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Accepted Deploys​

Accepted Deploys by Geolocation. Uses a geo lookup operation to display accepted deploys by IP address on a map of the world for the last six hours.

Accepted Deploys by IP. Displays the number of accepted deploys by IP address in an aggregation table for the last six hours.

Unique Paths Accepted Deploys. Shows the number of unique paths of accepted deploys in a single value chart for the last six hours.

Unique Paths Accepted Deploys. Provides details on the number of unique paths of accepted deploys in a outlier combo chart on a timeline for the last six hours.

Accepted Deploys by Repo. Displays the number of accepted deploys by repo in an aggregation table for the last six hours.

Denied Deploys​

Denied Deploys. Shows the number of denied deploys in a single value chart for the last six hours.

Denied Deploys Detail. Displays details on the number of denied deploys in an aggregation table, including IP address, repo name, user, path, and count for the last six hours.

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