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2017 Archive

This is an archive of 2017 Collector Release Notes. The current Collector Release Notes are here.

To view the full archive, click here.

December 20, 2017 (19.209-23)

  • The Sumo collector is updated to include the latest Java 8 JRE from Oracle, version 8u152. Collectors bundled with a JRE will automatically be upgraded to JRE version 8u152 upon installation.
  • Added support for preserving Access Key in the file after the collector registers with the Sumo service. The new parameter for the command line installer is -VskipAccessKeyRemoval=true. The corresponding property in is skipAccessKeyRemoval=true.
  • Added support for specifying the sources for a collector in a directory of JSON source files when registering a collector with cloud-based source configuration. Previously, you could only specify a file with the sources property in the file. Now you can specify a folder of JSON files with the sources property.
  • Bug fix. Docker stats sources unexpectedly stopped.
  • Bug fix. Implemented targeted optimizations to reduce CPU usage and disk I/O for certain local file sources.
  • Bug fix. In some cases, the HTTP sender stopped sending data after loss of connectivity.

October 24, 2017 (19.209-8)

  • Bug fix. Host metrics sources did not correctly handle source renaming, leading to double ingestion.
  • Bug fix. Docker stats sources did not honor mask processing rules.
  • Bug fix. Docker stats sources failed with an “Error getting container info” message in log.

August 31, 2017 (19.209-5)

  • As of this release, the Sumo collector is built to target the Java 8 runtime. Java 6 and Java 7 are no longer supported as the collector runtime, and Solaris is no longer supported. When you upgrade collectors, JRE 8 or later is required. The Sumo collector with a bundled JRE now ships with JRE 8, so in this case no action is required.
  • This release includes the following reliability fixes and enhancements to the Docker Log source and the Docker Stats source:

    • Bug fix. In the Docker Log source, the multiline detection did not work.

    • Bug fix. Hot retry when connecting to a container failed.

    • Bug fix. The poll interval parameter for the Docker Stat source can now be modified after it is initially defined.

  • Support was added for additional Docker event types. Sumo now supports all Docker event types. For information about Docker event types, see Monitor Events in Docker help.
  • This release includes the following security fixes:

    • Bug fix. Command injection in remote ssh tail source.

    • Bug fix. Command injection in .deb/.rpm installer.

    • Bug fix. Update the 3rd-party library Jacob to the latest version (1.18)
  • Bug fix. The collector failed to uninstall after downgrade.

  • Bug fix. Script source can cause collector upgrade to fail with timeout.
  • Bug fix. Syslog sources will now trim trailing newline characters from messages
  • Bug fix. Fixed an crash that occurred when a data forwarding rule regex contained a colon.
  • Two restrictions related to configuring sources using JSON files have been removed:

    • Previously, when configuring all sources in a single JSON file, the sources had to be defined in a sources JSON array. Now, you can use source elements without enclosing them in a sources array. Using the sources array is still supported.

    • Previously, when configuring the collector using a directory of JSON files, only a single source could be defined per JSON file. Now, you can define multiple sources per JSON file. You can specify the multiple sources in a sources array, or using a source element for each source.

  • Bug fix. Masked the password field in the forwarding sink types.

June 27, 2017 (19.182-44)

  • Bug fix. Debug information, which may contain the access key, is shown when installing the package on the console.

June 19, 2017 (19.182-43)

  • Collector is updated to include the latest Java 8 JRE from Oracle, version 8u131. Collectors bundled with a JRE will automatically be upgraded to JRE8u131 upon installation.
  • The Collector now resolves "{hostname}", "{file}", and "{category}"tokens in syslog data forwarding to message-specific values. In the past, these tokens were resolved to cloud-configured values.
  • When forwarding data from a syslog source to a syslog endpoint with additional tokens configured, a new header consisting of prival, timestamp, and host will be included at the start of forwarded messages. Previously only prival was appended.
  • The collector will now emit information about the resolved IP addresses of the Sumo Logic service to its operational log file. This information is logged during collector startup and shutdown.
  • The collector now reports additional information to the Sumo Logic service about the JRE it is executing under.
  • Bug fix. The collector daemon service could be incorrectly removed after upgrading the Collector using the installer package.
  • Bug fix. The collector installer could accidentally remove the configuration when running on a machine where the collector was previously installed.
  • Bug fix. The collector could start more than one thread when monitoring a source JSON configuration file for changes (syncSources), leading to source synchronization issues.

April 4, 2017 (19.182-25)

  • Bug fix. The Docker Log Source may drop or duplicate logs during collection with certain Docker engine configurations.
  • Bug fix. Unable to upgrade Windows Collector from Web UI. Message indicates unable to remove files.
  • Bug fix. All changes to configuration properties in the file are now picked up by the Sumo Logic service.

February 13, 2017 (19.182-17)

  • Windows Event Sources now translate SID fields to 'domain/user (SID)' format by default.
  • File Sources on Windows now support NTLMv2.
  • As a security enhancement, access key is automatically removed from following successful installation.
  • The Docker Source can ingest logs and statistics from short-lived containers.
  • The Docker Log Source can ingest the last set of logs before a container crashes or terminated.
  • Support is added for additional Collector parameters during installation, including hostname, time zone, category, target CPU, and description. See Installed Collectors.
  • Bug fix. Certain Collector upgrade failures are now reported immediately in the web UI.
  • Bug fix. The cacerts folder is now preserved when upgrading Collectors using the Installer.
  • Bug fix. The Docker Log Source now collects final log lines while a container is stopping.
  • Bug fix. An optional parameter is added during Windows AMI installation to delay registering until the EC2 instance hostname is available. See Add a Collector to a Windows Machine Image.
  • Bug fix. Fixes a CPU targeting bug that prevents increasing collection when CPU usage is low.
  • Bug fix. Adds support for overriding maximum number of threads per Source when CPU targeting is enabled.
  • Bug fix. Fixes a Collector process CPU usage reporting issue in collector-usage.log.
  • Bug fix. No longer populates Collector name when installing Collector on a Machine Image.
  • Bug fix. Allow sources to forward to multiple syslog destinations with the same host and port.
  • Bug fix. Multi-line messages are now handled correctly when forwarding from a UDP syslog source to a UDP syslog endpoint.

January 12, 2017 (19.170-27)

  • Fixed an issue where the Docker Source ingests duplicate messages and produces excessive collector logging if the Source experiences temporary disconnect with the Docker daemon.
  • Fixed an issue where the Docker Source collects from less than the configured container limit when container filter is specified.
  • Fix. Added a socket timeout when connecting to HTTP proxy servers to prevent the Collector from going offline.
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