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February 19, 2024 - Application Update

Minor changes and enhancements

  • [New] Continuing our work to better align the Cloud SIEM UI pages with Log Analytics UI pages to improve usability and provide a consistent user experience, the color palette has been adjusted slightly, some page decoration has been removed or altered, and some controls have been updated.
  • [New] On the Entity list page, you can now filter by reputation indicator (i.e. Malicious, Suspicious or NotFlagged).
  • [New] Users can now navigate directly from the Entity Activity panel on the HUD to the Entity List page, with the proper filter pre-applied.
  • [Updated] The Object Type attribute has been added back to the Signal summary section, next to the timestamp, so that it is visible whether the Signal details are expanded or collapsed.
  • [New] A user-editable Description field has been added to Rule Tuning Expressions.

Bug fixes

  • Sorting by value was not working properly on the Entities list page.
  • Sometimes, if the target value was left blank (default), domain normalization would append a colon to the resulting value.
  • Customers were experiencing rate limiting with VirusTotal due to a change to their API and constant retries due to resultant errors in Cloud SIEM. This has been resolved, as has an issue with enrichments for file hashes.
  • Some Entities were not showing as being included in Entity Groups properly (even though attributes had been set correctly).
  • The MITRE ATT&CK® stage attribute was missing from some Signals in the audit logs.
  • Custom inventory sources were not included in the appropriate dropdown in Entity Group configuration.
  • On the Entity Details page, if the only Signals that existed were in Prototype mode, they would not be visible.
  • The reputation indicator on the Entity Details page was being rendered, then hidden.
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