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Records, Signals, Entities, and Insights

Learn about Insight generation, working with Entities, and how to query Cloud SIEM Records. 

In this section, we'll introduce the following concepts:

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Insight Generation Settings

Learn how to configure the detection window and the threshold Activity Score for Insight generation.

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Global Intelligence for Security Insights

Learn how to triage and prioritize Insights.

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Custom Insights

Learn how to set up Custom Insight configurations.

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View and Manage Entities

Learn about all the Entities in Cloud SIEM and their Activity Scores.

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Entity Criticality

Learn how to adjust the severity of Signals for specific Entities.

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Custom Entity Types

Learn how to create custom Entity types in Cloud SIEM.

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Entity Groups

Learn how to automatically group entities in terms of criteria like name or IP Address.

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Entity Lookup Tables

Learn how to normalize the names of users and hosts (machines) in your environment.

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View Records for a Signal

Learn how to view Records associated with a Signal in Cloud SIEM.

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Signal Suppression

Learn about ways to suppress and exclude Cloud SIEM Signals from the Insight generation process.

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Search Sumo Logic for Cloud SIEM Records

Learn to search the Sumo Logic platform for Records and Signals that have been forwarded from Cloud SIEM.

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Using Tags

Learn how to add context to Cloud SIEM items, and search and filter items by tag.

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