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2018 Archive

This is an archive of 2018 Collector Release Notes. The current Collector Release Notes are here.

To view the full archive, click here.

October 31, 2018 (19.227-15)

  • Bundled JRE version upgraded to 8u192.

October 8, 2018 (19.227-14)

  • Local and Remote File Sources on Linux systems now ignore /var/log/(lastlog|btmp|wtmp) binary files instead of ingesting them.
  • Bug fix. Collecting metrics with a Docker Stats Source could cause high CPU usage.
  • Bug fix. Added a missing dependency that was causing the Remote Windows Performance Monitor Log Source to not collect logs as expected.

August 9, 2018 (19.227-12)

  • Updated the Collector's cookie management policy to prepare for a receiver change.
  • Bundled JRE version upgraded to 8u181.

July 16, 2018 (19.227-11)

  • Bug fix. When configuring Docker Sources without environment variables or labels null pointer exceptions were not handled appropriately.
  • Bug fix. Remote File Sources were scanning from the current directory instead of the root directory when using leading wildcards in paths.

June 7, 2018 (19.227-4)

  • Docker Stats Source can now be configured to ingest metrics time series instead of JSON log messages. See Docker Sources for details.
  • Bug fix. Local and Remote Log File Sources were not immediately detecting new or modified files in certain nested directory structures when a wildcard was used in the path expression.
  • Redundancy file added for Source configurations to prevent possible re-ingestion of data. If you upgrade from version 19.209 to 19.216 or 19.227 on Mac OS X, you must manually restart the collector service after upgrading.

May 16, 2018 (19.216-38)

  • Bundled JRE version upgraded to 8u172.
  • Bug fix. Misconfigurations in data forwarding could lead to high CPU usage.
  • Bug fix. Extremely large Windows event log entries in an event channel could cause collection to stop for that channel.

May 1, 2018 (19.216-33)

  • Enhanced metadata allowing you to customize sourceCategory and sourceHost with environment variables, labels, and tags. Docker tags welcome, For more information, see Collect Logs and Stats from Docker.
  • Metrics support for Carbon 2.0 format has arrived with a new Source, Streaming Metrics. This will support Graphite format as well so our Graphite Source has been renamed. For more information, see Streaming Metrics Source.
  • Data Forwarding is now more reliable for HTTP and Syslog destinations. Data is queued on disk when in-memory fills instead of causing your system to run out of memory. To configure your data forwarding queue limits see Forward Data from an Installed Collector.
  • SystemD is now the default init system on Linux distributions that support SystemD.
  • Simplified installation for the Linux binary package as a result of an updated Tanuki wrapper. For more information, see Install a Collector on Linux.

Known Issues

  • Downgrading from version 19.216 to 19.209 is not supported due to 19.216 having a new Tanuki wrapper.
  • When upgrading from version 19.209 to 19.216 on Ubuntu 16 and above using a shell executable file (.sh), Debian, or the Web UI you will need to manually restart the collector service after upgrading.
  • Upgrading Collectors without administrator privileges on Windows to 19.216 or higher will require a manual upgrade installation.

April 24, 2018 (19.209-41)

  • Changes to upgrade codepaths in preparation for upcoming release.
  • Bug fix. Collector unable to start after an upgrade when using a custom installation path on Windows 32-bit.

March 5, 2018 (19.209-37)

  • Bundled JRE version upgraded to 8u162.

February 15, 2018 (19.216-22)


Version redacted.

  • Enhanced metadata allowing you to customize sourceCategory and sourceHost with environment variables, labels, and tags. Docker tags welcome, For more information, see Collect Logs and Stats from Docker.
  • Metrics support for Carbon 2.0 format has arrived with a new Source, Streaming Metrics. This will support Graphite format as well so our Graphite Source has been renamed. For more information, see Streaming Metrics Source.
  • Data Forwarding is now more reliable for HTTP and Syslog destinations. Data is queued on disk when in-memory fills instead of causing your system to run out of memory. To configure your data forwarding queue limits see Forward Data from an Installed Collector.
  • SystemD is now the default init system on Linux distributions that support SystemD.
  • Simplified installation for the Linux binary package as a result of an updated Tanuki wrapper. For more information, see Install a Collector on Linux.
  • Bundled JRE version upgraded to 8u162.

February 1, 2018 (19.209-26)

  • Bug fix. Docker stats source failed to start and collect stats.
  • Bug fix. Added a socket timeout when connecting to HTTP proxy servers to prevent the Collector from going offline.
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