix_server::builder] Starting 8 workers
2024-02-13T21:44:36.923Z INFO [actix_server::server] Actix runtime found; starting in Actix runtime
2024-02-13T21:44:52.264Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] --> POST /receiver/v1/traces HTTP/1.1--> content-type: application/x-protobuf--> content-length: 1113--> accept-encoding: gzip--> user-agent: Sumo Logic OpenTelemetry Collector distribution/v0.92.0-sumo-0 (linux/amd64)--> host: collection-sumologic-mock.sumologic:3000--> content-encoding: gzip

2024-02-13T21:44:55.558Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] --> GET /metrics HTTP/1.1--> accept: */*--> user-agent: kube-probe/1.23+--> connection: close--> host:

2024-02-13T21:44:57.264Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] --> POST /receiver/v1/traces HTTP/1.1--> content-type: application/x-protobuf--> user-agent: Sumo Logic OpenTelemetry Collector distribution/v0.92.0-sumo-0 (linux/amd64)--> host: collection-sumologic-mock.sumologic:3000--> content-encoding: gzip--> accept-encoding: gzip--> content-length: 1372

2024-02-13T21:45:02.262Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] --> POST /receiver/v1/traces HTTP/1.1--> host: collection-sumologic-mock.sumologic:3000--> content-length: 1252--> accept-encoding: gzip--> content-encoding: gzip--> user-agent: Sumo Logic OpenTelemetry Collector distribution/v0.92.0-sumo-0 (linux/amd64)--> content-type: application/x-protobuf

2024-02-13T21:45:07.264Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] --> POST /receiver/v1/traces HTTP/1.1--> accept-encoding: gzip--> user-agent: Sumo Logic OpenTelemetry Collector distribution/v0.92.0-sumo-0 (linux/amd64)--> content-type: application/x-protobuf--> content-encoding: gzip--> host: collection-sumologic-mock.sumologic:3000--> content-length: 1502

2024-02-13T21:45:15.558Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] --> GET /metrics HTTP/1.1--> host:> connection: close--> accept: */*--> user-agent: kube-probe/1.23+

2024-02-13T21:45:35.559Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] --> GET /metrics HTTP/1.1--> user-agent: kube-probe/1.23+--> accept: */*--> connection: close--> host:

2024-02-13T21:45:36.924Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] 1707860736 Metrics: 0 Logs: 0; 0.000000 MB/s Spans: 40;
2024-02-13T21:45:54.784Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] --> POST /receiver/v1/logs HTTP/1.1--> user-agent: Go-http-client/1.1--> content-length: 5888--> accept-encoding: gzip--> x-sumo-client: k8s_4.4.0--> content-encoding: gzip--> content-type: application/x-protobuf--> host: collection-sumologic-mock.sumologic:3000

2024-02-13T21:45:54.785Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => delete Pod collection-sumologic-otelcol-events-0 in StatefulSet collection-sumologic-otelcol-events successful
2024-02-13T21:45:54.785Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Stopping container otelcol
2024-02-13T21:45:54.785Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => delete Pod collection-sumologic-otelcol-instrumentation-2 in StatefulSet collection-sumologic-otelcol-instrumentation successful
2024-02-13T21:45:54.785Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Stopping container otelcol
2024-02-13T21:45:54.785Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Container image "" already present on machine
2024-02-13T21:45:54.785Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Created container otelcol
2024-02-13T21:45:54.785Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Container image "" already present on machine
2024-02-13T21:45:54.785Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Created container otelcol
2024-02-13T21:45:54.785Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Started container otelcol
2024-02-13T21:45:54.785Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router::otlp] log => Started container otelcol

Logs do not contain metadata fields. Due to that, you can only check data body sent to Sumo Logic.

Common Issues​

Missing metrics - cannot see cluster in Explore​

If you are not seeing metrics coming in to Sumo or/and your cluster is not showing up in Explore it is most likely due to the fact that Prometheus pod is not running.

You can verify that by using the following command:

$ kubectl get pod -n <NAMESPACE> -l
prometheus-<NAMESPACE>-prometheus-0 2/2 Running 1 4d20h

In case it is not running one can check prometheus-operator logs for any related issues:

kubectl logs -n <NAMESPACE> -l app=kube-prometheus-stack-operator

Pod stuck in ContainerCreating state​

If you are seeing a pod stuck in the ContainerCreating state and seeing logs like this:

Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  29s   kubelet,  Failed create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded

you have an unhealthy node. Killing the node should resolve this issue.

Missing kubelet metrics​

Navigate to the kubelet targets using the steps above. You may see that the targets are down with 401 errors. If so, there are two known workarounds you can try.

