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January 8, 2024 - Content Release

This release introduces two new integrations, ipdata and Google Alert Center, as well as several updates.


  • [New] ipdata
  • [New] Google Alert Center
  • [Updated] PowerShell Tools
    • Updated the integration to address hostname resolution in Docker
  • [Updated] Panda EDR
    • Fixed Token Issue
  • [Updated] IPinfo
    • Enabled Incident Artifacts for IP Address field
  • [Updated] CSE Tools
    • Extended output mapping for Get Signal action
  • [Updated] Sumo Logic
    • Updated Search Sumo Logic Action
  • [Updated] Have I Been Pwned
    • Added new action: Get Latest Breach
  • [Updated] Sumo Logic CSE
    • Added new Action: Create Insight From Signals
    • Updated Add Enrichment Insight, Add Enrichment Entity, and Add Enrichment Signal actions
  • [Updated] Incident Tools
    • Added new action: Get Incident
  • [Updated] Lacework
    • Added new action: Close Alert
  • [Updated] Active Directory V2
    • Updated action: User Attributes
  • [Updated] Active Directory
    • Updated action: User Attributes V2
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