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April 9, 2024 - Application Update

Changes and Enhancements

  • Text area editor: HTML mode is disabled by default.
  • Automation: In playbook list view now results are loaded after the user opens each action card.

Bug fixes

  • App Central: Now when an integration is updated, user custom YAML output is automatically handled by the system and merged during the update process.
  • Automation: Users can now contact Sumo support asking from which public IPs automations will be generated.
  • Playbooks:
    • Fixed playbook saving action that caused playbooks to be empty.
    • Fixed issue related to multiple manual action execution in the same playbook.
    • Fixed import issue.

Cloud SOAR

  • Entities: Fixed issue when creating new entity of type FILE.
  • Rules: Now it is not possible to create two rules with the same name.
  • Incidents: Fixed issue related to incident privileges.
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