1. Enable the authenticationTokenWebhook flag in the cluster​

The goal is to set the flag --authentication-token-webhook=true for kubelet. One way to do this is:

kops get cluster -o yaml > NAME_OF_CLUSTER-cluster.yaml

Then, make the following change in that file:

anonymousAuth: false
authenticationTokenWebhook: true # <- add this line

Then run

kops replace -f NAME_OF_CLUSTER-cluster.yaml
kops update cluster --yes
kops rolling-update cluster --yes

2. Disable the kubelet.serviceMonitor.https flag in Kube Prometheus Stack​

The goal is to set the flag kubelet.serviceMonitor.https=false when deploying the prometheus operator.

Add the following lines to the kube-prometheus-stack section of your user-values.yaml file:

https: false

and upgrade the helm chart:

helm upgrade collection sumologic/sumologic --reuse-values --version=<RELEASE-VERSION> -f user-values.yaml

Missing kube-controller-manager or kube-scheduler metrics​

There’s an issue with backwards compatibility in the current version of the kube-prometheus-stack helm chart that requires us to override the selectors for kube-scheduler and kube-controller-manager in order to see metrics from them. If you are not seeing metrics from these two targets, you can use the following config.

k8s-app: kube-controller-manager
k8s-app: kube-scheduler

Prometheus stuck in Terminating state after running helm del collection​

Delete the pod forcefully by adding --force --grace-period=0 to the kubectl delete pod command.


If you are running the out of the box rancher monitoring setup, you cannot run our Prometheus operator alongside it. The Rancher Prometheus Operator setup will actually kill and permanently terminate our Prometheus Operator instance and will prevent the metrics system from coming up. If you have the Rancher prometheus operator setup running, they will have to use the UI to disable it before they can install our collection process.

Incorrect CRDs​

If you receive errors similar to below, this typically points to a schema (CRD) that’s out of date. Ensure you have the correct CRDs applied in the cluster.

unmarshal errors: field collector_selector not found in type config.Config

HorizontalPodAutoscaler (Metrics Server Disabled)​

If you receive warning events similar to below, this typically means that the HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA) cannot connect to the metrics-server or the metrics-server is disabled.

Warning   FailedGetResourceMetric   horizontalpodautoscaler/sumo-logic-sumologic-otelcol-metrics           failed to get cpu utilization: unable to get metrics for resource cpu: unable to fetch metrics from resource metrics API: the server could not find the requested resource (get

To resolve this, you can try enabling the metrics-server manually in the helm chart configuration:

enabled: true

Falco and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)​

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) uses Container-Optimized OS (COS) as the default operating system for its worker node pools. COS is a security-enhanced operating system that limits access to certain parts of the underlying OS. Because of this security constraint, Falco cannot insert its kernel module to process events for system calls. However, COS provides the ability to use extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) to supply the stream of system calls to the Falco engine. eBPF is currently only supported on GKE and COS. For more information, see Falco documentation.

To install on GKE, use the provided override file to customize your configuration and uncomment the following lines in the values.yaml file referenced below:

# kind: ebpf

Falco and OpenShift​

Falco does not provide modules for all kernels. When Falco module is not available for particular kernel, Falco tries to build it. Building a module requires kernel-devel package installed on nodes.

For OpenShift, installation of kernel-devel on nodes is provided through MachineConfig used by Machine Config operator. When update of machine configuration is needed machine is rebooted, see the documentation. The process of changing nodes configuration may require long time during which Pods scheduled on unchanged nodes are in Init state.

Node configuration can be verified by following annotations:


After that, remove Otelcol pods and associated PVC-s.

For example, if the namespace where the collection is installed is collection, run the following set of commands:


for POD_NAME in $(kubectl get pods --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}' | grep otelcol-logs); do
kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE_NAME} delete pvc "buffer-${POD_NAME}" &
kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE_NAME} delete pod ${POD_NAME}
kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE_NAME} delete pod ${POD_NAME}

The duplicated pod deletion command is there to make sure the pod is not stuck in Pending state with event persistentvolumeclaim "file-storage-sumologic-otelcol-logs-1" not found.

Out of memory (OOM) failures for Prometheus Pod​

If you observe that Prometheus Pod needs more and more resources (out of memory failures - OOM killed Prometheus) and you are not able to increase them then you may need to horizontally scale Prometheus. For details, refer to Prometheus sharding.

Prometheus: server returned HTTP status 404 Not Found: 404 page not found​

If you see the following error in Prometheus logs:

ts=2023-01-30T16:39:27.436Z caller=dedupe.go:112 component=remote level=error remote_name=2b2fa9 url=http://sumologic-sumologic-remote-write-proxy.sumologic.svc.cluster.local:9888/prometheus.metrics msg="non-recoverable error" count=194 exemplarCount=0 err="server returned HTTP status 404 Not Found: 404 page not found"

you'll need to change the following configurations:

  • kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.prometheusSpec.remoteWrite
  • kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.prometheusSpec.additionalRemoteWrite

so url starts with http://$(METADATA_METRICS_SVC).$(NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local.:9888.

See the following example:

- url: http://$(METADATA_METRICS_SVC).$(NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local.:9888/prometheus.metrics

Alternatively, you can add /prometheus.metrics to metadata.metrics.config.additionalEndpoints. See the following example:

- /prometheus.metrics.kubelet

OpenTelemetry: dial tcp: lookup collection-sumologic-metadata-logs.sumologic.svc.cluster.local.: device or resource busy​

If you see the following error in OpenTelemetry Pods:

2023-01-31T14:50:20.263Z        info    exporterhelper/queued_retry.go:426      Exporting failed. Will retry the request after interval.        {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "logs", "name": "otlphttp", "error": "failed to make an HTTP request: Post \"http://collection-sumologic-metadata-logs.sumologic.svc.cluster.local.:4318/v1/logs\": dial tcp: lookup collection-sumologic-metadata-logs.sumologic.svc.cluster.local.: device or resource busy", "interval": "16.601790675s"}

Add the following environment variable to the affected Statefulset/Daemonset/Deployment:

- name: GODEBUG
value: netdns=go

For example, for OpenTelemetry Logs Collector:

- name: GODEBUG
value: netdns=go

OpenTelemetry Operator is Restarting after collection upgrade​

If the OpenTelemetry Operator is restarting after upgrade, and the following error can be found in the previous run logs:

{"level":"error","ts":"2024-01-10T09:32:24Z","logger":"controller-runtime.source.EventHandler","msg":"if kind is a CRD, it should be installed before calling Start","kind":"","error":"no matches for kind \"OpAMPBridge\" in version \"\"","stacktrace":"*Kind).Start.func1.1\n\t/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/\\n\t/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/\\n\t/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/\\n\t/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/\*Kind).Start.func1\n\t/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/"}

It means that Custom Resource Definition has not been applied by Helm. It is Helm known issue, and it has to be applied manually:

kubectl apply -f

Using Sumo Logic Mock​

Sumo Logic Mock is debugging tool, which helps to see what exactly is being sent from the Sumo Logic Collection to Sumo Logic. It may help with finding if there are any missing metrics, logs, traces, or parts of them like labels or metadata.


Sumo Logic Mock is treated as an experimental tool and it may significantly change between every release.

Estimate ingestion using Sumo Logic Mock in local mode​

Sumo Logic Mock can be used to estimate how many logs and metrics are going to be sent to Sumo Logic without even having any Sumo Logic account.

Add the following configuration to your user-values.yaml:

enabled: true
enableLocalMode: true

And then, you can see throughput in the Sumo Logic Mock logs:

> kubectl logs -l -f
2024-02-12T10:08:43.117Z INFO [sumologic_mock] Sumo Logic Mock is listening on!
2024-02-12T10:08:43.118Z INFO [actix_server::builder] Starting 8 workers
2024-02-12T10:08:43.118Z INFO [actix_server::server] Actix runtime found; starting in Actix runtime
2024-02-12T10:09:43.117Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] 1707732583 Metrics: 1522 Logs: 44; 0.000075 MB/s Spans: 17;
2024-02-12T10:10:43.118Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] 1707732643 Metrics: 2050 Logs: 33; 0.000027 MB/s Spans: 13;
2024-02-12T10:11:43.117Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] 1707732703 Metrics: 1786 Logs: 35; 0.000034 MB/s Spans: 2;
2024-02-12T10:12:43.117Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] 1707732763 Metrics: 1786 Logs: 40; 0.000075 MB/s Spans: 15;
2024-02-12T10:13:43.117Z DEBUG [sumologic_mock::router] 1707732823 Metrics: 1786 Logs: 31; 0.000027 MB/s Spans: 0;

Where 1707732583 Metrics: 1522 Logs: 44; 0.000075 MB/s Spans: 17; means the following:

  • It sums up ingestion for one minute up to 1707732583 (2024-02-12T10:09:43)
  • there were 1522 metrics data points, which means 1522 DPM
  • There were 44 logs (0.000075 MB/s)
  • There were 17 spans

Estimate ingestion while sending data to Sumo Logic​

You can also send every signal separately at the same time as ingesting it to Sumo Logic.

Add one of the following to your user-values.yaml in order to achieve that:

# This is obligatory. It spins up the Sumo Logic Mock service
enabled: true
# enable logs forwarding
forwardToSumologicMock: true

# enable metrics forwarding
forwardToSumologicMock: true
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